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Is this a right-wing board?

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Well personally I really didn't bash President Bush when he was in office and for the most part I don't now. As for the last little bit you sound like an Adam Carolla podcast listener. :thumbsup:

I don't listen to podcasts until they're on newsstands.

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50 is probably a better barrier. And it's all older people of a certain age. The younger generation grew up in a different world. Some people still are disgusted by interracial or gay couples.


And I honestly respect everyone's opinion if it is presented the right way. but you guys like DC Tom who flex their internet muscles if you have a different point a view. I hate the 2 party system. It's stupid and it's flawed. But people treat it like it's the Bloods and the Crips. You have to only support your gang at all costs. There isn't one right way to do something. The truth is somewhere in the middle. But people here hate hearing that.

No your wrong. I don't cheer for any side as a matter of fact. I'm conservative. I'm not a liberal on social matters( ie:gay issues) but more middle ground. Live and let live type of mentality. However more Republicans come down on my side but many don't. Lots of them just want to maintain the status quo. They are well compensated professional politicians and don't want to rock the boat by adopting Tea Party style conservatism. Even if deep down they know its right. The Democrats are out of the question. Not because they are not my team but because they have been hi jacked by the radical left.

Edited by Dante
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I know I was one of the posters who brought up the fact that the board leaned right and was hard to respond to all of the conservatives every time I posted. I have no problem with it, but I couldn't point out any lefties on here. Lol. The righties made themselves well-known as soon as I got here.


The only problem I have is that a lot of conservatives here don't even listen to anyone else's POV. It's attack mode from the start. A couple already said that liberals are all emotion and never have facts or proof. I'm not that way at all. I am a numbers guy through and through. I like a good discussion!


I do miss the Official Bills MB political section. Really balanced there.

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I know I was one of the posters who brought up the fact that the board leaned right and was hard to respond to all of the conservatives every time I posted. I have no problem with it, but I couldn't point out any lefties on here. Lol. The righties made themselves well-known as soon as I got here.


The only problem I have is that a lot of conservatives here don't even listen to anyone else's POV. It's attack mode from the start. A couple already said that liberals are all emotion and never have facts or proof. I'm not that way at all. I am a numbers guy through and through. I like a good discussion!


I do miss the Official Bills MB political section. Really balanced there.


Too many of the liberals here are all emotion-driven ("Don't you care about other people?") Drives them to say very stupid, unrealistic things. Lots of conservatives have been here, too (is it 1billsfan that still hangs around and posts stupid ****? I forget.) But lots of them have been driven off.


Bottom line is: I find that the good posters here, I generally can't tell how they lean from their posts. But it's generally the real whack jobs on both sides like DiN, with their mindless regurgitation that lacks any connection with reality, that set the tone.

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Duh. It's is like a gang of right wingers that jump anyone with a different opinion. My guess: 80% or more posters are white guys over 40. For some reason people think everything is black and white when the answer is really a shade of gray.

But we need to quit thinking in terms of black and white :rolleyes: You really can make a great argument.

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Too many of the liberals here are all emotion-driven ("Don't you care about other people?") Drives them to say very stupid, unrealistic things. Lots of conservatives have been here, too (is it 1billsfan that still hangs around and posts stupid ****? I forget.) But lots of them have been driven off.


Bottom line is: I find that the good posters here, I generally can't tell how they lean from their posts. But it's generally the real whack jobs on both sides like DiN, with their mindless regurgitation that lacks any connection with reality, that set the tone.


And there was always good ol' Dwight Drane, who was about as conservative as they come...

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It was suggested by one poster last week that the PPP board is heavily slanted toward the right. That once the right wingers get going, the threads turn into a self congratulatory love fest of conservatism.


However, I do not think this is the case, rather, it might appear that way because most of the drive by and troll posters (DiN, Conner) are not the most eliquent in terms of thier arguments. I am speaking in a general sense, because there are many posters who while are more left of center, can and do phrase thier arguments in a concise and intellegent manner.


So what say you all? Is this a right-wing board, or is it just a matter of there being more right wingers with a better command of the art of argument and debate?


It's basically the John Birch Society here. I'm a libertarian-leaning independent who thinks Obama was, in fact, born in the United States. This makes me an ultra left winger at PPP.

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It's basically the John Birch Society here. I'm a libertarian-leaning independent who thinks Obama was, in fact, born in the United States. This makes me an ultra left winger at PPP.

Name some people here that believe Obama was born outside of the US

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It's basically the John Birch Society here. I'm a libertarian-leaning independent who thinks Obama was, in fact, born in the United States.


This makes me an ultra left winger at PPP.





You can incorrectly assume all you wish,


but its your posts and their content (or lack of) which identifies you here.



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Name some people here that believe Obama was born outside of the US


Um...it was tongue-in-cheek. There are some profoundly stupid regulars at PPP, but I seriously doubt any of them believe Obama was born in Kenya.

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I know I was one of the posters who brought up the fact that the board leaned right and was hard to respond to all of the conservatives every time I posted. I have no problem with it, but I couldn't point out any lefties on here. Lol. The righties made themselves well-known as soon as I got here.


The only problem I have is that a lot of conservatives here don't even listen to anyone else's POV. It's attack mode from the start. A couple already said that liberals are all emotion and never have facts or proof. I'm not that way at all. I am a numbers guy through and through. I like a good discussion!


I do miss the Official Bills MB political section. Really balanced there.


This is really what it comes down to. A few of the conservative posters are in attack mode from the start and you be hit hard (often w/ absolute garbage, sometimes with good points) right away from all angles. They're like a little pack helping each other or at least not discounting their own when the retardation starts flying. The liberals, hell many disagree with other liberals and even if they don't there's no gang bang from that side.


I mean I haven't come here that long but I have no idea who DiN is. Also just now seeing Mark Miller is a liberal (or at least less conservative than others here). There's basically one guy I've seen (in teh ACA debates) that I would identify as "on my side"...that doesn't mean there is one liberal...that just means...we're a different type of group.

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This is really what it comes down to. A few of the conservative posters are in attack mode from the start and you be hit hard (often w/ absolute garbage, sometimes with good points) right away from all angles. They're like a little pack helping each other or at least not discounting their own when the retardation starts flying. The liberals, hell many disagree with other liberals and even if they don't there's no gang bang from that side.

I mean I haven't come here that long but I have no idea who DiN is. Also just now seeing Mark Miller is a liberal (or at least less conservative than others here). There's basically one guy I've seen (in teh ACA debates) that I would identify as "on my side"...that doesn't mean there is one liberal...that just means...we're a different type of group.

Tell me about it. The infighting between all the liberals at PPP has been a major distraction. Us liberals are just so different and so cool.


Who needs a gang bang when you have autofellatio?

Edited by Jauronimo
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I mean I haven't come here that long but I have no idea who DiN is. Also just now seeing Mark Miller is a liberal (or at least less conservative than others here). There's basically one guy I've seen (in teh ACA debates) that I would identify as "on my side"...that doesn't mean there is one liberal...that just means...we're a different type of group.


Consider yourself fortunate.

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Any moderate and/or liberal should begin treating 3rdnlng as the conservative DiN if all you say about DiN is true. Make it happen. Conservatives...you should discount him. Cast his idiot self off to the side. :D


3rdnlng!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!! :nana:

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Any moderate and/or liberal should begin treating 3rdnlng as the conservative DiN if all you say about DiN is true. Make it happen. Conservatives...you should discount him. Cast his idiot self off to the side. :D


3rdnlng!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!! :nana:



BTW, in order to gang bang you gotta have the equipment. Just being a dick doesn't qualify you. :devil:

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I feel that it leans right. That's a nice change from some of the other boards that I frequent.


Folks here will try to pigeon hole you as "secretly progressive" because of disagreement on an issue. When I'm not "right" enough and the only group here pushing that distance is the conservative contingent that kinda betrays the board's ideological leanings.

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I feel that it leans right. That's a nice change from some of the other boards that I frequent.


Folks here will try to pigeon hole you as "secretly progressive" because of disagreement on an issue. When I'm not "right" enough and the only group here pushing that distance is the conservative contingent that kinda betrays the board's ideological leanings.


We've had some good discussion and also a disagreement or two. The only disagreement I remember specifically was your support of Obamacare. I just can't see anybody that isn't very much to the left supporting it. What I see the liberals on PPP trying to do is paint anyone who is a fiscal conservative and/or sympathetic to the Tea Party ideals as social conservatives and or fundamentalists.

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