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Keith Olberman FIRED AGAIN

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He said what was pissing him off in the clip. People were moving around during the shot. What more do you need to know?


My opinion depends on whether they were filming a taped segment, or some kind of live teaser. If the result of people moving around was that they needed to do another short take, a 5 second rant would probably have sufficed, as opposed to a minute and a half.


I met Olbermann a couple of years ago when he visited my radio station, WVBR, in Ithaca (that's where he got his start). He was actually in-studio during my time slot as a DJ but he refused an interview...some legal jargon about his contract with Current and the transition period from MSNBC.


Anyway, there was a Q & A in the basement. This was around March, so my friend jokingly asked "Who you got in the tournament?" Olbermann turns up his nose and says "If you think I have time for March Madness, you haven't listened to my other answers."


One other thing I'll say is that the dude has MAAAAAJOR chip on his shoulder. Every story he tells is about some media guy who never believed in him, but now he's the top dog.



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Probably not...but why not play that moreless-than-minuscule chance that you are actually that stupid?


Fixed. :rolleyes: Not in the attack mood.


My opinion depends on whether they were filming a taped segment, or some kind of live teaser. If the result of people moving around was that they needed to do another short take, a 5 second rant would probably have sufficed, as opposed to a minute and a half.


I met Olbermann a couple of years ago when he visited my radio station, WVBR, in Ithaca (that's where he got his start). He was actually in-studio during my time slot as a DJ but he refused an interview...some legal jargon about his contract with Current and the transition period from MSNBC.


Anyway, there was a Q & A in the basement. This was around March, so my friend jokingly asked "Who you got in the tournament?" Olbermann turns up his nose and says "If you think I have time for March Madness, you haven't listened to my other answers."


One other thing I'll say is that the dude has MAAAAAJOR chip on his shoulder. Every story he tells is about some media guy who never believed in him, but now he's the top dog.





You still in Ithaca?

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I have always hated Olberman. Even when he was just on ESPN. To me, he is one of those folks who you don't want on "your side" of any issue... Laurence Odonnell, his replacement, is only marginally more bearable.


Jeez...now you guys got me talking to myself. Just watching O'Donnell, he claims, straight faced, that he has never tasted beer in his life, and certainly never taken any illegal drugs. Got no problem with the drug thing, but seriously, never tasted beer? Now I know why I don't like him too much... :P

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