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crazy boys baseball team forfeits championship

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To be fair. "And then the lord said, Girls cannot play baseball" Lev. 18:12


I thought girls could play baseball, but not during their time of "sickness." For that is truly an abomination.

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Letting them play baseball is just the start of a slippery slope. Pretty soon we're going to have dogs and cats playing second base on high school teams, or teams are going to try to start multiple players at the same position.

Edited by Ramius
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Says the person who wasn't the kid who lost the wrestling match.

I think that would be interesting; a story on one of those guys who lost to a girl, forfeited, and beat a girl...and see what they think of that "moment" 10 years after the fact.

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Girls playing baseball is illegal in North Carolina - we were smart enough to outlaw this type of craziness.


Oh, but sex with goats is still ok; in fact it's recomended.


We're bad at tons of stuff in this state, but at least we're not Florida.


Chuck Pierce shreds this story here.

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