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Jim Kelly video from Montana TV station

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It never gets old remembering how much fun it was having him as our QB.


I never knew just how much of a fan I was of Jimbo's until I literally cried during his HoF speech. I'll never forget the look on my ex-wife's face when she saw me tearing up like a little kid...I couldn't help it, though. It honestly felt like I was sitting there along with every other Bills fan in the country and around the world, watching him and reminiscing about the time we had together (no homo). The only other time I've even come close to feeling that way about a celebrity or sports figure Dale Murphy. Watching him get traded to the Phillies and hearing him emotionally talk about his time with the Braves really hit home with me. But yeah, the days when Jimbo was our leader were the good ol' days...we all went on one hell of a ride.


And to every single one of you a-holes who booed this man in 1996 in favor of Todd Collins, you can all suck it. Each and every one of you - and you know who you are - should write a personal letter of apology to our fearless leader. Shame on all of you.

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