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"I will miss the challenge of researching and writing a daily sports column..."


I got a good laugh out of that line.


Enjoy your retirement, Bob...




"A Buffalo Bills unofficial web site noted that it was glad I’m gone because now a person who actually knows something about the Bills will take my place."

Classy move calling out those who don't like his work. This is a guy who would never cover anything. Just form his opinions from a distance. Lazy journalism.




I don't mind Bob's radio show and I listen on Wednesdays only so I can hear what Fred will say next about Obama.. LOL


Haven't subscribed to the D&C for over a decade so I don't read his column, but when I did I always thought he seemed to read a few other sports writers opinions and then form one of his own based on others research. Always seemed lazy to me. Anyway, he, I believe, is a nice enough guy personally, and his radio show still has a large listening audience. I love John the Optamist, one of his regulars.. I think he wants to Bills to do well, but some many years of losing has tainted his soul.


I wish him well!





I don't mind Bob's radio show and I listen on Wednesdays only so I can hear what Fred will say next about Obama.. LOL


Haven't subscribed to the D&C for over a decade so I don't read his column, but when I did I always thought he seemed to read a few other sports writers opinions and then form one of his own based on others research. Always seemed lazy to me. Anyway, he, I believe, is a nice enough guy personally, and his radio show still has a large listening audience. I love John the Optamist, one of his regulars.. I think he wants to Bills to do well, but some many years of losing has tainted his soul.


I wish him well!


Bob was very far from perfect , but most of his colums were quick and fun to read . So lets ease up with the key board beer Muscles ! And Go Bills Jerry O. The thirty plus year fan.

Bob's lucky to be getting out at the right time.


As the era of print edition newspapers ebbs, his timing is perfect for an exit.


Bob was Rochester's real-life version of Oscar Matteson and now he can spend his retirement at the track on lazy summer days.


Everyone should be so lucky to have worked his entire life in his hometown, for one employer, doing a job he loved to do, and retiring on his own terms.


Bob was very far from perfect , but most of his colums were quick and fun to read . So lets ease up with the key board beer Muscles ! And Go Bills Jerry O. The thirty plus year fan.



Plus one--despite some of his foibles, I enjoyed reading his columns, perhaps as a tie to both my youth and hometown, both long since gone. He also seemed like a good guy, so I, too, wish him well in his retirement....

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