B-Large Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 The Prez now fully supports Gay Marriage- Now some of you guys can put your aggression aside on this board, as soon you will be able to Marry your Man Crush....I am not naming any names, but you know who you are..... Oh, and gas prices seem to be easing.... LOL
DC Tom Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 The Prez now fully supports Gay Marriage- Now some of you guys can put your aggression aside on this board, as soon you will be able to Marry your Man Crush....I am not naming any names, but you know who you are..... Oh, and gas prices seem to be easing.... I'm sure the two are related.
John Adams Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 (edited) About time. The "evolving" thing was embarrassing. Welcome to this year's abortion issue, an issue that doesn't matter but will take up a ton of time.At least it's one of my favorite topics. Edited May 9, 2012 by John Adams
B-Large Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 About time. The "evolving" thing was embarrassing. Welcome to this year's abortion issue, an issue that doesn't matter but will take up a ton of time. Messed up Entitlements, Debts, Deficits......... these are not the importatn issues right now...... LOL
DC Tom Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 About time. The "evolving" thing was embarrassing. Welcome to this year's abortion issue, an issue that doesn't matter but will take up a ton of time.At least it's one of my favorite topics. And here I thought this statement was embarrassing...the timing of it makes it look like someone said "O, Biden's showing you up, and you look like your cabinet's in mutiny. Better say something quick." Which really isn't Obama's fault. Just...!@#$ing politics.
\GoBillsInDallas/ Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 Of course, the better news for you single guys today is that Sofia Vergara is available: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/sofia_vergara_in_love_split_liAOWjFyayTup0AIwl2evN
3rdnlng Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 My take on this is that Obama did not want to come out for gay marriage since it is obvious that the majority of people are against it. Biden and the ensuing questions from the media and guys like Ed Rendell forced him to take a stand.
DC Tom Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 Of course, the better news for you single guys today is that Sofia Vergara is available: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/sofia_vergara_in_love_split_liAOWjFyayTup0AIwl2evN Nice picture. When does she pull out an extra-long pistol and shoot down the Batplane?
John Adams Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 (edited) And here I thought this statement was embarrassing...the timing of it makes it look like someone said "O, Biden's showing you up, and you look like your cabinet's in mutiny. Better say something quick." Which really isn't Obama's fault. Just...!@#$ing politics. I thought the Biden thing was a litmus test for Obama. If he got skewered, Obama lets the issue slide. If he got lauded, he follows Biden's lead. Same conclusion though: Just...!@#$ing politics. And no matter what Romney says about what happened with Grenell, it makes them stand in stark contrast. Edited May 9, 2012 by John Adams
DC Tom Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 I thought the Biden thing was a litmus test for Obama. If he got skewered, Obama lets the issue slide. If he got lauded, he follows Biden's lead. Same conclusion though: Just...!@#$ing politics. That makes Biden out to be like Mikey from the Life cereal commercials. "Hey Barack, maybe you should voice your support for gay marriage." "I'm not gonna try it, you try it!" "I know...let's give it to Joey!"
IDBillzFan Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 And no matter what Romney says about what happened with Grenell, it makes them stand in stark contrast. So it's official? Time to pick up your Obama 2012 bumper sticker? Wow. You AND Obama come out on the same day. Who saw that coming?
John Adams Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 So it's official? Time to pick up your Obama 2012 bumper sticker? I would vote for Obama before DiN and DiE, but that's about it. It will be fun being called a liberal for the next few months because I agree with him on this issue though.
B-Large Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 I would vote for Obama before DiN and DiE, but that's about it. It will be fun being called a liberal for the next few months because I agree with him on this issue though. You suck Liberal! LOL I agree, could not care less if two men, or two women want to marry. This is the land of freedom and liberties, in mu opinion this one goes without saying.
B-Man Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 Thank God Mr. O. has "evolved" Q: “Mr. Obama, you've said that your religious faiths, your religious faith, dictates that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Would you elaborate on that?” OBAMA: “Well, what I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman, but what I also believe is that we have an obligation to make sure that gays and lesbians have the rights of citizenship that afford them visitations to hospitals, that allow them to be, to transfer property between partners, to make certain that they're not discriminated on the job. I think that bundle of rights are absolutely critical.” Q: “Excuse me, but as far as, why? What in your religious faith calls you to be against gay marriage?” OBAMA: “Well, what I believe, in my faith, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it's not simply the two persons who are meeting. But that doesn't mean that that necessarily translates into a position on public policy or with respect to civil unions. What it does mean is that we have a set of traditions in place that, I think, need to be preserved, but I also think we have to make sure that gays and lesbians have the same set of basic rights that are in place. And I was glad to see, for example, that the president today apparently stated that he was in favor of civil unions. This may be a reversal of his position but I think it's a healthy one. I think, on this, President Bush and I disagree, apparently, with Mr. Keyes on this, because I think that that kind of basic ethic of regard towards all people, regardless of sexual orientation, is a valuable thing.” Q: “Let me ask you, let me interrupt and ask you a very quick follow-up question. Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?” OBAMA: “No. I don't. I--I—I…” Q: “You think it's innate.” OBAMA: “I think that, for the most part, it is innate. I think that, obviously, it may vary in certain circumstances, but I think that it is something that is a part of their identity. Now—but…” Q: “That being the case, Mr. Obama--that being the case, if something is not a choice, if something is innate, then why isn't it a civil right, and why isn't your support of…” OBAMA: “Well, I think that…” Q: “…civil unions, as opposed to marriage…” OBAMA: “…I think that…” Q: “…does that amount to ‘separate, but equal’?” OBAMA: “No. I think there are a whole host of things that are civil rights, and then there are other things--such as traditional marriage--that, I think, express a community's concern and regard for a particular institution.” Q: “So, marriage is not a civil right, as far as you're concerned.” OBAMA: “I don't think marriage is a civil right, but I think that being able…” Q: “Is it a human right?” OBAMA: “But I think that being able to transfer property is a civil right. I think not being…” Q: “Do you think marriage is a human right?” OBAMA: “I think that not being able to, not being discriminated against is a civil right. I think making sure that we don't engage in the sort of gay-bashing that, I think, has unfortunately dominated this campaign--not just here in Illinois, but across the country--I think, is unfortunate, and I think that that kind of mean-spirited attacks on homosexuals is something that the people of Illinois generally have rejected.” Weekly Standard Now, I certainly don't want to be cynical, but one might agree with the notion that Mr. Obama was forced into this. But Most Importantly............always remember........in the media....President Obama "evolves" and Mitt Romney "flip-flops" .
B-Large Posted May 9, 2012 Author Posted May 9, 2012 Thank God Mr. O. has "evolved" Weekly Standard Now, I certainly don't want to be cynical, but one might agree with the notion that Mr. Obama was forced into this. But Most Importantly............always remember........in the media....President Obama "evolves" and Mitt Romney "flip-flops" . Barack "Darwin" Obama Versus Mitt "Myth" Romney
Just Jack Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 Of course, the better news for you single guys today is that Sofia Vergara is available: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/sofia_vergara_in_love_split_liAOWjFyayTup0AIwl2evN Another source told us that Vergara and Loeb’s relationship stumbled under the pressure of her growing fame and popularity. Her success on “Modern Family,” and as host of “Saturday Night Live” — as well as her obvious sex appeal — big boobs and accent has turned her into one of TV’s biggest female stars. fixed
Doc Posted May 9, 2012 Posted May 9, 2012 I would vote for Obama before DiN and DiE, but that's about it. It will be fun being called a liberal for the next few months because I agree with him on this issue though. Why not aspire to something better; like being called an "independent?"
B-Man Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 Everyone knew that Obama was under intense pressure from pro-gay marriage fundraisers and bundlers, and that his campaign was way behind the goal of reaching $1 billion as the general election just got started. So Obama rolls out a half-measure that he “personally” thinks gay marriage should be legal, but that it should be up to the states to decide … um, isn’t that how it is now? California decided, but the federal judiciary intervened. North Carolina decided, and as of this moment the Democrats still are having their national convention there. Over 30 states have decided against gay marriage, and a small number in favor (via the judiciary or legislature). That is the status quo gay marriage supporters detest, yet they are cheering Obama’s endorsement of the status quo as if it were a watershed moment. Don’t you get it by now? It’s all about him. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “It is good to see that after intense political pressure that President Obama has finally come around to the Dick Cheney position on marriage equality.” – GOProud’s Chris Barron .
OCinBuffalo Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 (edited) You suck Liberal! LOL I agree, could not care less if two men, or two women want to marry. This is the land of freedom and liberties, in mu opinion this one goes without saying. Correct....which is why if we do anything nationally on this issue, we need to proceed carefully, and not take away one group's freedom and liberties to satisfy another group's. Does anyone honestly believe that the idiot lawyers won't sue a church, to force them to marry a gay couple, if there isn't specific language in whatever we end up doing preventing it? We are talking about people who sued the F'ing Boy Scouts here. The Boy Scouts. Yeah, an evil organization if there ever was one... Who should the Boy Scouts see about recovering the millions of dollars they had to spend on lawyers, and not on scouting, because of other lawyers and the jackass agenda they represent? Are you gonna help them pay for that? How much are their freedom and liberties worth? On the open market? Turns out it's millions of dollars. What happens when it's your organization's rights on the line? Oh, I know, then you'll just fire up the full-time state and federal lobbyists your trade organization maintains, right? Call up NYASHA or whatever, they'll take care of it, right? Where's the Boy Scout lobbyist? Well, I can assure you...if they didn't have them before, they sure as hell have them now. And people dare to cry about lobbying. Lobbying is just as much about protecting yourself from the government, as it is doing things to the government. Are the Boy Scouts allowed their freedom and liberties? Or, are they second class citizens because....some misguided clown says so? Since when is America about F'ing people over, enriching lawyers, and wasting tons of taxpayer money....trying to strip a private, non-profit organization of its rights? Edited May 10, 2012 by OCinBuffalo
Keukasmallies Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 Can you say politically expedient? After the November election, will the position on gay marriage evolve further; or will it REvolve to something a bit less than support for same sex marriage? We'll just have to see what Sasha and Melia have to say at the dinner table, won't we? Smooth move, BO, take some of the sting out of a position shift by embracing the girls and their friends. AAaaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!
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