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Is BPA or need more important in rd 2?

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I was thinking about this. We need OT, LB, and WR most but depth everywhere else. If you are Buddy do you take the BPA or reach for need in round 2.

I think we should stick with BPA in this round. I would not move up and give up picks. I say stay at 41 and take BPA. Starting round 3 I think need wins out.


In our case, with the need we have for depth, I think BPA wins out. If we were a playoff team, I might think otherwise.

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NFL teams use the phrase Best Player Available. Not just fans.

Doctor, as you must know during a moment of clarity, when you Tee up the first round you can take nothing less than BPA. Satisfy your needs afterwards. such as LT WR LB.

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People who talk about "BPA" apparently fail to understand that the 'best' player for the Bills


How could the BPA player be anything else than the best player for the team? BPA for the most part, means don't draft on need if the guy is not probably great.


It's better to have two great players competing at a strength then drafting average because you have 'bad' at the position.

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