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Would ya? Ms Irrelevant

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I believe based on my occupation, I'm MORE than irrelevant.


So keep your mitts off my missus!


At least you create something. I work for the government. :nana:



The syphilis is strong with this one.....




Read the comments, didn't you?

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At least you create something. I work for the government. :nana:





Read the comments, didn't you?



I thought this one was better:


Breaking news...Mr. Irrevelvant found dead in a New York City area hotel only hours after being drafted.






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That woman is crazy. That being said if I where Chandler I would have a night of fun with her. She is cute but not too hot where she won't want to do the crazy stuff. If you were drafted last and were single why the hell not?

After watchin that vid she is all about the crazy stuff.

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