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So I'm balancing my checkbook....

Just Jack

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Just was checking my credit union account and noticed a $14.95 charge from "Experian *FreeCredScr 877-3002507 CA". Googled the number, lots of people reporting this showing up on their accounts also, and if you call the number they ask you for more personal info "to look up your account". I'm going right to my CU this morning to file a dispute and get a new card.


Anyone got some good experience with one of those credit watching services, preferebly one that will lock my accounts so I'd need to call up if I want to get a new CC or loan?

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Yes, those agencies are notorious for that scam. There's probably some box in the fine print you had to uncheck to keep from signing up for the 'monitoring service'.

Thing is, I haven't pulled my credit report for just about a year now, and when I do, I use the annual credit report site, not the imposters with annoying jingles. And I haven't joined/signed up/bought anything out of the ordinary recently that would have required a sign up.

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Thing is, I haven't pulled my credit report for just about a year now, and when I do, I use the annual credit report site, not the imposters with annoying jingles. And I haven't joined/signed up/bought anything out of the ordinary recently that would have required a sign up.

Didn't someone just get your CC number? Maybe they wanted to help you out and signed you up, you know, kind of like a favor for the damage they may have done?

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whoa, whoa, whoa, stop the clock.....


Thing is, I haven't pulled my credit report for just about a year now, and when I do, I use the annual credit report site, not the imposters with annoying jingles. And I haven't joined/signed up/bought anything out of the ordinary recently that would have required a sign up.

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1334342961[/url]' post='2436207']

Not recently. A couple of years ago they did, but I got a new number then. I can't seem to make it to my cards exp date without someone getting the number.


Mail the card to me. I promis I will keep it safe for you.

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Not recently. A couple of years ago they did, but I got a new number then. I can't seem to make it to my cards exp date without someone getting the number.

Perhaps a disgruntled ex-girlfriend, we know that there are oodles of them running around.


Oh, wait...that jboyst, never mind.

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