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BlackBerry playbook


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I was telling her that. They do say to totally discharge it from time to time (every month)... Does that help? Even my Motorola Droid 4 says that you are supposed to let them change the battery... Huh? I saw the Verizon rep take the back off and put my old SD card in (old phone had Mini SD slot which I had a Micro SD card in a Mini Adapter). I didn't see what he did with the battery... I just assumed he put the battery in? The cover on the Droid was finicky... Wouldn't lay flush on one tab and supposedly they put a new back on it.



The Droid 4 and Razr do not have replaceable battery's on them. The 4 has some special tool to remove the back but the battery is ribbon cabled into the system not like others that have the pins.


More an more phones are moving that way and it wont matter much to me I get a day or better on my Razr

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