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This news plus the news yesterday showing the US Justice Department investigating the GSA underscores how much a mess Washington, DC has become under President Barack Obama.


Don't be surprised to see O get hit in new political polls.



Secret Service Agents Face Questioning on Misconduct



CARTAGENA, Colombia About a dozen Secret Service agents faced questioning by the agencys internal watchdog on Saturday as part of an investigation into accusations of misconduct involving prostitution here in Cartagena, where President Obama arrived on Friday for a summit meeting.


In addition, five United States military service members who were working with the Secret Service unit and staying in the same hotel have been confined to quarters and are facing an investigation because they violated a curfew and might have been involved in inappropriate conduct, the military said.


The Secret Service agents had been sent to Colombia to provide support to teams preparing security measures ahead of the presidents arrival. Late last week, the Secret Service abruptly replaced the entire unit....


Jackie Calmes reported from Cartagena, Colombia, and Eric Schmitt from Washington. Charlie Savage and Michael S. Schmidt contributed reporting from Washington, and Matt Flegenheimer from New York.


This news plus the news yesterday showing the US Justice Department investigating the GSA underscores how much a mess Washington, DC has become under President Barack Obama.


Don't be surprised to see O get hit in new political polls.



Secret Service Agents Face Questioning on Misconduct



CARTAGENA, Colombia About a dozen Secret Service agents faced questioning by the agencys internal watchdog on Saturday as part of an investigation into accusations of misconduct involving prostitution here in Cartagena, where President Obama arrived on Friday for a summit meeting.


In addition, five United States military service members who were working with the Secret Service unit and staying in the same hotel have been confined to quarters and are facing an investigation because they violated a curfew and might have been involved in inappropriate conduct, the military said.


The Secret Service agents had been sent to Colombia to provide support to teams preparing security measures ahead of the presidents arrival. Late last week, the Secret Service abruptly replaced the entire unit.




Jackie Calmes reported from Cartagena, Colombia, and Eric Schmitt from Washington. Charlie Savage and Michael S. Schmidt contributed reporting from Washington, and Matt Flegenheimer from New York.



Why would a Secret Service agent argue with a pro over money when all he had to do is submit an invoice to the GSA?


Why would a Secret Service agent argue with a pro over money when all he had to do is submit an invoice to the GSA?

Maybe out of fear that his Secret Cervix Agent wouldn't remain 'secret?' :unsure:


Maybe out of fear that his Secret Cervix Agent wouldn't remain 'secret?' :unsure:


Hey, it might have cost him $50, he could expense $300-400 for international relations and Maria Gonzales (aka Jane Smith in English)could get paid for the screw and hundreds of millions of us could get screwed too.


Hey, it might have cost him $50, he could expense $300-400 for international relations and Maria Gonzales (aka Jane Smith in English)could get paid for the screw and hundreds of millions of us could get screwed too.


Don't be so negative. Think of all the jobs created, saved, or touched

Everybody is so focused on the SS Agents (pun intended) and the hookers, but think about it


Expense reports these days are submitted via Computer (and how many workers does it take to make a computer?)

These computers are connected to the Intartubes (which have their own support staff)

The Intartubes connect to government servers, which like laptops and PCs take several people to construct

These government servers are connected to governemnt networks run by a dedicated IT staff

These networks house databases managed by database administrators

These databases are accessed by administrative types who collect data for accountants

The accountants who have supervisors, who have supervisors, who have supervisors, etc that request budgets from Congress Critters with their own staff

The Congress Critters are elected every 2 to 6 years so they hire campaign workers

The campaign workers pay money to TV stations for advertising

The TV stations pay their workers

The TV Station workers use that money to go out and buy crap from Walmart®

Walmart® pays people minimum wage to sell crap made in China


You just want America to fail because a black guy is President don't you?


This news plus the news yesterday showing the US Justice Department investigating the GSA underscores how much a mess Washington, DC has become under President Barack Obama.


Don't be surprised to see O get hit in new political polls.


Yeah. This is Obama's fault. :lol:


Don't worry about this Treasury Dpt./ Secret Service thing, the Department of Justice will get right on it after more important matters.


Top Priority: Department of Justice Assigns 5 Prosecutors to Retrial of Roger ClemensFeds bulk up for retrial of Clemens over steroids


By FREDERIC J. FROMMER, Associated Press

April 14, 2012


WASHINGTON (AP) — On a baseball field, players back up teammates to limit the damage from errors. The Justice Department, embarrassed by an error that caused a mistrial of Roger Clemens last year, has added more prosecutors in hopes of containing any missteps as it seeks to convict the famed pitcher of lying to Congress when he said he never used performance-enhancing drugs.


The prosecution team has more than doubled from two lawyers to five, enough manpower for an infield and pitcher. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton declared a mistrial last July on only the second day of testimony, after prosecutors showed jurors evidence that had been ruled inadmissible. Walton also will preside over the new trial, which begins selecting a jury on Monday and is expected to last four weeks to six weeks.


"It's no secret that the first ride was a bumpy one for the government trial team," said Ty Cobb, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice, where he specializes in white-collar criminal defense and congressional investigations. "Adding talented lawyers is probably a wise move."


Cobb said he would be surprised if more than two or three prosecutors would be active in the courtroom. He said the government needs to be careful not to devote enormous resources to the case.


Prosecutors know that some potential jurors might object to spending too much money on the case because Walton advised then last year that some of the original jurors thought it was would be a waste of money to retry Clemens.


A. P.




This news plus the news yesterday showing the US Justice Department investigating the GSA underscores how much a mess Washington, DC has become under President Barack Obama.


Don't be surprised to see O get hit in new political polls.

Please stop. Obama has nothing to do with the Secret Service story. I'd give him cover on the GSA story, too, if his office wasn't so stupid to defend it by actually blaming it on Bush.


But please...drop the crap with the Secret Service story.


Don't worry about this Treasury Dpt./ Secret Service thing, the Department of Justice will get right on it after more important matters.


A. P.





You mean like the New Black Panthers bounty on George Zimmerman, or is that going to just go away like the voter intimidation in Philadelphia?


Please stop. Obama has nothing to do with the Secret Service story. I'd give him cover on the GSA story, too, if his office wasn't so stupid to defend it by actually blaming it on Bush.


But please...drop the crap with the Secret Service story.






No freakin' way!!


As Buffalo Bills HOF coach Marv Levy was famous for saying "The fish rots from the head down."


The US government in Washington, DC is a total mess. Republicans ignore Barack Obama. Democrats ignore Barack Obama. Obama openly argues with the US Supreme Court.




Obama management by teleprompter is not working!!




Why would a Secret Service agent argue with a pro over money when all he had to do is submit an invoice to the GSA?

Maybe the hookers wouldn't give them a receipt to submit.






No freakin' way!

You're not going to beat Barack Obama in November by arguing he's responsible for stupid stuff like this.The only value stories like this have is they take him off message. He's a target-rich environment for ineptness; don't be pulled into this low-hanging fruit.






No freakin' way!!


As Buffalo Bills HOF coach Marv Levy was famous for saying "The fish rots from the head down."


The US government in Washington, DC is a total mess. Republicans ignore Barack Obama. Democrats ignore Barack Obama. Obama openly argues with the US Supreme Court.




Obama management by teleprompter is not working!!




This is NOT on the President, it's on government in general. Now if you want to use this as a reason government is !@#$ed up and making bigger is not a good thing then go ahead. But don't lay this story at Obama's feet.


You're not going to beat Barack Obama in November by arguing he's responsible for stupid stuff like this.The only value stories like this have is they take him off message. He's a target-rich environment for ineptness; don't be pulled into this low-hanging fruit.


The stupid stuff like GSA corruption, Secret Service corruption, White House Quid Pro Quo just underscores that Junior Senator Barack Obama is never going to be anything more than a Junior Senator.


As President, Obama is in over his head. He has NO control of anything in Washington, DC.


I'm expecting stupid stuff like this to take the wind out the sails the people who voted for Obama in 2008 so they won't vote for him again in November.


This is NOT on the President, it's on government in general.


Obama IS the government!


This is about 10,000,000,0000th on my list of important issues of the day. Anybody that thinks BO is linked to this is delusional. The next Republican President's term will be smattered with incidents akin to this. The only importance is to note how it's treated now compared to how this kind of thing is treated when the President is a Republican.



Obama IS the government!


Well then I expect you to chime in here during the next Republican Administration and say "____________ IS the government!" whenever you hear of some wasted money or an agency that !@#$s up. Yeah right, that'll happen.

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