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UPDATE: QB Vince Young Signs With Buffalo Bills

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Dear Buddy,


I have been a fan and a season ticket holder since 1987. My passion for this team has never wavered. I became a Buffalo Bills fan after years of growing up as a Giant fan. In 1987, I moved to Buffalo and needed to root for a team I thought I could more identify with. At that time Ronnie Harmon had dropped the pass that would have changed the Buffalo Bills franchise around and in spite of that I saw great things happening for the Bills so I made the commitment emotionally and financially. I am saying this with all honesty. If you sign Vince Young I will take my business else were. That is a promise.



For some reason I can picture a new hybrid wildcat cooked up by Chan where Fitz, VY AND Smith are in some really strange looking I formation... call it the three headed dragon formation...



That's pretty funny.


But anyways, I come back to school and the first thing I do is go on this website. I then see a whole bunch of articles on Vince Young coming to Buffalo on TBD and I think what everybody is saying about this. I click on this expecting 2 or 3 pages, maybe half of a fourth page; instead I see 11 pages (almost 12) and I'm like,"Congradulations guys." Not sure if I should laugh or applaud you guys. :worthy:

You made the right choice.


Fisher never wanted the kid. It was a toxic fit for some reason.



He's been .500 or better every season but last year, on teams that were bad without him.

I also remember hearing that Bud Adams wanted to draft Young and that Fisher was against it. It's not hard for me to imagine that it wasn't a good pairing for either man.


Not sure what to make of Andy Reid's comments… tend to think they're a bit dishonest.


I trust Chixley. It's not like Vince Young would be able to damage this organization. Even if he signs and things start to go south a bit, you just cut him and bring in a different player who's better than Thigpen.


Anyways at this point, it's just a workout… and probably a chalk board session and constant evaluation by several people.




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I'm glad they're giving him a workout. If he's better than Thigpen, which he probably is, then sign him...if we're sure there won't be any QB controversy drama.


He has a history of controversy, as well as a questionable work ethic, and I never want to see any episode ala Johnson-Flutie. The Bills, to me, are a stable team of likable guys. I worry that Young could be a harbinger of said drama but I'm also willing to keep an open mind.


And just to temper some of the posts I've seen here, and especially elsewhere about him unseating Fitz and even winning us a SB (just saw that one), the guy was cut...


for Trent Edwards. :sick:

Edited by JustinAtlanta
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If Philly doesn't want him and Trent Edwards is their Backup no thanks.


Everyone keeps bringing this up, it's BS. Trent Edwards is camp fodder. Their backup who took over last year when young got injured played ok. They also drafted a qb in the 3rd round.

Edited by Captain Caveman
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After tossing this around, here goes:


1) If they sign him, they will NOT be putting a 20 million dollar (or close to it) signing bonus into the hands of a sick kid as is what happened when he was a rookie. This is obviously good news. It would/should be a Belichick/Mallet situaton. If you screw up, you're outta here.


2) Mathmatecally, there will be at least 1 game where passng will not be much of an option. Check out the schedule in December. This guy can run.


3) If he plays well, they can either keep him (assuming the deal is for more than a year), or trade him and get a return for their speculative investment. Quarterbacks have big time trade value, as we all know.


4) Chan works well with Kordell Stewart types.


In short, I am not seeing such a big risk in signing him to a 2 year deal for not so much money, but the key would be a limited signing bonus.



I personally will never forgive VY for what he did to that college girl in Georgia.

What happened?

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I have no worries at all. Buddy and Nix are straight shooters and will tell VY he is to be the back up and if her accepts that and is fine with it then they will sign him.


Plus, I am sure they will structure his contract in a way that lets them dump him at any time without taking much of a hit.

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If they sign him it wont be PS. Brad smith is needed for wildcat and also a good WR backup. So this must mean theyre looking to get rid of thigpen. Also think it indicates they know they need someone to pressure fitz as starter.


They may be looking for someone to pressure Fitz as starter. They may not be looking for someone to pressure Fitz as starter. But if they are looking for someone to pressure Fitz as starter, they need to look somewhere other than Young.


Fitz plays a cerebral game based on spread offense and pre-snap reads. VY is dumb as a box of rocks and couldn't make a pre-snap read and adjustment, much less a post-snap adjustment, if it came with a pony and a free trip to the beach. VY can play QB in the NFL, but the game he needs to play is completely different than Fitz's game. It's not like they could plug him into the game plan and bench Fitz if he's having a Bad Beard Day.


That would mean they'd have to ask players to be ready to play two completely different games. And asking even pro players to be constantly ready to play two completely different games is Bad - see Bills D last year.


I'm glad they're giving him a workout. If he's better than Thigpen, which he probably is, then sign him...if we're sure there won't be any QB controversy drama.


Better by what measure? W-L record of teams he played on? Check. Personal QB statistics? Ah, that would be no - completion percentage is slightly better, but his TD to INT ratio makes up for it, esp last year.

Better brain? Doubtful. Better ability to "make stuff happen" with his feet, better arm, check. :unsure:


I don't know how we can be sure there wouldn't be any QB controversy drama. The first bad game Fitz has, I know TBD would be alive with the sounds of people screaming to pull that "noodle armed interception machine" and try VY ('cuz he's got a stronger arm and his INTs get there faster :devil:)

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Even Vick's not that stupid.

You sayin he's smarter than Mitt Romney?


After tossing this around, here goes:


1) If they sign him, they will NOT be putting a 20 million dollar (or close to it) signing bonus into the hands of a sick kid as is what happened when he was a rookie. This is obviously good news. It would/should be a Belichick/Mallet situaton. If you screw up, you're outta here.


2) Mathmatecally, there will be at least 1 game where passng will not be much of an option. Check out the schedule in December. This guy can run.


3) If he plays well, they can either keep him (assuming the deal is for more than a year), or trade him and get a return for their speculative investment. Quarterbacks have big time trade value, as we all know.


4) Chan works well with Kordell Stewart types.


In short, I am not seeing such a big risk in signing him to a 2 year deal for not so much money, but the key would be a limited signing bonus.




What happened?

Just a joke. Someone confused VY for Mike Vick. The reference was about Roethlisberger and Plaxico.

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If they sign him it wont be PS. Brad smith is needed for wildcat and also a good WR backup. So this must mean theyre looking to get rid of thigpen. Also think it indicates they know they need someone to pressure fitz as starter.


Or actually keep 3 qbs and not count smith in that


Based on last year with the Eagles, what evidence do you have to support this?


Ah- based on 3 games with a team that kind of imploded that he signed with in like August. Come on. Thats like using the same standard on thigpen. Its not totally fair.

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I'm glad they're giving him a workout. If he's better than Thigpen, which he probably is, then sign him...if we're sure there won't be any QB controversy drama.


He has a history of controversy, as well as a questionable work ethic, and I never want to see any episode ala Johnson-Flutie. The Bills, to me, are a stable team of likable guys. I worry that Young could be a harbinger of said drama but I'm also willing to keep an open mind.


And just to temper some of the posts I've seen here, and especially elsewhere about him unseating Fitz and even winning us a SB (just saw that one), the guy was cut...


for Trent Edwards. :sick:

The team is too close, imo, for one player to come in and disturb it. More likely, the team would be able to help Young turn things around due to support and a "family" environment.

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The fact that Fitz played with 4 cracked ribs and played poorly in spots and still Thigpen was not on the field pretty much sums up what chan thinks of him. Young is 31-19 as a started and has a lot of the tools you need to be an elite qb. I can not see how bringing him is as a back up is a bad thing. I think this also shows how the front ofice thinks. They couldn't improve the qb postion with their draft picks but since the draft ended they signed two udfa and now are bringing in young.

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