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Hello and welcome to SelmonSmith6378 Spotlights, Buffalo Bills Forums official review post/thread/thing/whatever. Im your host, SelmonSmith6378, and this is my first post. Here, I'll be posting my thoughts on movies I've seen. Suggestions are welcome, but mostly I'll stick to what I know. But where to start? Well...I'll have you know I've seen a TON of movies over the past two weeks, so I'll have plenty of material. But let's start of with what was one of my most anticipated films 2 YEARS AGO that I finally saw a few days ago...Daybreakers.


"Daybreakers" has one of the most interesting premises I've heard from a blockbuster. Particularly a vampire film (Man, I'll be getting tons of comments on Twilight now, won't I?) The movie takes place in 2019, where all of humanity has been stricken by a virus. (Speaking of viruses, anyone else excited about REC: Apocalypse...Oops, sorry. Thinking aloud again. Won't happen again gents.) Anyway, the virus has turned most of the population into vampires, which is B-A-D news for any remaining humans, who more then likley end up getting captured (literaly) like dogs and harvested for blood. The films protagonist is Edward Dalton (Ethan Hawke), a blood scientist who has a soft spot for humanity. After saving the lives of two humans from the Vampire Military, dedicated to the capture and harvestation of all remaining humans, he is recruited by a covert group of humans led by Audrey (Claudia Karvan) and Elvis (Willem DaFoe), who are trying to invent a cure to end the vamp virus.


Let me tell you, "Daybreakers" almost manages to live up to my massive expectations for it. It may not be the best blockbuster I've seen in years, but it is incredibly interesting, smart, and engaging. Which is really a rarity considering how many sci-fi garbage films will get released per year and be praised as amazing (cough, cough "Avatar", "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen/Dark of the Moon", the endless library of "Pirates of the Carribean" movies) I mean, not only is this plot really satisfying, it's really well thought out as well. A vampire virus would effect not only our diet but our economy, form of transportation and even our personality, as shown by the main antagonist of the film.


Speaking of antagonists, "Daybreakers" has loads of incredibley interesting characters I would have loved to learn more about. Ranging from the conflicted Edward, a blood scientist going against everything his company stands for, to Charles (Sam Neil), Edward's cold, calculating boss who wants to keep the status quo. Hell, he even seems a bit unsure when the prospect of a blood substitute is brought up. Yeah, when you watch this, there will definitley be at least one character you really like.


The film manages to get suiperb performances out of it's actors, which is no surprise when you got Hamlet, Dr Grant and the Green Goblin in a cast together. The actors almost become their characters here, especially Ethan Hawke, doing a great performance as the conflicted Edward. I'll admit, I had my doubts when Sam Neil was chosen to play the films antagonist. Lord knows, he was just so likeable as "Jurassic Park's" Alan Grant. However, he delivers in a very creepy and very cold performance. I loved it.


Of course, to the action dogs scoffing on my comments on "Transformers 2" and "Avatar", be aware this film has plenty of great fight scenes. I'll admit some of them seemed a Bbit unnecessary, but when it comes down to it, I had so much fun during these scenes it didn't really matter. And not only does this film has violence and action sequences, it has gore. Loads of gore. You're not going to see sparkly vamp wannabes neatly place their fangs into someones neck. You're gonna see vampires, literally, ripping and eating the flesh of human beings, heads being exploded. Nasty stuff, I mean, I could barely watch.


So, to conclude, "Daybreakers" is a great, intelligent, and sometimes emotional blockbuster that will be sure to satisfy the hunger of vamp fans dreadfully sick of the Twilight franchise. It may not be a masterpiece,m but it's a darn good piece of entertainment. It's worth a rent, and if you're a hardcore vampire fan, a buy.



Edited by SelmonSmith6378

Good stuff.


If you're into vampire movies, I offer this gem up as a suggestion for one of your future reviews. Be curious to see what you think of it.


Oh, I've heard of that one. Will probably get to reviewing it soon. FYI, my review for "The Smurfs" is up right now if you wanted to check it out and post a comment.



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