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Obama's War On Women

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Actually, Wisconsin repealed a law allowing women to sue employers for pay discrimination in state court. "Equal pay rights" still exists, the means for enforcing it just changed. And that's one state, not "states".


So I'm voting neither liberal, nor open to reality, but simply retarded.

This is the second time in the past week that you've called someone out for taking a small item that was either misunderstood or didn't pass at the state level, but was presented by liberals as the defacto standard for multiple states and all Republicans everywhere.

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This is the second time in the past week that you've called someone out for taking a small item that was either misunderstood or didn't pass at the state level, but was presented by liberals as the defacto standard for multiple states and all Republicans everywhere.


I think it was the same someone in each case, too.

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I think it was the same someone in each case, too.



BillsFan-4-Ever, on 13 April 2012 - 01:13 PM, said:


this so called war on women started when the R's wanted to pass bills demanding women get invasive tests if they chose to get an abortion!!!


DCTom's response:


Actually it started when some dingbat was invited to testify that free contraception was a woman's right.


And it wasn't "R's", nor was it "bills". One bill, in Virginia, that no one really wanted passed anyway.

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