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The wait is the worst part.


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If by some chance, both the Jets and the Bills win, we have to wait until 7 or 7:30pm Sunday night, to find out if were in or were out of the playoffs. I will be a emotional wreck by then. I hope our spot in the playoffs will be sown-up by 4pm so I can party hard the rest of the day! I also believe that the (GULP) Rams gives us our best chance at making the playoffs. I do believe in fate, though and I think it is our destiny to be in the playoffs. I just hope the Bills don't think they reached the mountain top by simply making the playoffs.


BTW. Do you think the Bills will allow the Jets score to be announced at

"The Ralph"? It might be too distracting to the players as well as the coaches. If the Jets score early that might discourage the Bills as well.

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