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Man sues hospital 28 years later

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There really should be a statute of limitations on this. After 28 years, dude is just being doing this to be snippy

He bris watch his back and quit worring about circumcision, mohel guys in prison would be more worried about dropping the soap.

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The guy got the short end of the stick.


He probably should take out a lawsuit against his parents in that case.

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tis' not when you are a kid.......think about the health reason


some people are just ignorant to the reason why they are such things that drs do when you are born.


It's not a doctor-driven issue, it's primarily what the parents wish for their kid. Docs don't typically take the stance that it's something that is medically required or necessary and, last time I read something about the issue, the rate of circumcision was less now than it was 10 or 20 years ago.


When i did my Peds rotation during my RN schooling, I have to admit that I was shocked at how traumatizing the procedure was. My privates were snug and comfy within my scrubs and far away from the MD's scalpel, but I remember those images and the babies horrifying screams like it was yesterday. Of all the stuff I've seen in my 11 years as an RN, that is close to the top of my list of one of the most traumatizing - to ME. If you've never seen it done, you might feel impacted one way or the other after seeing it done.

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tis' not when you are a kid.......think about the health reason


some people are just ignorant to the reason why they are such things that drs do when you are born.

:lol: And what "health reasons" are those? Please, enlighten me.


Edit: And oh, make sure to include why these health reasons outweigh the trauma associated with a procedure that is, quite simply, healthy tissue removal from an infant.

Edited by LeviF91
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