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Buddy has a down home flavor.


Don't know what you're talking about.


But rather than critique, why don't you try your hand at one seeing as you're the expert.




edit: "trash-talking gangster poet?"


Buddy says things like "we're all trying to rob the same train" and "I'm a riverboat gambler."


That makes him a "southern gentleman?"


Thanks for your expertise and criticism.


You add great value.



Thanks, Mark!

I laughed too. especially the MR Wilson. Thanks!!


Anyways, its not like this team didn't spend money during the last 12 years. They just spent it wrong. Like on new free agents Derrick Dockery, Langston Walker, etc. instead of on retaining Jason Peters, Antoine Winfield, etc.




It's too bad we're three years into this and people still don't believe what Buddy has said from day one, which is basically that Ralph has never told him how much to spend or not to spend.


And this.

Posted (edited)

I'll let the OP answer - he used the phrase first. But if you google the phrase you'll see it has a generic meaning beyond the old credit card brand.

Oh, I know about the generic meaning, the sort of "blank check" in this case. Just wondered what you meant, the long-gone credit card (which Ralph would know about) or if the OP's spelling was wrong.


Pointless discussion, I know, but what the heck.

Edited by Dennis in AZ

You think they are just building a good team so it will be worth more to either keep or buy when the time comes that Ralph finally does pass away ??


I mean come on if a franchise is in a state of being a loosing team the price isn't as high as it is when it's a winning team , maybe there is more to this than meets the eye . Ralph is quite the business man after all !!


Oh, I know about the generic meaning, the sort of "blank check" in this case. Just wondered what you meant, the long-gone credit card (which Ralph would know about) or if the OP's spelling was wrong.


Pointless discussion, I know, but what the heck.



My spelling was off originally I spelled card blanche... But the correct spelling is carte blanche, literal translation is blank check; can be used the same. It's a french term. In this context it means full power.


The first response was a childish correction of my spelling (heh you try to speak and write 3 languages without mixng up a word occasionally), to which I reacted childishly by posting a link to the netiquette (a 1995 definition of how to behave socially on the internet; rfc is basicly a library of standarizations that amongst other things brought us http and tcp/ip which in turn allows you to read the stuff you are reading now).


It's too bad we're three years into this and people still don't believe what Buddy has said from day one, which is basically that Ralph has never told him how much to spend or not to spend.



Is that the same day that he hired George Edwards and "Curtis Modkins" out of thin air?


Is that the same day that he hired George Edwards and "Curtis Modkins" out of thin air?

As I usually find myself saying when I see a post of yours, "what is your point?"


Scene: Meeting at One Bills Drive between Buddy, Jim Overdorf and Jeff Littman. (Russ Brandon is outside the room with his ear pressed up against the door)


Jim Overdorf: Hey Buddy, what's this rumor about us trying to sign Mario Williams?


Buddy: Ya gotta make hay while the sun's shining I always say…


Littman: So it is true. Are you outta your mind? Do you know how much the Bears had to pay to get Julius Peppers?


Buddy: Them horses that win that there Breeder's Cup? They weren't bought at the 4H auction you know…


Overdorf: Have you spoken to Ralph about this? (Brandon correcting Overdorf in his mind silently mouths the words to himself "Mr. Wilson")


Buddy: That hound don't hunt no more… let him lie… ain't no cause to be gettin' 'im all squirrely.


Littman: Ralph's gonna be pretty angry… (Brandon correcting Littman in his mind silently mouths the words to himself "Mr. Wilson")


Buddy: Sonny, the only thing Ralphie gets angry about these days is if his cream of wheat ain't hot or his prune juice ain't cold. Say, what's your name again? (Brandon correcting Nix in his mind silently mouths the words to himself "Mr. Wilson," then the words "Jeffrey Littman")


Overdorf: He's the treasurer but I'm the guy who negotiates contracts… what kind of contract do you think it'll take?


Buddy: Bigger than the one you had me give Kelsay… and what is it with this Kelsay kid, does he have pictures or something?


Overdorf: (cutting off Nix) Never mind that. Okay I think we can bring this to Ralph and maybe get him to sign it with the other checks. (Brandon correcting Overdorf in his mind silently mouths the words to himself "Mr. Wilson")


Buddy: (chuckling to himself and wearing a big grin) Here's a thought, why don't you tell Ralph that there's a new sheriff in town and his name ain't Russ Brandel… ((Brandon correcting Nix in his mind silently mouths the words to himself "Mr. Wilson," then the word "Brandon")



Littman: You mean tell him the truth? (Overdorf cringes at the word, Brandel pees a bit in his underwear)


Buddy: Sonny you tell him what you need to tell him. This meeting is getting tiresome. I think I'm gonna go take me a nap. Yall have a good day now. Close the door when you leave will ya?



San Jose....you are such a jerk.....you just got me in trouble for spewing coffee all over my keyboard...... :angry:




The Bills could go 0-16 for ten straight years and they wouldn't be one nickel less valuable. NFL teams are pure gold. A toy only the richest of the rich can afford. The ultimate status symbol. No, this sudden burst of spending is not about selling the team. It's about Ralph seeing a winner before he leaves.




No argument from me Promo. I may not have have always agreed with, but I have always respected Ralph's decision making on what to do with his team. At 93 years of age, over 50 years as an owner of and a Hall of Famer, that is the least he deserves.

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