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Bounties are Nothing New; Introducing Hardy Brown


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Ok, so the bounty story is old-hat in our 24-hour news-cycle world. However, I came across this video and thought I'd share it. At the very least it's entertaining. For Hardy's sake let's hope Roger Goodell doesn't see this; he may try to levy a fine on him. Enjoy.


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Ok, so the bounty story is old-hat in our 24-hour news-cycle world. However, I came across this video and thought I'd share it. At the very least it's entertaining. For Hardy's sake let's hope Roger Goodell doesn't see this; he may try to levy a fine on him. Enjoy.


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Football WAS a man's sport, for men people :thumbsup: back in the day. Not men dressing up on Sundays and playing a "kids game for millions of dollars". I love all the old crazies.

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