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Al Franken is a Legal Scholar

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Only for the country. But I'm sure all the liberals are as upset about Biden as they were about Dan Quale.

What I love is how the left got their panties in a wad over Sarah Palin being a moron and unqualified to be VP and the scare tactics of having her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.


But they don't have any problems with Joe Biden :unsure:


One of my favorite lines, and I really wish I could find a Youtube® clip of it, was when Obama was talking about Biden bringing Change® since the 1970s :lol:


I knew Dan Quale. Dan Quale was a friend of mine and Joe Biden is no Dan Quale.

But not well enough to speel his name correctly

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What I love is how the left got their panties in a wad over Sarah Palin being a moron and unqualified to be VP and the scare tactics of having her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.


But they don't have any problems with Joe Biden :unsure:


One of my favorite lines, and I really wish I could find a Youtube® clip of it, was when Obama was talking about Biden bringing Change® since the 1970s :lol:



But not well enough to speel his name correctly


Dick Cheney swears it's "Quail". Forgot the "y" but it really isn't my fault. It's KD's fault because he mispelled it first. Then again, maybe it's Bush's fault somehow. Regardless, let's talk about everybody paying their fair share. The rich shouldn't get away with paying less than their secretaries.

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What I love is how the left got their panties in a wad over Sarah Palin being a moron and unqualified to be VP and the scare tactics of having her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.


But they don't have any problems with Joe Biden :unsure:


One of my favorite lines, and I really wish I could find a Youtube® clip of it, was when Obama was talking about Biden bringing Change® since the 1970s :lol:



But not well enough to speel his name correctly


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