3rdnlng Posted April 11, 2012 Author Posted April 11, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 10:18 PM, Adam said: My only problem with Romney is that he is running as if the bill was his. Other than that, he is much better than Santorum. There still is something I like about Gingrich and Paul. Romney always was going to be the nominee though. It will be a very close election All I've ever heard is that Romney said that the bill was what they came up with for Mass. and that it wasn't necessarily appropriate for the whole nation. Regardless, Romney is the most complete candidate of the four. I still would have liked to see Gingrich debate Obama. That would have been a beatdown for the ages.
Adam Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 10:26 PM, 3rdnlng said: All I've ever heard is that Romney said that the bill was what they came up with for Mass. and that it wasn't necessarily appropriate for the whole nation. Regardless, Romney is the most complete candidate of the four. I still would have liked to see Gingrich debate Obama. That would have been a beatdown for the ages. I could have sworn I heard him make a comment about it, where he talked as if it was his bill. I could be mistaken. I would enjoy watching Gingrich debate Obama normally or with both guys reversing sides of the aisle, as I think he would beat him nearly as bad. As good a speaker as President Obama can be, Gingrich has a rare talent.
3rdnlng Posted April 11, 2012 Author Posted April 11, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 10:29 PM, Adam said: I could have sworn I heard him make a comment about it, where he talked as if it was his bill. I could be mistaken. I would enjoy watching Gingrich debate Obama normally or with both guys reversing sides of the aisle, as I think he would beat him nearly as bad. As good a speaker as President Obama can be, Gingrich has a rare talent. Gingrich's talent is called knowledge. He has also given alot of thought to how things can be changed. Contrast that to Obama who's contribution to his signature accomplishment was to say to Nancy Pelosi, "get me a health bill".
Nanker Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 5:12 PM, John Adams said: This idea that Santorum is like Reagan setting himself up for 2016 is absurd. He maxed out the crazy voter contingent and still came up short. Santorum has shown no effort to work towards the middle and independents. Reagan created the big tent. I'm with you on that. He's still burning his sanctimonious candles on both ends. He's unfit to hold public office, in my view. His campaign caught lightning because he was able to swing rattlesnakes overhead and toss them into the revival tent better than Newt could. He is a cold hearted chicken hawk and a phony "conservative" if ever there was one. I have zero respect for him as a man and less than that as a politician, and I did not start out that way. He's .
IDBillzFan Posted April 11, 2012 Posted April 11, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 9:25 PM, Buftex said: Just the kind of shrill response one would expect from you...not that I believe the nonsense in this article, but when I read it, I immediately thought of you LAShrillz: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/07/conservative-politics-low-effort-thinking_n_1410448.html?ref=mostpopular So in conclusion, you don't have a reply or answer for what is essentially a well-understood truth in the tea party world to counter for the fairytale you keep tellingyourself, so all you have left is to tell me I'm shrill and suggest that I lack intelligence. You're going to make someone a terrific wife one day.
EC-Bills Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 10:26 PM, 3rdnlng said: I still would have liked to see Gingrich debate Obama. That would have been a beatdown for the ages. You may yet get your wish if Romney complies with Newt's request. linky
UConn James Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 8:36 PM, Buftex said: Actually OC, I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. And, you guys can spin it all you want, but the coalescing around Mitt Romney is pretty hilarious, particularly when you consider that some of the most visible Tea Party representatives have gone on record as saying they could never support Romney, based on Romney-care alone...but now, the spin has come so full circle that Romney-care is alright with Republicans, simply because it isn't Obama-care. And yet, in 2008, it was Romney and Huckabee that split what essentially was the Tea Party vote before there was a Tea Party. He found his support then among the very conservative, while McCain won the moderate / right of center vote. The numbers were in an article I read earlier today. I'm not in a spot to find the article again but this is pretty easily searchable. I don't see how he'll not be able to coalesce support there this time, now that he's the presumptive nominee. And again, to add to the subsequent comments, what Romney needs to do is say those little words "states' rights." His input kept the 85% Democrat state legislature from burdening Mass. businesses with horrific taxes for a single payer system. His view all along has been that the federal legislation should be limited and allow individual states to do what's best for them based on their healthcare infrastructure and demographics. Mass. with 4% uninsured and the highest per capita incomes in the U.S. didn't have the same conditions as some states that have 20% uninsured and a population that is less able to afford it. And yet, Obamacare essentially treats states as if they are the same. On 4/11/2012 at 10:18 PM, Adam said: My only problem with Romney is that he is running as if the bill was his. Other than that, he is much better than Santorum. There still is something I like about Gingrich and Paul. Romney always was going to be the nominee though. It will be a very close election I've consistently heard it through the explanation that it was a compromise whose numbers were brought to some fiscal sanity when it became clear it was going to pass one way or the other, and that at least as it stood when he left office, it was working for Mass. I haven't really kept up on it since then, but I haven't read any dreadful reports in my inbox or heard bad things from people I know in that state. But like I said, conditions it he versus many other states are totally different and require separate solutions based upon what people in the states want or don't want.
OCinBuffalo Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 8:47 PM, OCinBuffalo said: The only TEA party people I have heard have either said nothing about Romney, or are grown up enough to realize that when one is the Republican governor of a top 5 liberal state, one must....govern. That means actually get things accomplished, even if you don't 100% agree personally. I don't have to spin a thing when I say: Romney has proven he can govern, even when he doesn't control the legislative side Now, let's see what kind of dancing you have to do in order to convince us that Obama can govern, whether he controls the legislative side or not... Show us your dance! ...I will be in the corner ing....and....hell, it's almost 5....drinking a nice cold Sapphire and tonic. On 4/11/2012 at 9:25 PM, Buftex said: Just the kind of shrill response one would expect from you...not that I believe the nonsense in this article, but when I read it, I immediately thought of you LAShrillz: http://www.huffingto...ref=mostpopular On 4/11/2012 at 9:57 PM, OCinBuffalo said: Bitchin about shrillness is not dancing. Dance "the Obama can govern" boogie. Get Frenkle to help you. He likes to dance I bet. We'll get Frenkle a pole, since he seems to be into the gay overtones, and you can have a couple fans...this will be fun! Well, now I have completed my drinking for the day, and I still haven't seen Flufftex explain how Obama is better at governing than Romney, or that Obama has even one example of governing when the other side controls the legislature. And, I saw no dancing today. Not even Frenkle doing the "Do you want to touch my outrage?" dance. I guess the following is therefore incontestable: 1. Romney can govern in all cases, Obama can't 2. The TEA party is fundamentally about killing spending before it kills us, and if Romney does that from the center, then that is the best way for the TEA party to achieve its stated purpose. 3. Frenkle doesn't realize that fear, or ignorance, take your pick, is what drives liberals like himself. 4. Frenkle doesn't realize that being driven by fear and ignorance makes you the perfect farm animal, and therefore a perfect follower for the far-left. Then, when they inevitably lead your causes, noble or otherwise, to ruin, you are too afraid to hold them accountable, and still ignorant as to why they failed.
Buftex Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/11/2012 at 11:07 PM, LABillzFan said: So in conclusion, you don't have a reply or answer for what is essentially a well-understood truth in the tea party world to counter for the fairytale you keep tellingyourself, so all you have left is to tell me I'm shrill and suggest that I lack intelligence. You're going to make someone a terrific wife one day. Yes, a well understood tea party truth that has been watered down to fit the situation the party finds itself in. I don't think you lack intelligence LA, but I would agree that you are shrill, tiresome, and not really worth a lot of effort to engage...because you essentially engage in a circle jerk with your buddies here, and I have no interest in participating in it. I do find it curious though, that you, 3rding, and OC (to name a few) have an adolescent need to throw in homopjobic barbes whenever you don't agree with someone. Your self-righteous, and pompous indignation is fitting for someone of the persona you portray. Whatever happens this fall, I hope it is the best for our country...your endorsements are not encouraging. On 4/12/2012 at 4:30 AM, OCinBuffalo said: Well, now I have completed my drinking for the day, and I still haven't seen Flufftex explain how Obama is better at governing than Romney, or that Obama has even one example of governing when the other side controls the legislature. And, I saw no dancing today. Not even Frenkle doing the "Do you want to touch my outrage?" dance. I guess the following is therefore incontestable: 1. Romney can govern in all cases, Obama can't 2. The TEA party is fundamentally about killing spending before it kills us, and if Romney does that from the center, then that is the best way for the TEA party to achieve its stated purpose. 3. Frenkle doesn't realize that fear, or ignorance, take your pick, is what drives liberals like himself. 4. Frenkle doesn't realize that being driven by fear and ignorance makes you the perfect farm animal, and therefore a perfect follower for the far-left. Then, when they inevitably lead your causes, noble or otherwise, to ruin, you are too afraid to hold them accountable, and still ignorant as to why they failed. OC, every once in a while you say something that is halfway thought provoking, but it gets overshadowed by your self-loving (or is it self-loathing?) non-sense...looks like you will continue to dance with yourself...sorry buddy. You are trying to challenge me to an argument I wasn't making, and I don't intend to encourage you in that way...
3rdnlng Posted April 12, 2012 Author Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 8:33 AM, Buftex said: Yes, a well understood tea party truth that has been watered down to fit the situation the party finds itself in. I don't think you lack intelligence LA, but I would agree that you are shrill, tiresome, and not really worth a lot of effort to engage...because you essentially engage in a circle jerk with your buddies here, and I have no interest in participating in it. I do find it curious though, that you, 3rding, and OC (to name a few) have an adolescent need to throw in homopjobic barbes whenever you don't agree with someone. Your self-righteous, and pompous indignation is fitting for someone of the persona you portray. Whatever happens this fall, I hope it is the best for our country...your endorsements are not encouraging. OC, every once in a while you say something that is halfway thought provoking, but it gets overshadowed by your self-loving (or is it self-loathing?) non-sense...looks like you will continue to dance with yourself...sorry buddy. You are trying to challenge me to an argument I wasn't making, and I don't intend to encourage you in that way... Now that's some funny schit there. Too bad it was caused by an overdose of Midol rather than a genuine sense of humor. You periodically fly off the handle on a regular basis, enough so that I could set my calender on it. Striking out at others that haven't attacked you (lately) is a sure sign that you shouldn't mix with others for the next several days. Hope the cramps aren't too bad. Some good heterosexual sex might help if you can find the right guy.
IDBillzFan Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 8:33 AM, Buftex said: Yes, a well understood tea party truth that has been watered down to fit the situation the party finds itself in. I don't think you lack intelligence LA, but I would agree that you are shrill, tiresome, and not really worth a lot of effort to engage...because you essentially engage in a circle jerk with your buddies here, and I have no interest in participating in it. Then, ummmm, don't? On 4/12/2012 at 8:33 AM, Buftex said: I do find it curious though, that you, 3rding, and OC (to name a few) have an adolescent need to throw in homopjobic barbes whenever you don't agree with someone. Please find every time I have ever genuinely thrown in a homophobic barb that was not meant to mock someone who made a homophobic barb. We'll wait right here, mmmmkay? On 4/12/2012 at 8:33 AM, Buftex said: Your self-righteous, and pompous indignation is fitting for someone of the persona you portray. Whatever happens this fall, I hope it is the best for our country...your endorsements are not encouraging. Look, I understand times are tough for folks like yourself because it's difficult to wake up after having your horse FUBAR his first three years running the country. I felt the same defeat when I found out McCain was the GOP nominee four years ago. It was embarrassing, and I hated politics. But if there was even a shred of honesty that you truly wants what is best for our country, you would be fighting to replace Obama because there is nothing about this man that is good for this country. Watch him. Listen to his words. Listen to how he intentionally divides and condescends and refuses to do anything about the real problems facing our country except mock ANYONE who DOES come up with an idea. He's gutless, spineless and, once again, I find it difficult to believe he was able to organize a sock drawer let alone a community. You can call me self-righteous, pompous, shrill, homophobic and tiresome, but at least Barack Obama is not my standard bearer.
GG Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 1:16 PM, LABillzFan said: You can call me self-righteous, pompous, shrill, homophobic and tiresome, but at least Barack Obama is not my standard bearer. Yeah, but he doesn't live in a cul-de-sac. So he's got that going for him.
Buftex Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 1:16 PM, LABillzFan said: Then, ummmm, don't? Please find every time I have ever genuinely thrown in a homophobic barb that was not meant to mock someone who made a homophobic barb. We'll wait right here, mmmmkay? Look, I understand times are tough for folks like yourself because it's difficult to wake up after having your horse FUBAR his first three years running the country. I felt the same defeat when I found out McCain was the GOP nominee four years ago. It was embarrassing, and I hated politics. But if there was even a shred of honesty that you truly wants what is best for our country, you would be fighting to replace Obama because there is nothing about this man that is good for this country. Watch him. Listen to his words. Listen to how he intentionally divides and condescends and refuses to do anything about the real problems facing our country except mock ANYONE who DOES come up with an idea. He's gutless, spineless and, once again, I find it difficult to believe he was able to organize a sock drawer let alone a community. You can call me self-righteous, pompous, shrill, homophobic and tiresome, but at least Barack Obama is not my standard bearer. Wah, wah, whah...
meazza Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 2:49 PM, Buftex said: Wah, wah, whah... Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWHgUE9AD4s
DC Tom Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 1:16 PM, LABillzFan said: But if there was even a shred of honesty that you truly wants what is best for our country, you would be fighting to replace Obama because there is nothing about this man that is good for this country. Watch him. Listen to his words. Listen to how he intentionally divides and condescends and refuses to do anything about the real problems facing our country except mock ANYONE who DOES come up with an idea. He's gutless, spineless and, once again, I find it difficult to believe he was able to organize a sock drawer let alone a community. Let me restate that for you: Obama has all the qualities of me on this board. How do you !@#$wits feel about me? Would you vote for me? No? Then why on earth would you vote for Obama?
3rdnlng Posted April 12, 2012 Author Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 3:40 PM, DC Tom said: Let me restate that for you: Obama has all the qualities of me on this board. How do you !@#$wits feel about me? Would you vote for me? No? Then why on earth would you vote for Obama? I think you are very capable of organizing a sock drawer though.
DC Tom Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 3:47 PM, 3rdnlng said: I think you are very capable of organizing a sock drawer though. My wife would dispute that. To which I would of course respond "If I have to organize my own sock drawer, then why the !@#$ did I get married?"
OCinBuffalo Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 8:33 AM, Buftex said: Yes, a well understood tea party truth that has been watered down to fit the situation the party finds itself in. I don't think you lack intelligence LA, but I would agree that you are shrill, tiresome, and not really worth a lot of effort to engage...because you essentially engage in a circle jerk with your buddies here, and I have no interest in participating in it. I do find it curious though, that you, 3rding, and OC (to name a few) have an adolescent need to throw in homopjobic barbes whenever you don't agree with someone. Your self-righteous, and pompous indignation is fitting for someone of the persona you portray. Whatever happens this fall, I hope it is the best for our country...your endorsements are not encouraging. OC, every once in a while you say something that is halfway thought provoking, but it gets overshadowed by your self-loving (or is it self-loathing?) non-sense...looks like you will continue to dance with yourself...sorry buddy. You are trying to challenge me to an argument I wasn't making, and I don't intend to encourage you in that way... Hey assclown, don't put me in that group. You are thinking about me responding to Frenkle's frequent use of homophobic barbs. I don't require calling someone gay to make a point. I do require it if, as in Frenkle's case in this thread, it is necessary. But for the most part, it's lame and unnecessary, for me anyway.... You said Romney can't represent the TEA party...because they are so different, and, that now WE are spinning that as though Romney was who we wanted all along, etc. I argued effectively against those "points". Now you are telling me you didn't say this? Ok...then what did you say? See? I have no need to tell you that you like sweaty fat girl carpet....to destroy your silly argument. And I merely chose to respond to silliness, with silliness. That, and for some reason, though I've never met you, I got this tube of you doing the "Obama can govern" boogie stuck in my head. Yeah....self-loathing is accurate. On 4/12/2012 at 3:51 PM, DC Tom said: My wife would dispute that. To which I would of course respond "If I have to organize my own sock drawer, then why the !@#$ did I get married?" Further evidence for canonization of Tom's wife....
DC Tom Posted April 12, 2012 Posted April 12, 2012 On 4/12/2012 at 7:40 PM, Buftex said: LA, 3rdning, OC...sorry. Sincerely. Never admit you're wrong on PPP. It's a sign of weakness. And we absolutely thrive on slaughtering the weak.
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