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The accomplishment you are most proud of.

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1334535355[/url]' post='2437600']

How did you end up doing this?

I began working for the NYC Dept. of Health just a few months prior. On the12th, I had volunteered to help man the City's missing persons hotline. By that night, I was asked to be the Health Department's representative at the on site Incident Command Center. As things happen, one thing leads to another and for the next several months, I was on site helping coordinate all of the City's Health and Safety operations for the rescue and recovery workers. I did many things there that I'm proud of and worked with some of the best people I've known. It was a hell of a deal all the way around.





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All good stories, guys. Well done.


I'm personally most proud of moving the family to the other side of the world to begin a new life in paradise.

It was by far the hardest thing I've ever done.

Quit a good solid job... Sold the house... Sold the cars... Sold everything we owned... Said goodbye to all of our loved ones and everything we knew.

Packed up our 5 and 2 year olds and set off into the unknown with just a suitcase each.


Now, seven years later, I couldn't imagine having not done it.


Go Bills!

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I built two FM radio stations from scratch, from finding the channel, filing the app and acting as general contractor in the actual construction. I petitioned the FCC to create two FM channels, in Binghamton, NY and Sutter Creek, CA, just to see if I could do it.



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In the 30+ years my alma mater high school has had a varsity water polo program, only one guy scored more goals than me (and he and I graduated together). During that time, we won the state championship--the first team state championship in my high school's then 48 year history. In the eleven years since, there have been several team championships, but we were and will always be the first.

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I began working for the NYC Dept. of Health just a few months prior. On the12th, I had volunteered to help man the City's missing persons hotline. By that night, I was asked to be the Health Department's representative at the on site Incident Command Center. As things happen, one thing leads to another and for the next several months, I was on site helping coordinate all of the City's Health and Safety operations for the rescue and recovery workers. I did many things there that I'm proud of and worked with some of the best people I've known. It was a hell of a deal all the way around.


Wow ! Good job. Have you had any respiratory issues from being so close to ground zero?


I built two FM radio stations from scratch, from finding the channel, filing the app and acting as general contractor in the actual construction. I petitioned the FCC to create two FM channels, in Binghamton, NY and Sutter Creek, CA, just to see if I could do it.




What content did you broadcast?

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Wow sounds like I need to get a life.

I learned how to play guitar and bass really well. One of my full time hobbies.

ummmmmm I watched the whole North and South saga? Start to finish. It sucked.


Great job Dan, SD thanks for serving, all of y'all, quite proud of everyone here!


+2 :thumbsup:


screwed up the quote sorry

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1341518419[/url]' post='2498392']

Wow ! Good job. Have you had any respiratory issues from being so close to ground zero?




No, I haven't had any health issues related to my time at ground zero (as far as I know). I have rather strong opinions about this topic. And, for the most part, I keep quiet because it was a difficult time and place for many of the firefighters and other rescue workers to be. However, my first duty was to get 500 respirators on site before morning. Don't ask how I did that... because I still don't know how I pulled that miracle off. But, respiratory concerns were stressed and addressed from day one both on and around the pile. Certain individuals made personal decisions, for a variety of factors, and today have health problems. Others made different choices and do not. I'll pretty well leave it at that, so as to not disparage anyone that was involved.



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