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What's that they say about people in glass houses?





This from a man who on October 2, 2008, shortly before that evening's Vice Presidential debate, said of Palin:



"Is this [vice presidential debate] about her brain power?... Do you think cute will beat brains?...Do you think she’d do better on the questions on Jeopardy! or the interview they do during a half-time?...My suspicion is that she has the same lack of intellectual curiosity that the President of the United States has right now and that is scary!"


and more.......


They find these empty vessels who know nothing about the world! Nothing about foreign policy! Who immediately begin to spout the neo-con line. I read her book — it’s full of that crap....It’s unbelievable how little this woman knows!...Don’t put her on Jeopardy!



and more............



“Senator, do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States?...If she were on Jeopardy! right now and the topic was national government, American government generally defined, would she look like an imbecile, or would she look okay? Does she know anything?"



and more..........



“I’d like to see her on just a couple of episodes of Celebrity Jeopardy! or It’s Academic Mac McGarry to just see if she knows anything.”










I'm sorry. What was your point?



What? You mean a Bill O'Reilly rant from 30 years ago isn't an obvious connection to Chris Matthews Jeopardy appearance.....................................................can't you see it?




Meanwhile More Matthews Moronic Moments;


Chris Matthews to Black Bishop: ‘Hope you evolve’


GateWay Pundit




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