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Santorum Getting Desperate?

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IMO, the only truly different candidate, who has been consistent about his beliefs over time, unwavering, is Ron Paul. He is the only one that doesn't drool all over himself with pary talking points, leaves the BS aside and speaks his mind.


The differences between Romney, Santorum or Obama for that matter are slim. They are from a two- party, entreched politcal system that offers the American people the same old **** as they did 10 years ago.... and are not that motivated to see it change.



No, there is a large difference between Obama and Romney. Romney has certainly displayed more competence throughout his career than Obama. Santorum has always been a big spender and I personally like Ron Paul but he's batschit crazy in certain areas.

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No, there is a large difference between Obama and Romney. Romney has certainly displayed more competence throughout his career than Obama. Santorum has always been a big spender and I personally like Ron Paul but he's batschit crazy in certain areas.


I just left his website to refresh myself with his policies, and he is very different than any of those other 3. While there are some issues I don't agree with him on, details that is, I think his overall plan for the country is intriguing.


I guess I am just tired of the GOP and Democratic Parties. My opinion, they are bought and love the power and control that come with elected office. From what I have heard from Paul, he doesn't have that same flavor.... could he bring real fundamental change in this country, that does not cater to Blue or Red, but caters to citizens? It sure would be exciting to find out.


While I think Romney probably has better economcial sense than Obama, and more expereince in Executive management, he does not light my fuego as a "different" candidate.

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I just left his website to refresh myself with his policies, and he is very different than any of those other 3. While there are some issues I don't agree with him on, details that is, I think his overall plan for the country is intriguing.


I guess I am just tired of the GOP and Democratic Parties. My opinion, they are bought and love the power and control that come with elected office. From what I have heard from Paul, he doesn't have that same flavor.... could he bring real fundamental change in this country, that does not cater to Blue or Red, but caters to citizens? It sure would be exciting to find out.


While I think Romney probably has better economcial sense than Obama, and more expereince in Executive management, he does not light my fuego as a "different" candidate.


We have "different" now disguised as "hope and change". We need to have a conservative that understands the economy that will use the bully pulpit to get us on the best track.

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Santorum is internally beginning to see the writing on the wall, you have Demint, Bush, Haley Barbor, Toomey and others sending clear signals that it's time to focus on Obama. Santorum doesn't want to accept it, but he is perilously close to irreparably damaging his future, whether its running for a 2016 or 2020 bid (even though he'd still be a second tier candidate) or if he wants a cushy job on Fox or whatever else he would choose to pursue. Romney bowed out gracefully in 2008 and as a result it helped secure his front runner status, Huckaby did as well, even though he continued his campaign, he kept it clean, didn't attack McCain, won a couple more southern states, and was rewarded with a serious hook up on Fox that helped lead to some "best seller" books.


We'll see which route Santorum goes, the defiant "screw you" approach or if he takes a more measured yet humbling graceful exit.


Wisconsin is the big one. He'll win Lousiana, and he'll stick through Wisconsin no matter what just to win his home state Pennsylavania. But after Wisconsin, we'll see if he continues with the attacks on Romney. That will tell the tale.

Edited by Magox
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Santorum is internally beginning to see the writing on the wall, you have Demint, Bush, Haley Barbor, Toomey and others sending clear signals that it's time to focus on Obama. Santorum doesn't want to accept it, but he is perilously close to irreparably damaging his future, whether its running for a 2016 or 2020 bid (even though he'd still be a second tier candidate) or if he wants a cushy job on Fox or whatever else he would choose to pursue. Romney bowed out gracefully in 2008 and as a result it helped secure his front runner status, Huckaby did as well, even though he continued his campaign, he kept it clean, didn't attack McCain, won a couple more southern states, and was rewarded with a serious hook up on Fox that helped lead to some "best seller" books.


We'll see which route Santorum goes, the defiant "screw you" approach or if he takes a more measured yet humbling graceful exit.


Wisconsin is the big one. He'll win Lousiana, and he'll stick through Wisconsin no matter what just to win his home state Pennsylavania. But after Wisconsin, we'll see if he continues with the attacks on Romney. That will tell the tale.


Santorum might not win PA.

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“You win by giving people a choice,” Santorum said during a campaign stop in Texas. “You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there.”


Santorum added: “If they’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future.”

He's right. I probably wouldn't want to take the risk for a marginal change when we already know what we have in office. But sanatorium being the war mongering chicken hawk hick that he is would guarantee id vote for Obama

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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He's right. I probably wouldn't want to take the risk for a marginal change when we already know what we have in office. But sanatorium being the war mongering chicken hawk hick that he is would guarantee id vote for Obama



For a self proclaimed conservative/libertarian you are a lock for taking the liberal position on every issue.

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You tell me.






Yes, I can see where Santorum's stance on Iran makes Obama a superior option to Romney, Mr Lightweight. You can't even debate a point in a coherent manner. Right out of the liberal's playbook, claim to be something else and then try to confuse the subject.

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Not for nothing, but Rick Sanctimonious is a Chicken Hawk. He's never met a war he doesn't like.

He's a dangerous person, in my view, that wants to impose his prissy, up tight white collar values and ultra conservative religious views on not just the nation - but the world. He should buy a suit of armor and a lance and move to Spain and fight windmills. That's his calling.

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Not for nothing, but Rick Sanctimonious is a Chicken Hawk. He's never met a war he doesn't like.

He's a dangerous person, in my view, that wants to impose his prissy, up tight white collar values and ultra conservative religious views on not just the nation - but the world. He should buy a suit of armor and a lance and move to Spain and fight windmills. That's his calling.


That's why Obama is a better candidate than Romney. :wallbash:

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