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starting a sentence with "so"


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so, i went to this conference at a well known state university in north carolina. so, just about every speaker started a majority of their sentences this way. for example: "so, to rephrase the question, you asked if...". so, i really feel the "so" is unnecessary and pretty annoying. so i've actually noticed myself doing it and am consciously trying to avoid it. so, has anybody else noticed this?

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You ever sit through a Ted Turner speech? He will end every sentence with "and ah".

no, but i can't imagine that being too fun either. at least that can be explained by the need to let his brain catch up to his mouth.

Edited by birdog1960
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so, i went to this conference at a well known state university in north carolina. so, just about every speaker started a majority of their sentences this way. for example: "so, to rephrase the question, you asked if...". so, i really feel the "so" is unnecessary and pretty annoying. so i've actually noticed myself doing it and am consciously trying to avoid it. so, has anybody else noticed this?


Instead of 'so', I use "Quod erat demonstrandum..." I think people find it far less annoying.

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So, can we turn this into a verbal pet peeve thread?


I drives me freaking nuts to have someone say "Be that as it may..." I had a boss that used that all the time, usually he was shooting down a recommendation.


Me: "But it will work boss."

Him: "Be that as it may we aren't going to do it."


Me: "That option costs way too much."

Him: "Be that as it may we're going to spend it."


Me: "But we beat our profit plan by over 200%, our comp payout should be $X."

Him: "Be that as it may we have decided that $Y is fair."

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