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there is a reason mississippi didnt officially end slavery until 1992....


did you watch the south carolina repub debate?

I can only go from personal experience. The people in Mississippi I knew were very irritated by anything that could even slightly be construed as racist.


I listened to some of the debate replays on cspan on my XM, but usually was too tired to follow. I had to work during most of the debates, unfortunately.


I can only go from personal experience. The people in Mississippi I knew were very irritated by anything that could even slightly be construed as racist.


I listened to some of the debate replays on cspan on my XM, but usually was too tired to follow. I had to work during most of the debates, unfortunately.



62% of pepople in mississippi are against interracial marriage... :wallbash:

Posted (edited)

62% of pepople in mississippi are against interracial marriage... :wallbash:

I don't know if that's true or not. All I can tell you is that the people where I lived don't fit that description. The most racist place I lived was North Carolina, followed by Buffalo.


I don't know why anyone would even make that an issue at all. My philosophy is: if it doesn't affect you, kind your own business

Edited by Adam

62% of pepople in mississippi are against interracial marriage... :wallbash:

So one of the most impoverished, least educated states is still backwoods? Not exactly news. And it's not like your politics would be the thing to get them out of it, either.


62% of pepople in mississippi are against interracial marriage... :wallbash:



Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks as any state in the union? Are blacks that against interracial marriage? Are they that racist, or are you that racist for calling them out? Seems like it's time for you to do some soul searching.


So one of the most impoverished, least educated states is still backwoods? Not exactly news. And it's not like your politics would be the thing to get them out of it, either.

being racist and backwoods aren't the same thing. there are plenty of people that you'd likely characterize as backwoods, here in appalachia. Yet outright racism is pretty uncommon and not generally tolerated. a planned kkk march in a small local city resulted in the group being outnumbered by many times by ordinary local folks shaming the racists for hiding their identities under hoods but remaining peaceful. undereducated and hateful are two very different things.


and adam, i would argue that hate does effect everyone, making or appearing to make everyone around it a little less human: those that are discriminated against, those that watch idly by , those that try to take action against it risking threat or injury and the active racists who give in to the animal instincts and mob mentality.


I lived two years in Mississippi and saw far less racism than i did in buffalo and north Carolina.


You didn't see the Mississippi I saw then. I have never seen racism like I saw in Mississippi, but maybe that was because I was part of a Southern family who let their guard down. I never heard the n-word said more often than that time and I never saw people treated so poorly. I hope to never see it again.


being racist and backwoods aren't the same thing.

That's your definition.

there are plenty of people that you'd likely characterize as backwoods, here in appalachia. Yet outright racism is pretty uncommon and not generally tolerated. a planned kkk march in a small local city resulted in the group being outnumbered by many times by ordinary local folks shaming the racists for hiding their identities under hoods but remaining peaceful. undereducated and hateful are two very different things.

I wouldn't put the populous of Mississippi in the "undereducated" group. I'd put them in the "uneducated" group. I've been all over this country and Mississippi was by far the worst place. It's like stepping into a time machine to the dregs of American history.


That's your definition.


I wouldn't put the populous of Mississippi in the "undereducated" group. I'd put them in the "uneducated" group. I've been all over this country and Mississippi was by far the worst place. It's like stepping into a time machine to the dregs of American history.

So what's your point? uneducated people are inherently racist? there are plenty of examples contradictory to this. i gave one. lack of education doesn't excuse or explain hate and racism. and there are plenty of educated racists. the eugenics movement is full of them.


So what's your point? uneducated people are inherently racist?

Quite a leap. Inherently? No. More likely? Yes.

there are plenty of examples contradictory to this.

Of course there are. Any more pearls of wisdom you'd like to offer while looking down your nose?

lack of education doesn't excuse or explain hate and racism.

Never said it did. It does, however, contribute mightily in places like Mississippi. You can argue that all you want - I don't care.

and there are plenty of educated racists. the eugenics movement is full of them.

Some of the most educated people are the largest drones. Lack of education isn't the only source of the problem and more education isn't the sole solution. While things are generally as simple as they seem, one size rarely fits all.


You're one defensive dude.


You didn't see the Mississippi I saw then. I have never seen racism like I saw in Mississippi, but maybe that was because I was part of a Southern family who let their guard down. I never heard the n-word said more often than that time and I never saw people treated so poorly. I hope to never see it again.

The only people that used that word much where I lived were blacks- they stopped, when they saw it made me uncomfortable. I never said it was perfect down there. Sorry about your bad experience down there, but my experience does show there are a lot of good people down there as well. Good and bad people are everywhere.


Mitt Romney up by EIGHT everywhere.....has lead to desperation.....................and its only May ! !


CNN Host Compares Romney to George Wallace



Obama Camp: It’s Just Romney Who’s Evil, Not Private-Equity Firms






Washington Post



Newsweek Contributor Compares Ann Romney to Hitler and Stalin on MSNBC







Mitt Romney up by EIGHT everywhere.....has lead to desperation.....................and its only May ! !


This would be a lot easier if Mitt Romney had divorce papers that could be unsealed.


This would be a lot easier if Mitt Romney had divorce papers that could be unsealed.




Good one LABF,


I wonder how many posters even get your reference.




The Democrats better start sending political hacks into the bathhouses to grouse out more faggots and unemployed illegal alien college grads with their "women's studies" degrees or they are going no where with Barry.

But you mean it in a non-bigoted way, right?

Now, JA? Kidding aside, THIS is an example of real bigotry. Notice the well placed use of an epithet, coupled with a largely accepted terms, in an effort to present all as acceptable and reasonable discourse. Notice the attachment of all these to the black president, so that the guilt by association is set firmly in place? Finely tailored, fundamentally sound bigotry. :lol: Now run along, and don't come back until you can consistently demonstrate that you can tell the difference.

I can believe Romney is up. Just not by 8.


Rasmussen does lean right in it's polling. Look at 2008 polls for proof.

No, Rasmussen leans accurately in it's polling. 2008 is the prime example of that. Just because you don't like the outcome, doesn't mean the methodology Rasmussen uses isn't sound.

I use to smoke and eat faggots and then beat myself with a faggot for being such a faggot.

Jesus. So did you/do you hang out at the Pink, in Allentown? :lol:

I wore sweater vests.

Yes, we know.

I wonder what the excuse will be this time...."Gallup has been infiltrated by Fox News". :rolleyes:

I lived two years in Mississippi and saw far less racism than i did in buffalo and north Carolina.

By far the most racist town, and Democratic town, I have lived in, and afterwords, worked in consistently since: Pittsburgh, PA. That the Rooney Rule comes from Pittsburgh is no accident. It's an attempt to counter the prevailing attitude in that city, and entire region. If you want a shock and to see what the antebellum south looked like....drive out past the Airport towards Aliquippa. All of a sudden you will be in "black town", complete with the county sheriff patrolling the "border" and asking you to state your business. It was surreal, and it wasn't even close to an urban area. We got there by doing what I enjoy: taking a random drive to find things like cool dive bars and restaurants. I took a "wrong" turn...and was promptly told to turn around and that "you ain't gonna find nothing but !@#$s here, buddy".

This would be a lot easier if Mitt Romney had divorce papers that could be unsealed.


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