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Claiborne - possible slip to #10?

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He'll likely go 4 or 5 whether by one of those teams sitting there or by someone willing to trade up and get him. Smart money is on the Bucs at 5. It would be a huge shock if he made it to 10. If by some miracle he did, I can't see the Bills trading out. They'd grab him in a heartbeat, IMO. He's that good.

My apologies. A few people above me posted about Floyd -- and I thought he was the temporary topic of discussion. Hazards of posting while working.


I believe Floyd falls to us because the Fins will trade up to get Tannehill. I would love to trade back in that scenario because someone will want him badly (and I am one who previously has never talked about trading back in any draft).


I agree with you that Claiborne does NOT fall to us, and that I'd take him in a heartbeat if he did. And then I'd have to hose down my monitor.

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I would love to have Claiborne on the roster, but isn't CB at 10 a bit of a luxury for us. Granted, CJ was a luxiry pick at the time, but what CB are we going to trade to seattle for a 4th and a conditional 6th?

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in this case not a luxury. He would be described as Value added.

If he dropped to us and we got him, We would have pulled off a Dareus +1. because it would be a plus plus plus.

Elite, guaranteed, stole it. Now lets all wish upon a star.

alright i'm back in the house. good thing it's a clear nite here in Rochester!

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My apologies. A few people above me posted about Floyd -- and I thought he was the temporary topic of discussion. Hazards of posting while working.


I believe Floyd falls to us because the Fins will trade up to get Tannehill. I would love to trade back in that scenario because someone will want him badly (and I am one who previously has never talked about trading back in any draft).


I agree with you that Claiborne does NOT fall to us, and that I'd take him in a heartbeat if he did. And then I'd have to hose down my monitor.

No apologies necessary. I agree that Floyd should be there at 10.

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