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The Supremes Won't Be In Harmony

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We have nine members of the US Supreme Court.

The media is focusing on five of them.

Four of them are excused.

Four of them are considered to be locked and loaded, and above and beyond question.



And those are the four liberal justices. They are not expected to be open-minded.

The media's not asking them to consider things outside their normal purview. But the four conservatives and the one moderate, Anthony Kennedy?

The media is challenging them to be open-minded about this, to maybe see the way to voting against the way they are preternaturally inclined.


So four justices are given a pass. The four liberal justices are considered, obviously, locked in stone (and properly so) and the pressure is being brought to bear on the other five.


But beyond that, do you not find it troubling that in a case so blatantly unconstitutional, in a law that is so blatantly in violation of the United States Constitution, we have to rely on one or two justices to protect the republic?


You would think that this wouldn't even be a question for all nine of them. "Coerced contracts" are against the law, much less the Constitution.


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We have nine members of the US Supreme Court.

The media is focusing on five of them.

Four of them are excused.

Four of them are considered to be locked and loaded, and above and beyond question.



And those are the four liberal justices. They are not expected to be open-minded.

The media's not asking them to consider things outside their normal purview. But the four conservatives and the one moderate, Anthony Kennedy?

The media is challenging them to be open-minded about this, to maybe see the way to voting against the way they are preternaturally inclined.


So four justices are given a pass. The four liberal justices are considered, obviously, locked in stone (and properly so) and the pressure is being brought to bear on the other five.


But beyond that, do you not find it troubling that in a case so blatantly unconstitutional, in a law that is so blatantly in violation of the United States Constitution, we have to rely on one or two justices to protect the republic?


You would think that this wouldn't even be a question for all nine of them. "Coerced contracts" are against the law, much less the Constitution.


Not surprising, since 4 of them don't believe the 2nd applies to citizens.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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So much for the chicanery in trying to call it a "tax" after-the-fact. This kills the argument that the individual mandate is constitutional because congress can tax its citizens, and it also doesn't allow SCOTUS to punt the issue to 2014, when it will be too late to do anything to stop Obamacare.


As for the "regulating interstate commerce" deception, that should be relatively easy. It doesn't regulate, it creates commerce. Second of all, the exchanges are set-up by states for their citizens. There is no "interstate commerce" there.


This should fall 9-0, maybe 8-1 (since Kagan helped craft Obamacare). The argument that this is a case of "historical significance" means little, because the "historical significance" of granting the Federal Government almost unlimited power to make its citizens do whatever they want is history SCOTUS would want to avoid.

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Quote of The Day From Ben Stein:



“Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government

that requires every citizen to prove

they are insured....


but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.”




wow, isnt that the truth

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From the comments Justices Kennedy and Roberts (considered the swing votes in the case) are reportedly making in oral arguments, it looks like the individual mandate section is done for.

What is scary about this is that 4 judges are standing up for their political ideals, not the Constitution. That seems to be the bigger issue to me.

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What is scary about this is that 4 judges are standing up for their political ideals, not the Constitution. That seems to be the bigger issue to me.

Yeah, that never happens.

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What is scary about this is that 4 judges are standing up for their political ideals, not the Constitution. That seems to be the bigger issue to me.

I agree. They're supposed to be apolitical.

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Am I the only one who sees the humor in this?

I guess you making fun of my post drives the point home even more. Trouncing and twisting the Constitution is now such a everyday occurrence it's laughable that someone makes a issue of it.

Edited by Dante
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I guess you making fun of my post drives the point home even more. Trouncing and twisting the Constitution is now such a everyday occurrence it's laughable that someone makes a issue of it.

Oh, don't worry, I don't like it either. And I don't disagree with you. It's just that the law is going to be struck down because of an extremely political move by a very smart justice.

Edited by LeviF91
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