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The USFL is back

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I've been dying for a Spring Pro Football League for years. I go into serious withdrawal after the Superbowl. A Pro Spring Football League could be the easiest money those guys ever make.

Especially if the NFL endorsed as an official deveopment league. Put games on NFLN.


The NFL should themselves license these franchises. That way other people risk their money while the league makes money.



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Exactly. What's the tiny percentage of college football players that ever play a down in the NFL? It's gotta be less than 5%. Skim that small amount of talent off the top, send them to the USFL, and it's not like Michigan/Ohio State, Auburn/Bama or any other college game with rabid fanbases will be any less compelling. Then all the scuzzball agents, jewelers and other assorted gladhanders are free to glom onto the USFL players.

but someone will always be the best player in college football...how bout we take the ones out that can't function academically?

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but someone will always be the best player in college football...how bout we take the ones out that can't function academically?


Sure, whatever. My point is, give those with designs on going pro the option to play in the USFL instead. Instantly reduce, but maybe not eliminate, the role of money, corruption and slimy figures in college sports.

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