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Toronto Series Extension

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From a Canadian fan's viewpoint, I get why, but the first few games have sounded like the game was played in a mausoleum. I agree with an earlier post that states perhaps a winning record will help create excitement in the stands. I still wish all the games were in the Ralph though.

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Horrible!! The Bills will now have to stay in WNY instead of move to Los Angeles. A travesty I tell you!! <_<





As much as I hate it... Better one home game in TO then all the home games in LA.



As much as it pains me to think we're the only team in the nfl that loses a home game every year, if it helps the bills stay in buffalo, so be it. Sigh.



Get over it. It's probably here to stay, and helps the team stay in Buffalo. Don't be surprised to see more games added during the season.


This is how Ralph knows he can, with relative impunity, whore out this team to an apathetic city. He knows that these games have nothing to do with the likelihood of the Bills "going to LA" after he's dead. But he's sure glad you guys believe it.

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This is how Ralph knows he can, with relative impunity, whore out this team to an apathetic city. He knows that these games have nothing to do with the likelihood of the Bills "going to LA" after he's dead. But he's sure glad you guys believe it.

In all seriousness, what is your agenda on this forum?

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I have said it before and I will say it again, Its because the game is played accross the border that has many fans upset. Toronto, IIRC is closer to Buffalo then Milwaukee is to Green bay, yet Green bay fans didn't complain letting them have a game a year to try and regionalise that team. If the Game was in Rochester or Syracuse, fans wouldn't be whining and throwing tantrums about losing a home game, they would probably be applauding the front office for doing what they can to tap into new markets and do what it takes to keep a team in Buffalo. The same fans crying over the Bills making money with this deal are mostly the same ones that demand Ralph sell the naming rights on the stadium for the couple million it would bring the team in additional revenue.



But instead of making the less then 90 minute drive accross the border to come watch the game, like many unappreaciated Canadians do to help support your team when they play at home, stay at home and cry about Toronto not having the same atmosphere as the Ralph and the stadium being filled with the visiting teams fans

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It was so funny I forgot to laugh.



Sarcasm doesn't have to be humorous, sure there is satirical humor,but robots have no brain period so hence no reasoning. Some of your bizarre posts prove that over and over, year after year. To many microwaves?


Please do me a favor and put me on ignore idiot.You bore me.

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In all seriousness, what is your agenda on this forum?

WEO's just mad that Ralph isn't Bob Kraft, a guy who promised championships and then won them thanks to illegal videotaping. He also hates that Ralph has demanded more money from the Buffalo fans, threatening to move the team (1998), whereas Kraft only just had a deal with Hartford that was cancelled at the last second. I however have no idea what his problem with the Toronto series is, considering I'll bet he hasn't been to a game in over a decade, much less having season tickets, outside of it putting more money in Ralph's pocket. Because he doesn't spend it on top coaches, and the average fan doesn't care about the players that are brought in.

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the NFL is pushing for more and more international games anyway, so really the Bills are just calling their own shot and claiming an international market for themselves


Nobody else gets to play a game in Toronto every year; therefore the Bills have an advantage over other small to mid-market teams in that regard.

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WEO's just mad that Ralph isn't Bob Kraft, a guy who promised championships and then won them thanks to illegal videotaping. He also hates that Ralph has demanded more money from the Buffalo fans, threatening to move the team (1998), whereas Kraft only just had a deal with Hartford that was cancelled at the last second. I however have no idea what his problem with the Toronto series is, considering I'll bet he hasn't been to a game in over a decade, much less having season tickets, outside of it putting more money in Ralph's pocket. Because he doesn't spend it on top coaches, and the average fan doesn't care about the players that are brought in.

Well, I'd prefer for WEO to answer for himself, but Bob Kraft having the blind-ass luck to fall into Tom Brady -- thanks to a one-in-a-million injury to Drew Bledsoe -- is more responsible for those championships than anything Kraft has done.


And even if you envy the success of another franchise, it doesn't excuse continually defecating upon each and every thread on a forum for Bills fans -- unless you're either a troll, or a miserable person.

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I have said it before and I will say it again, Its because the game is played accross the border that has many fans upset. Toronto, IIRC is closer to Buffalo then Milwaukee is to Green bay, yet Green bay fans didn't complain letting them have a game a year to try and regionalise that team. If the Game was in Rochester or Syracuse, fans wouldn't be whining and throwing tantrums about losing a home game, they would probably be applauding the front office for doing what they can to tap into new markets and do what it takes to keep a team in Buffalo. The same fans crying over the Bills making money with this deal are mostly the same ones that demand Ralph sell the naming rights on the stadium for the couple million it would bring the team in additional revenue.



But instead of making the less then 90 minute drive accross the border to come watch the game, like many unappreaciated Canadians do to help support your team when they play at home, stay at home and cry about Toronto not having the same atmosphere as the Ralph and the stadium being filled with the visiting teams fans


I agree with your logic. Sure its not the drunk fest like at the Ralph but it is the Bills. Watching a game sober might be a good change for some of these fans.

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I agree with your logic. Sure its not the drunk fest like at the Ralph but it is the Bills. Watching a game sober might be a good change for some of these fans.


I don't know. I don't like the drunkfest at the Ralph, but I have watched football at the SkyDome or whatever they're calling it these days. Never again. That place is bad enough for baseball; it's absolutely horrible for football.

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I will never see this as anything but a black eye to this once proud franchise, it is a collossal embarrassment to Bills fans and the city of Buffalo, and handicaps the franchise to have to play 9 away games a year. You want to grow your fan base in toronto? How about some travel packages and selling some luxury suites to Toronto based businesses?


I really hope the next owner of this team scraps this abomination of an idea, if you want to move the team just do it already, don't lie to die hard fans telling them it's to increase fan base, I'd say we're all smarter than that.


Brandon was on WGR about a month ago mentioning that since they have tapped out both the Rochester and Buffalo Markets for luxury suites, that Toronto Businesses are the next area they would like to reach out to.


Is is possible that in order for a new owner to be approved that the NFL could stipulate that two regular season home games are played in Toronto in order to increase the Bills Total Yearly Revenue?

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Love it or hate it (I'm ok with it as long as no AFCE games are played there), the series HAS helped to regionalize (and thus make more financially viable) the franchise. I don't recall where I read it, but the Southern Ontario fan base has overtaken the Rochester fan base in season ticket support.


And don't forget, the Bills have SUCKED during the first years of the series. If we see a playoff-caliber team up there at the end of the year, I'm anxious to see how the composition (and excitement level) of the crowd changes.



Well said

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WEO's just mad that Ralph isn't Bob Kraft, a guy who promised championships and then won them thanks to illegal videotaping. He also hates that Ralph has demanded more money from the Buffalo fans, threatening to move the team (1998), whereas Kraft only just had a deal with Hartford that was cancelled at the last second. I however have no idea what his problem with the Toronto series is, considering I'll bet he hasn't been to a game in over a decade, much less having season tickets, outside of it putting more money in Ralph's pocket. Because he doesn't spend it on top coaches, and the average fan doesn't care about the players that are brought in.


I've made no bones about the fact that I am more impressed with Kreaft as an owner vs. Ralph. Few outside this site would argue against that point. He was a fan who bought a moribund team and turned it around. Sure he "lucked into Brady", but so what? Kraft has poured a ton of money into his franchise and the stadium and the surrounding area. He was the main reason the NFL was able to extract an insane amount of money from the network for the next 10 plus years. This benefits the Bills as well as all teams. You're just upset Matt Walsh never turned into your Erin Brockevich


I'm hardly the only one here who thinks that the Toronto deal was only good for ralph. You know this. Even the players don't like it. The fans up there hardly care for those games. The extra 78 million ralph pocketed resulted in no significant improvement (off season "wins" don't count) in the team. So who benefited from this? One man.


I went to at least a game a year until about three years ago. Work 7 days a week. I go to training camp every year it's been at SJF.


Well, I'd prefer for WEO to answer for himself, but Bob Kraft having the blind-ass luck to fall into Tom Brady -- thanks to a one-in-a-million injury to Drew Bledsoe -- is more responsible for those championships than anything Kraft has done.


And even if you envy the success of another franchise, it doesn't excuse continually defecating upon each and every thread on a forum for Bills fans -- unless you're either a troll, or a miserable person.


Other than upon many of yours, I've hardly done that. I have a different perspective than you, so what? Many here do. Some of my posts are straight up opinions, many are counter points I make to other opinions or arguments. I try always to provide data to support my position. That's what this place is for. It's not only for unquestioning followers like you. This isn't high school. We don't have to "hate" the owner of a team that has outperformed us for many years. I have no problem giving credit where it's due--either inside or outside the Bills. I'm hoping for the best this season, just like you. But I'm saving the gushing for games that are won, or at least played well.


If you can boil all of what a guy like Kraft has done to simply falling into Tom Brady, then you've exposed your overall ignorance and lack of curiosity once again. I don't mind shooting fish in a barrel every now an then, but put a little more work into your responses--move beyond the "troll or miserable person" crap.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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