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The Republican's War on Women And

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"Maybe you haven’t heard the news lately ladies, but for reasons only they comprehend, Republican men are waging war on you. That’s right. Full-scale combat. A veritable crusade. We’re talking no contraception, no abortions, no Planned Parenthood, needless vaginal probing, and they’ve only just gotten started.


And what are you doing about it? Not much.


Here’s the scenario: If we elect Mitt Romney, and both houses of Congress end up being dominated by passengers from the clown bus, God only knows how far they’ll go. Will humorless federal agents in black suits, earpieces and reflecting sunglasses be stationed in your bedroom? Will your ovaries become the property of the state? Will women’s suffrage be repealed? Will you be required to wear chastity belts and/or burqas? Will burning witches at the stake return as a reality show?"

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"Maybe you haven’t heard the news lately ladies, but for reasons only they comprehend, Republican men are waging war on you. That’s right. Full-scale combat. A veritable crusade. We’re talking no contraception, no abortions, no Planned Parenthood, needless vaginal probing, and they’ve only just gotten started.


And what are you doing about it? Not much.


Here’s the scenario: If we elect Mitt Romney, and both houses of Congress end up being dominated by passengers from the clown bus, God only knows how far they’ll go. Will humorless federal agents in black suits, earpieces and reflecting sunglasses be stationed in your bedroom? Will your ovaries become the property of the state? Will women’s suffrage be repealed? Will you be required to wear chastity belts and/or burqas? Will burning witches at the stake return as a reality show?"


If the irony of Blumenthal being a former Playboy editor didn't cause that site to recognize that blog posting was a comedy piece, then the great big banner that said "COMEDY" probably should have.


Which isn't to say it was funny...it wasn't. But you'd have to be a complete tool to take it serio...oh, wait, nevermind.

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If the irony of Blumenthal being a former Playboy editor didn't cause that site to recognize that blog posting was a comedy piece, then the great big banner that said "COMEDY" probably should have.


Which isn't to say it was funny...it wasn't. But you'd have to be a complete tool to take it serio...oh, wait, nevermind.

Yeah, but I doubt Erica Ritz is any less a toll than the intended targets of that Blumenthal piece. Not to mention (and to paraphrase an old saying), many a true thing has been suggested in jest.

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If the irony of Blumenthal being a former Playboy editor didn't cause that site to recognize that blog posting was a comedy piece, then the great big banner that said "COMEDY" probably should have.


Which isn't to say it was funny...it wasn't. But you'd have to be a complete tool to take it serio...oh, wait, nevermind.



No kidding. A man can't even go fishing here without someone scaring all the fish away.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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That reminds me of a clip from The Man Show where they were trying to get people to sign a petition to end Women's Suffrage and all the morons that signed it without knowing what Suffrage is.



I would have known exactly what is was, and I would have signed it.

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Just another in a long line of banal thread starters.


Gee Johnny, you can take a morning dump and still be full of schit. Not only that though, you think it doesn't even stink. Your superiority complex is alive and well this morning.

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Gee Johnny, you can take a morning dump and still be full of schit. Not only that though, you think it doesn't even stink. Your superiority complex is alive and well this morning.


Oh sorry, you're right. Excellent thread. Well done chap.


Please post a link to the new study that wind farms contribute to global warming. Fox just hit your knee with a hammer--time for you to kick like a good little lemming.

Edited by John Adams
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Oh sorry, you're right. Excellent thread. Well done chap.


Please post a link to the new study that wind farms contribute to global warming. Fox just hit your knee with a hammer--time for you to kick like a good little lemming.


Well Sue, just this once will I do your homework for you. You really need to learn to Google and cut and paste for yourself though.




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