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Alabama shatters BCS records in football....

The Poojer

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What kind of morons have the trophy out where it can be knocked down? FSU's 2 crystal footballs are proudly on display...inside of a glass case in a wooden stand. The only way they're getting knocked over is if you drive a car into the athletic facility.

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What kind of morons have the trophy out where it can be knocked down? FSU's 2 crystal footballs are proudly on display...inside of a glass case in a wooden stand. The only way they're getting knocked over is if you drive a car into the athletic facility.


Considering they just won it, it was probably out for display or a ceremony.


I know it's tough for you to remember all the way back to when FSU last won theirs, but I'd guess they did something similar at the time. :nana:

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