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Wisconsin recall election

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Why would Walker people do this? They aren't the desperate ones.


Already the dems have sent out an e-mail requesting donations to fund a new round of phone calls to all recall petitioner signers to make sure they know they still need to vote.


Oh, so they want to raise money off this completely deniable allegation?


Reached over e-mail, Barrett spokesperson Phil Walzak said, If true, this shows the desperation of Walker and his right wing allies in the final hours of the campaign, and the depths to which they will sink to maintain their grip on power at the expense of the people and values of the great state of Wisconsin.



This shows desperation, all right, but the Walker campaign isn't the one that's desperate.


I love the egregious deniability here: If true... Great intro phrase for the sleazy rumor-mongers of the world.


Ann Althouse



Edited by B-Man
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??:?? + 120: Fox and CNN reports Walker wins. Angry Ed blows out his brains. Chris Matthews says "I always loved you" to a picture of Obama before swallowing a cyanide pill.

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What time will we know the official results?


Depends...do you mean the official official results, or the "we've recounted until we finally got the results we want" official results?


Or the "We've recounted, and can't get the results we want, so they're not officially official" official results?

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18% reporting: Walker up 61% to 39%.


Only 18% of Dane County (Madison) reporting so far: Barrett up 55% to Walker 45%

Fox News just said hoping to call it in "minutes"


Next up, break Ohio's unions.

Edited by jboyst62
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