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Good riddance you white devils

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We've long been a minority here in CA.



Well then at least you're getting lots of "services" and protection from the government against discrimination and have other people carrying the majority of the tax burden, right?

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I heard an astounding statistic the other day, and found it confirmed in this NYT Story: 73% of black children are born outside of marriage.


What a horribly sad statistic.


Larry Elder has been quoting those statistics for years.


Well then at least you're getting lots of "services" and protection from the government against discrimination and have other people carrying the majority of the tax burden, right?


The government has wanted those services to go to the majority for a long time. The Democrats are pissing in their pants they're so excited about this news.

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Something in that article doesn't make sense to me:


"One group still largely resists the trend: college graduates, who overwhelmingly marry before having children. That is turning family structure into a new class divide, with the economic and social rewards of marriage increasingly reserved for people with the most education".


why would the rewards be RESERVED for people with more education? what is stopping anyone from getting married before kids? I guess that statement might not be worded in a clear manner...

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Something in that article doesn't make sense to me:


"One group still largely resists the trend: college graduates, who overwhelmingly marry before having children. That is turning family structure into a new class divide, with the economic and social rewards of marriage increasingly reserved for people with the most education".


why would the rewards be RESERVED for people with more education? what is stopping anyone from getting married before kids? I guess that statement might not be worded in a clear manner...


Good catch. What an obnoxious message that is: "Only the educated may marry." Gaaaah!

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