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Pure radio gold...

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Doug McIntyre is hands down, the best radio personality/commentator in America. I had to share this article (written by Doug himself) involving his interview of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz where he just hits it out of the proverbial park...





"Her talking points hadn't prepared her to respond when confronted by the "visionary" mayor's actual record"

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Doug McIntyre is hands down, the best radio personality/commentator in America. I had to share this article (written by Doug himself) involving his interview of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz where he just hits it out of the proverbial park...





"Her talking points hadn't prepared her to respond when confronted by the "visionary" mayor's actual record"

What drone she is. It sounds like she's reading from a script. I love the way she gave up so easily. Nice job by the interviewer.

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Buftex: are you really going to embarrass yourself by supporting that hack?


I am not supporting anyone...just stating the simple fact, any time any mouthpiece for either party goes on to a "talk show" and is barraged with something contrary to what they had intended to talk about, it goes pretty much the way that interview went. It is just pointless to take any of this stuff seriously at this point.


It is pretty easy to make someone look stupid under these circumstances. Listen to Diane Loesch (spelling? The Tea Party chick who was one of Breitbarts' people), any time she appears on MSNBC, or an outlet that isn't friendly to her cause...just as Wasserman Shcultz, she will babble on and on a bunch of talking points, that may or may not be relevant to anything being discussed...she comes off sounding like a !@#$-tard, much like Wasserman-Schultz.

Edited by Buftex
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