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(SUW) Would you work for free?


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I have a feeling this airline is about to go completely under....




The newspaper said the airline has sent extra workers and executives to Philadelphia to help restore services, but is seeking employees to work for free between Dec. 30 and Jan. 3.


"This is a volunteer program," the airline said in an e-mail to staff published by the newspaper. "You will not be paid if this is on your days(s) off. It promises to be a rewarding opportunity to learn more about the operation of our airline and come face to face with our customers."

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It promises to be a rewarding opportunity to learn more about the operation of our airline and come face to face with our customers."



;):blink: Is this rewarding opportunity tax deductible as a charitable contribution?

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We work for free all the time. Whenever, major contract awards are up, senior staff are expected at least to review pieces relevant to their skills. A lot of times we wind up writing major portions of the proposals. Most of the work is done at night and weekends on our own time. Of course, if one wants to have a job and keep a company solvent that's what you do. Of course one could sit there and B word and moan about it, and when the company goes under, blame the government and look for handouts from the government.

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I hope they don't fold within the next 12 months. My wife and I plan on using our accumulated frequent flyer miles from USAir for the Bills home opener next September. If someone buys them out, I hope they have flights into Buffalo and that the miles are transferrable. I was able to use miles that I accummulated through TWA with American when they took over and actually am using them this weekend to fly First Class from Orlando to Chicago. I couldn't use them from Chicago to Buffalo though since American only uses the smaller jets into Buffalo now.

Hang on for one more football season USAir!!

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We work for free all the time.  Whenever, major contract awards are up, senior staff are expected at least to review pieces relevant to their skills.  A lot of times we wind up writing major portions of the proposals.  Most of the work is done at night and weekends on our own time.  Of course, if one wants to have a job and keep a company solvent that's what you do.  Of course one could sit there and B word and moan about it, and when the company goes under, blame the government and look for handouts from the government.



You can always make up the missed OT by burning CD's/DVD's..

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I've come into work for free a few times, but I sure wouldn't do it for a company like US Air. Their employees get treated like crap on a regular basis. If I was working there and got a call like this from my boss, I'd just laugh and laugh until my boss hung up.

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I've come into work for free a few times, but I sure wouldn't do it for a company like US Air. Their employees get treated like crap on a regular basis. If I was working there and got a call like this from my boss, I'd just laugh and laugh until my boss hung up.


So you would rather they went out of business and you would have no job. Of course any benefits would be lost or at least held through the bankruptcy, so forget COBRA benefits, retirement plans, etc... Yet you would probably turn around and demand the government support you, because you were selfish. ;)

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So you would rather they went out of business and you would have no job.  Of course any benefits would be lost or at least held through the bankruptcy, so forget COBRA benefits, retirement plans, etc...  Yet you would probably turn around and demand the government support you, because you were selfish.  ;)



I understand your comment that people sometimes "work for free." I'm a salaried employee and routinely put in 50-70 hours/week.


That said, if the company were sinking (and there's no questioning that US Air is in tough times right now), I'd be spending December 30th - January 3rd updating and sending out my resume... Company loyalty died in the 80s (and it was the corporations that killed it). My 2 cents.


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So you would rather they went out of business and you would have no job.  Of course any benefits would be lost or at least held through the bankruptcy, so forget COBRA benefits, retirement plans, etc...  Yet you would probably turn around and demand the government support you, because you were selfish.   ;)


Good morning to you too. No, in reality, I wouldn't be working for a company like that to begin with. I work hard and give my all to my employer, so I don't have to deal with crap like U.S. Air doles out. As I just said, I give my best to my employer, and I expect the same in return.


The real question posed in this thread is "would you work for free?" My answer is yes. I guess it is also important to point out that I don't feel any loyality to U.S. Air as I've never worked there, but I would do whatever it takes to keep the company I work for now on the right track.


One other thing, as long as I have a working body and/or mind, I would NOT ever ask for assitance from the government.

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Good morning to you too. No, in reality, I wouldn't be working for a company like that to begin with. I work hard and give my all to my employer, so I don't have to deal with crap like U.S. Air doles out. As I just said, I give my best to my employer, and I expect the same in return.


The real question posed in this thread is "would you work for free?" My answer is yes. I guess it is also important to point out that I don't feel any loyality to U.S. Air as I've never worked there, but I would do whatever it takes to keep the company I work for now on the right track.


One other thing, as long as I have a working body and/or mind, I would NOT ever ask for assitance from the government.


Fair enough. Personally I don't know what US Air has supposedly done that is so horrible, so I won't speak to it. But if I worked for a company that needed help I would support tham so long as it didn't interfere with previous plans. But if all I planned on doing was watching soaps all day, I would help out a few hours.

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One other thing, as long as I have a working body and/or mind, I would NOT ever ask for assitance from the government.



To try and lighten the mood of the thread (because notice it is a SUW thread!), I have to reply to this comment:


Get out there and shovel a path through the snow for your car all the way from your driveway to wherever you want to go. The government doesn't want to assist you in your commute ;)



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Fair enough.  Personally I don't know what US Air has supposedly done that is so horrible, so I won't speak to it.  But if I worked for a company that needed help I would support tham so long as it didn't interfere with previous plans.  But if all I planned on doing was watching soaps all day, I would help out a few hours.



I don't know most of the US Air details either. But notice that they want people to fly into Philly and work (away from their family) for nearly a week. Unless, of course, CNN just worded things improperly and that request didn't go out to people outside of Philly...



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I understand your comment that people sometimes "work for free."  I'm a salaried employee and routinely put in 50-70 hours/week.



But, that is not really "working for free" since you are being paid to do your job.

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I don't know most of the US Air details either.  But notice that they want people to fly into Philly and work (away from their family) for nearly a week.  Unless, of course, CNN just worded things improperly and that request didn't go out to people outside of Philly...




I didn't hear that. The wording they used was they were asking all US Air employees to just come into work over those days to help out. I hadn't heard about Phily only.

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I didn't hear that.  The wording they used was they were asking all US Air employees to just come into work over those days to help out.  I hadn't heard about Phily only.



From the intro of the article:

US Airways, the bankrupt No. 7 U.S. airline, is seeking volunteers from non-union staff to work for free at its troubled Philadelphia operations over the New Year's weekend, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.


Followed by this paragraph:

The newspaper said the airline has sent extra workers and executives to Philadelphia to help restore services, but is seeking employees to work for free between Dec. 30 and Jan. 3.


I don't know, the impression I still get is that they want people to work for free in Philly. If they just want you to go do your normal job for free, how does that help you see how the company works and have more customer face to face time?



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