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Hey, thanks for that!

Interesting comment on our health system here is NZ. I really don't know what they could be referring to other than ithe fact that it's totally free.

(yeah that's right you right-wingers up there... NZ has great universal healthcare. Now only for us residents, but for anyone visiting. If ANYONE experiences any sort of accidental injury, it's paid for. No problem)


Yeah, whale rider was a very good movie, but it didn't really show anything of our scenery as it was filmed in the far north where theres really not that much happening.

At least The Lord of the Rings showed some of our mountainous areas.

C'mon down sometime... We'd love to have you!


Go Bills!


I seriously may take you up on that! lol


I long suspected you were Fraser Crane. Any African artwork?


Asian (Indian, Burmese, Japanese, a centuries-old illuminated Koran...)



Oh, yeah...one other thing I bought that I didn't need: a centuries-old illuminated Koran.


And a Bills helmet signed by Kelly, Thurman, Reed, and Bruce. Hopefully that redeems me.


I'd take it. I miss having one handy to play.



If you ever want to stop by and tickle my ivories... ;)

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