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BADOBILZ - Maybe I have missed you on my list of posters who post ridiculously but my recollection is you usually post well thought-out comments


but your last post IS ridiculous


Have you watched how Denver has played the last four weeks?


What exactly was KC and Oakland playing for?

Have you played sports yourself? Do you think Manning, Harrision, James etc would go out there and simply go through the motions? Do you honestly believe their presence on the field is irelevant?


Your post basically states, "Denver will win regardless of who the Colts put out there. Let's not even play the game"


With that attitude you must give up early all the time. The game hasn't even started yet. let them play it. As a Bills fan, you undoubtedly are very familiar with losing the big one. Well, that doesn't mean you should simply give up hope.


The Bills may not make the playoffs. O.K. I agree. But a Colts win helps the Bills. Who the Colts put on the field matters. Period.


If you disagree, fine, but some of us here- myself included - fervently have the opposite opinion.


Go Colts!!!!



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Honestly, who cares what other teams do. The Bills still have to win Sunday for anything to matter. That is all we need to know. THE BILLS MUST WIN!!

Period - End of Sentence!!



If (when) the Bills win on Sunday, then we can just hope that fate intervened and helped either or both the Colts and Rams win. Otherwise, there is nothing we as fans can do but hope. What other teams do is out of our hands. We can sit here and discuss all week the possibilities if one team plays to win or to protect their players. It doesn't matter one way or another, the point is, the Bills need to win and that needs to be our focus. For the 74,000 fans like myself that will be there on Sunday, we need to do everything in our power to help them succeed.


At 4:15 on Sunday, we all can hope to look up and see that the Rams have beaten the Jets and if not, we can all say a prayer that the Colts beat the Broncos. That is all we can do.

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Two things: First, even if Peyton only plays for the first half, I see that as likely being enough to beat Denver. Second, and most importantly, and maybe this should be (or already is) a thread of its own, but who knows how the NFL figures who plays Saturday and who plays Sunday. Dungy pretty much said he'd play a complete game if he knew his team didn't have to play again until Sunday. Anyone?

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Note that James is very motivated to play. Contrast this to what the Steeler PLAYERS are saying,


"A week or two off to rest and let my body heal up is appealing" (Bettis, Burress among others)




Looking at the Rams game, Pennington's numbers on the road this year are AWFUL. He played in five games (he was out of two game with his shoulder injury). In the five games he threw only three td's (two of them came in week two vs the Chargers). He has also thrown 5 int's in these five games. His total yardage was


258 (SD 2 td's, 0 ints), 143(Fish 0 td's 1 int), 162(NE 0 and 0), 141(Buf - inj, 1 td, 1 int), 189(pit 0 td's 3 ints)


The Rams gameplan should be obvious - 8 guys in the box, bump the WR's at the line forcing CHUUUHADDD to throw over the top. Meanwhile, the Rams O can hit them with Stephen Jackson/ Faulk and go after them through the air with Holt and Bruuuuuce.


Pennington needs to play with a lead- the longer the game goes on with the Jets behind or tied....look out.



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