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Seeing is bill-ieving - reality check

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After reading through several posts, I can see the annual offseason optimism is in full force. I think as fans of our team, it's great to be enthusiastic, but the love-fest for Buddy & Co is reminiscent of the unearned praise given to Sabres owner Terrance Pegula upon his arrival and following the personnel moves made by the Sabres front office.


Sabers fans were already planning the Stanley Cup parade through Lafayette Square. Unfortunately for the team and fans, you have to make the playoffs to have a chance of winning the cup.


Again, as is the yearly tradition, Bills fans are ever hopeful and some actually believing the Bills will be a team to be reckoned with in 2012. Maybe they will be, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Bills fans are the Charlie Browns of NFL fans. We keep attempting to kick the football held by Lucy, believing "this time I'll really kick it".


I'm always hearing the words "on paper". The proof is in the pudding. Unless a couple players really step up or there are some surprise breakout players or free agents, the Bills still have weaknesses that teams contending for the Lombardi trophy don't usually have.


Wideouts - still need a complimentary receiver for S Johnson.

Linebacking is average at best

Corners - plenty of potential, but still green

O-Line - LT spot still not settled. Don't expect Glenn to step in and be anything more than average as a rookie

QB - Fitz is smart and a team leader. He's still a journeyman QB. When I see one complete season of top tier QB play out of him, I'll be totally on board with him. For now, he's Frank Reich 2.0. - serviceable and able to win some games. Where's our Jim Kelly?


If the Bills can stay healthy - and that's a big if - they are probably an 8-10 win team. Does anyone really believe the Bills are capable of winning 12 games or more? The real question to be answered is can they finish strong? (as the Giants did in 2011).


"On paper" Nix has done a good job, but to quote the man himself, "show me the baby". I'll reserve my valentine's wishes to Buddy when I'm still watching live Bills games well into January.

Edited by DML2005
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Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning? Don't you know the Bills are going to win the Superbowl this year!?




Thanks for the dose of reality, we all are very optimistic with all the moves being made, but we all should know there is still a lot to be proven.

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Buddy needs to get to work on the 2013 free agents, Byrd, Levetra for sure. No rest for a GM, there is always more to do, and if cap space is available, there should be no higher priority now that the "plan" for 2012 is in place. OK, maybe another QB, but after that I mean.

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After reading through several posts, I can see the annual offseason optimism is in full force. I think as fans of our team, it's great to be enthusiastic, but the love-fest for Buddy & Co is reminiscent of the unearned praise given to Sabres owner Terrance Pegula upon his arrival and following the personnel moves made by the Sabres front office.


Sabers fans were already planning the Stanley Cup parade through Lafayette Square. Unfortunately for the team and fans, you have to make the playoffs to have a chance of winning the cup.


Again, as is the yearly tradition, Bills fans are ever hopeful and some actually believing the Bills will be a team to be reckoned with in 2012. Maybe they will be, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Bills fans are the Charlie Browns of NFL fans. We keep attempting to kick the football held by Lucy, believing "this time I'll really kick it".


I'm always hearing the words "on paper". The proof is in the pudding. Unless a couple players really step up or there are some surprise breakout players or free agents, the Bills still have weaknesses that teams contending for the Lombardi trophy don't usually have.


Wideouts - still need a complimentary receiver for S Johnson.

Linebacking is average at best

Corners - plenty of potential, but still green

O-Line - LT spot still not settled. Don't expect Glenn to step in and be anything more than average as a rookie

QB - Fitz is smart and a team leader. He's still a journeyman QB. When I see one complete season of top tier QB play out of him, I'll be totally on board with him. For now, he's Frank Reich 2.0. - serviceable and able to win some games. Where's our Jim Kelly?


If the Bills can stay healthy - and that's a big if - they are probably an 8-10 win team. Does anyone really believe the Bills are capable of winning 12 games or more? The real question to be answered is can they finish strong? (as the Giants did in 2011).


"On paper" Nix has done a good job, but to quote the man himself, "show me the baby". I'll reserve my valentine's wishes to Buddy when I'm still watching live Bills games well into January.


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Some people just cant sit back and enjoy something. We have needed to address our pass rush since 99 and we finally did with 15 sacks from a year ago. We had a solid draft and resigned alot of our own guys. Cry me a river that the Bills didnt draft Peyton Manning this year at number 10. Fitz was awesome before injuries piled up. Ive seen him do it before and I billieve he can do it again

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After reading through several posts, I can see the annual offseason optimism is in full force. I think as fans of our team, it's great to be enthusiastic, but the love-fest for Buddy & Co is reminiscent of the unearned praise given to Sabres owner Terrance Pegula upon his arrival and following the personnel moves made by the Sabres front office.


Sabers fans were already planning the Stanley Cup parade through Lafayette Square. Unfortunately for the team and fans, you have to make the playoffs to have a chance of winning the cup.


Again, as is the yearly tradition, Bills fans are ever hopeful and some actually believing the Bills will be a team to be reckoned with in 2012. Maybe they will be, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Bills fans are the Charlie Browns of NFL fans. We keep attempting to kick the football held by Lucy, believing "this time I'll really kick it".


I'm always hearing the words "on paper". The proof is in the pudding. Unless a couple players really step up or there are some surprise breakout players or free agents, the Bills still have weaknesses that teams contending for the Lombardi trophy don't usually have.


Wideouts - still need a complimentary receiver for S Johnson.

Linebacking is average at best

Corners - plenty of potential, but still green

O-Line - LT spot still not settled. Don't expect Glenn to step in and be anything more than average as a rookie

QB - Fitz is smart and a team leader. He's still a journeyman QB. When I see one complete season of top tier QB play out of him, I'll be totally on board with him. For now, he's Frank Reich 2.0. - serviceable and able to win some games. Where's our Jim Kelly?


If the Bills can stay healthy - and that's a big if - they are probably an 8-10 win team. Does anyone really believe the Bills are capable of winning 12 games or more? The real question to be answered is can they finish strong? (as the Giants did in 2011).


"On paper" Nix has done a good job, but to quote the man himself, "show me the baby". I'll reserve my valentine's wishes to Buddy when I'm still watching live Bills games well into January.


On the one hand, I do agree with you. The FO seems to be making good FA and draft choices, but many a good choice doesn't pan out on the field. I still have some questions about the coaching and game planning, too.

And rookies/young players make mistakes, it's just inevitable.


On the other hand, I can't rid myself of a few facts:

-"Teams Contending for the Lombardi Trophy" in recent years have had major gaps. A few: NE at defense and questionable running game. Texans went to the playoffs this year with a young, marginal rookie QB and a D that had been 28th in the league the year before. Giants played all year with a questionable D and their now-hailed QB has averaged about 61% completions for the last 4 years and led the league in picks with 25 in 2010.


The point (on both sides) is that you can't measure heart and drive to succeed. Teams that have heart and drive (as well as sufficient talent and quality coaching) overcome those "weaknesses". And that's something which can't easily be predicted. You just have to wait and see. It's not uncommon that the "better" teams in the playoffs sit down, while the team that wants it more gets by them. There were several examples in this year's playoffs.


I think the Bills have, or are close to having, sufficient talent at this point. I think the jury's still out on the quality of the coaching and game planning, and whether they really have the heart and the drive.


The bottom line is, "show me the baby"

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After reading through several posts, I can see the annual offseason optimism is in full force. I think as fans of our team, it's great to be enthusiastic, but the love-fest for Buddy & Co is reminiscent of the unearned praise given to Sabres owner Terrance Pegula upon his arrival and following the personnel moves made by the Sabres front office.


Sabers fans were already planning the Stanley Cup parade through Lafayette Square. Unfortunately for the team and fans, you have to make the playoffs to have a chance of winning the cup.


Again, as is the yearly tradition, Bills fans are ever hopeful and some actually believing the Bills will be a team to be reckoned with in 2012. Maybe they will be, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Bills fans are the Charlie Browns of NFL fans. We keep attempting to kick the football held by Lucy, believing "this time I'll really kick it".


I'm always hearing the words "on paper". The proof is in the pudding. Unless a couple players really step up or there are some surprise breakout players or free agents, the Bills still have weaknesses that teams contending for the Lombardi trophy don't usually have.


Wideouts - still need a complimentary receiver for S Johnson.

Linebacking is average at best

Corners - plenty of potential, but still green

O-Line - LT spot still not settled. Don't expect Glenn to step in and be anything more than average as a rookie

QB - Fitz is smart and a team leader. He's still a journeyman QB. When I see one complete season of top tier QB play out of him, I'll be totally on board with him. For now, he's Frank Reich 2.0. - serviceable and able to win some games. Where's our Jim Kelly?


If the Bills can stay healthy - and that's a big if - they are probably an 8-10 win team. Does anyone really believe the Bills are capable of winning 12 games or more? The real question to be answered is can they finish strong? (as the Giants did in 2011).


"On paper" Nix has done a good job, but to quote the man himself, "show me the baby". I'll reserve my valentine's wishes to Buddy when I'm still watching live Bills games well into January.


Every team has weaknesses, DML. Do you remember the Packers OLine from two years ago? It was abysmal. The Giants secondary last year was awful, but they masked their weakness with a very strong DLine. I'm not saying the Bills are Super Bowl contenders just yet, but there have been awesome moves this offseason that look VERY bright for the future which is why I think the optimism is there. The players are excited and the fans are excited. There is a buzz about the team that hasn't been around in awhile. I prefer optimism to pessimism.

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"On paper" Nix has done a good job, but to quote the man himself, "show me the baby". I'll reserve my valentine's wishes to Buddy when I'm still watching live Bills games well into January.


You are one pessimistic individual. So you want to wait till after the success happens to be happy ? I likely speak for most of the fans here in that we enjoy the journey and hope for a rosy destination.


Isn't it a given that every team is either better or worse on paper only at this point ?

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DML- I don't think anyone is booking flights for New Orleans just yet. And, I have been as down on this franchise as anyone in the last 5 years...but you have to admit, this off season, whether everything works out the way we hope, it is hard not to feel like something is different for the first time in quite a while. Now, like you, I am cautious, because I remember, when Tom Donohoe was running the show, we had some pretty great off-seasons as well... but, for the first time, it feels like the franchise is allowing us to dream, rather than tempering our enthusiasim about everything. Nothing wrong with trying to enjoy it.


You are right, we need only to look at the Sabres as a local, cautionary tale. However, even with them, as disappointing as this season was, the committment from management/ownership still gives me a pretty optimistic feeling about that franchise...a team that is doing what it will take to get better...rather than one that is just existing, for the sake of existing. This off-season, the Bills have come a long way in that department, baby! Re-signing guys (Steve Johnson, Fred Jackson, etc) who, just two years ago, in the same situation would have been as good as gone, IMO.


There are those who will claim that there is nothing new, that the Bills have always been mindful of success, rather than dollars...to them, I call BS. But, for whatever reason (I am not going to look the gift horse in the mouth) this off-season, it feels like Mr Wilson has given Buddy Nix the green-light to "go for it". This kind of stuff doesn't happen often, so why not enjoy it?

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If you can't be optimistic this time of year, ESPECIALLY after the off-season we've had, when the hell can you be?


You "realists" kill me sometimes. It's like you just don't want to set yourself up for failure. I guess it hurts too much when things don't go the Bills way.


Personally, I hope for the best every year. Things could easily go the opposite of how you described them.



wideouts- easly finally stays healthy and is a big threat and compliment to stevie


linebackers- shep in his 2nd year, barnett and morrison as starters. really not so bad imo. with any luck the new kids catch on quiclky


corners- green yes, but a pass rush will help take some pressure off them till they get experience


oline- why can't I think Glenn will step in and do a fine job?...Hairston got by last year as a 4th rd pic. I damn well expect glenn to be starting come September


qb- Fitz showed what he can do last year. The key is for the team to stay healthy. We now have some depth to hopefully be able to not miss a beat when we get some injuries



And the one thing you didn't mention. and it's kind of important. We now have a pash rush. This will not be last years defence. totally changes everything.



So yea, don't dream too big. It'll just hurt you too much if they fail. Me, I hope for the best every year. One of these years I'm bound to be right....I'm with senetor. 19-0 baby!

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After reading through several posts, I can see the annual offseason optimism is in full force. I think as fans of our team, it's great to be enthusiastic, but the love-fest for Buddy & Co is reminiscent of the unearned praise given to Sabres owner Terrance Pegula upon his arrival and following the personnel moves made by the Sabres front office.


Sabers fans were already planning the Stanley Cup parade through Lafayette Square. Unfortunately for the team and fans, you have to make the playoffs to have a chance of winning the cup.


Again, as is the yearly tradition, Bills fans are ever hopeful and some actually believing the Bills will be a team to be reckoned with in 2012. Maybe they will be, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Bills fans are the Charlie Browns of NFL fans. We keep attempting to kick the football held by Lucy, believing "this time I'll really kick it".


I'm always hearing the words "on paper". The proof is in the pudding. Unless a couple players really step up or there are some surprise breakout players or free agents, the Bills still have weaknesses that teams contending for the Lombardi trophy don't usually have.


Wideouts - still need a complimentary receiver for S Johnson.

Linebacking is average at best

Corners - plenty of potential, but still green

O-Line - LT spot still not settled. Don't expect Glenn to step in and be anything more than average as a rookie

QB - Fitz is smart and a team leader. He's still a journeyman QB. When I see one complete season of top tier QB play out of him, I'll be totally on board with him. For now, he's Frank Reich 2.0. - serviceable and able to win some games. Where's our Jim Kelly?


If the Bills can stay healthy - and that's a big if - they are probably an 8-10 win team. Does anyone really believe the Bills are capable of winning 12 games or more? The real question to be answered is can they finish strong? (as the Giants did in 2011).


"On paper" Nix has done a good job, but to quote the man himself, "show me the baby". I'll reserve my valentine's wishes to Buddy when I'm still watching live Bills games well into January.



Looking good on paper is better than looking bad, which is what we have looked like for years.

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Looking good on paper is better than looking bad, which is what we have looked like for years.


Yep! And Buddy doesnt play in the games or coach on the sidelines. His entire job is making us look good "on paper". That is all he can do. Use the resources available to put together the best team possible. It's still up to the coaches and players to "show us the baby". So imo, the Buddy lovefest IS warranted and rational, as we finally have a GM who has not only made moves the fans wanted, but for once made BETTER moves than the fans wanted.


Best offseason in 20+ years, possibly ever. If you cant get excited now, then dont bother watching.

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Pegula is doing everything he can to win The Cup. The Bills are making big moves to be a contender. As a fan you can't ask for more than that and that is reason to be optimistic. This time maybe Charlie Brown is gonna say heck with the football and boot Lucy through the uprights!

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I think we can all agree on the ugliness of the last 12 years looking backwards. Then again, the strength of the current personnel moves seems undeniable. The best part is that the only players we seem to be losing right now are the ones that can be replaced in the draft (with a little patience of course). Personally, as good as I think this team will be this year, I think it's nothing compared to where they could be 2 or 3 years from now if they stick to their plan. Keep it up Buddy Nix! :beer:

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I am happy that we are trying to be a championship team.


I love the front office and the moves they are making. I like their mindset, and I don't need anyone telling me about their perceived reality

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