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Karzai Calls U.S. Troops "Demons"

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We've been there for a decade and the Afghan government can't stand on its own feet. We went in because the Taliban government was harboring terorists that attacked us numerous times, most notably on 9-11. Now their president is calling our troops "demons". After all of our blood that was spilled he treats us like this? He also wants to dictate our deployment in-country. Let's say we leave and the place just returns to harboring terrorists that eventually attack our country. What would be our response? What options would we have?

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We've been there for a decade and the Afghan government can't stand on its own feet. We went in because the Taliban government was harboring terorists that attacked us numerous times, most notably on 9-11. Now their president is calling our troops "demons". After all of our blood that was spilled he treats us like this? He also wants to dictate our deployment in-country. Let's say we leave and the place just returns to harboring terrorists that eventually attack our country. What would be our response? What options would we have?

Another liberal program that was destined to fail. It's tough to nation build when you're !@#$ing up so badly at home. It's time to admit that wars need to be about total conquest or short term message sending with no in between.


This could have been over a very long time ago with "leisure" bombing from Whiteman if anything even remotely serious started up. The U.S. Army is ill-equipped to handle engagements like this and the current version of public information warfare is virtually impossible to control because every tiny issue is so easily blown up.


Pull out. Warn sternly. Follow up if necessary. If we don't have the apparatus in place to monitor Afghanistan, then we never will. Oh, and once again a big thanks to the Clinton Administration for the Executive Order on asset recruitment. One of the all-time !@#$ ups in Presidential history.

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We've been there for a decade and the Afghan government can't stand on its own feet. We went in because the Taliban government was harboring terorists that attacked us numerous times, most notably on 9-11. Now their president is calling our troops "demons". After all of our blood that was spilled he treats us like this? He also wants to dictate our deployment in-country. Let's say we leave and the place just returns to harboring terrorists that eventually attack our country. What would be our response? What options would we have?


He needs to be somewhat less than discretely reminded that the presence of those "demons" are the only thing that is keeping him in power.


Apparently the lessons of Vietnam were forgotten. Politically-limited warfare while respecting territorial boundaries when the enemy does not DOES NOT WORK.

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He needs to be somewhat less than discretely reminded that the presence of those "demons" are the only thing that is keeping him in power.


Apparently the lessons of Vietnam were forgotten. Politically-limited warfare while respecting territorial boundaries when the enemy does not DOES NOT WORK.

So, if we get attacked here on our soil again by terrorists harbored and/or trained in Afghanistan, when we no longer have a presence there, what should we do?

Edited by 3rdnlng
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So, if we get attacked here on our soil again by terrorists harbored and/or trained in Afghanistan, when we no longer have a presence there, what should we do?


I've always been a big fan of bombing them into oblivion. Not really the popular way to wage war these days, but hey, I'm old school like that.

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So, if we get attacked here on our soil again by terrorists harbored and/or trained in Afghanistan, when we no longer have a presence there, what should we do?

Stand outside on the steps of the capitol and sing "God Bless America."


Look, it's not going to happen, okay? The current administration's Sally Fields Foreign Policy plan is working like a charm. People like us again. No one wants to attack us any more. Hell, just the other day Obama actually tucked David Cameron into bed. Really. We're loved now. No one will hurt us.


Unless, y'know, you put one of those evil Republican warmongers in charge. Then all bets are off.

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He needs to be somewhat less than discretely reminded that the presence of those "demons" are the only thing that is keeping him in power.


I'll see that "in power" and raise you an "alive."


Because at this point, two to three days after we're out of there, Karzai gets slowly beheaded with a dull machete.


Which, with his attitude (particularly after the OBL raid when he said that if the U.S. and Pakistan went to war, he'd side with Pakistan), I am actually in favor of. When his head is being placed next to his belly, ask him who the demons are. But be quick about it. And what with not having a windpipe, have him blink once for one option, and twice for another.

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I'll never forget the day Obama and Panetta started two losing wars with no clear goals.


Hey, only one of the wars had no clear goal. And only the other one was a losing proposition.


I've always been a big fan of bombing them into oblivion. Not really the popular way to wage war these days, but hey, I'm old school like that.


Bombing Afghanistan into oblivion would be redundant.

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Not entirely. The Afghanis do have domesticated animals, at least.


Weren't dogs started being domesticated in the stone age?


I'm guessing the affinity for sheep hasn't changed there.

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