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German nympho...my heart breaks for these guys...

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From the sounds of it, those guys may have needed to grow a new pair because she had worn the old pair right off............


I like how a woman does this and she just gets taken in for psychiatric treatment, if the Nympho was a man, he would have been hauled into jail for Rape

Edited by apuszczalowski
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Depends on what she looks like. Speaking of which, I just watched "Horrible Bosses" with my wife yesterday. I thought it was funny, but wholly unreal, since a boss as hot as Aniston who is constantly throwing herself at you would not make her a "horrible" boss. My wife didn't agree, but I didn't care.

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Depends on what she looks like. Speaking of which, I just watched "Horrible Bosses" with my wife yesterday. I thought it was funny, but wholly unreal, since a boss as hot as Aniston who is constantly throwing herself at you would not make her a "horrible" boss. My wife didn't agree, but I didn't care.

While I think almost every male would agree, that was part of the comedy/joke to the movie and they joked about it a few times telling Charlie that she doesn't sound so bad

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She looks a bit worn for 23.


She was STUPID to get a boob job. She went for the slutty look, when she could have done much better for herself going with the All American girl look, like her mother had.

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Gone wild? She's 23. Looks like a typical college party to me. You have to remember not everyone went to school in WNY where the common attire was a sabres sweatshirt.


She's young good looking and at a party. Her dad isn't president, he's a former hockey player.


I honestly see nothing wrong.

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Slutty and hot do NOT work together in my book.


Worse than just slutty, she looks like your typical spoiled, vapid, self-centered party girl. Now, Ive never met her so that may not be the case, but that is how she comes off.


Id hit it... with a brick.

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Worse than just slutty, she looks like your typical spoiled, vapid, self-centered party girl. Now, Ive never met her so that may not be the case, but that is how she comes off.


Id hit it... with a brick.


Tom Robbins


" the most discriminated against group of people are the rich. people just assume because you are rich..you are an !@#$. Well let me tell you, I have met a lot of rich arseholes in my life, and i have met a lot of poor arseholes in my life. Only difference is rich arseholes can buy their own drinks"


BTW, I am with Stojan..looking back at pictures from spring break 25 years ago..our group would look just the same.

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