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<br />Yes minuscule. Potentially saving 100 lives a year?? <br /><br /> Why replace mirrors?  You can't use your mirrors?  **** dude of you can't drive now so I know I'll drive circles around you when I'm 90.<br />
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Cameras are cheap. They offer a better range of view. NOT saying I can not use mirrors... I am not a Luddite either.


About minuscule... I am not talking about the small loss of life... Yet, each death is a personal tragedy. Nobody is perfect, if tech can make my life more of a zero fail mission... more powerto it. It only takes one lapse to have a tragedy.


Again these things are so cheap... like brake lights.

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Cameras are cheap. They offer a better range of view. NOT saying I can not use mirrors... I am not a Luddite either.


About minuscule... I am not talking about the small loss of life... Yet, each death is a personal tragedy. Nobody is perfect, if tech can make my life more of a zero fail mission... more powerto it. It only takes one lapse to have a tragedy.


Again these things are so cheap... like brake lights.


"This is the Govenment Eric. We will do what we can to make your life a zero fail mission. We've done our best but please, please tell us what else me can do to make sure your life is a zero fail. Now making sure you're not a loser...we're not sure we can do that."

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<br />"This is the Govenment Eric. We will do what we can to make your life a zero fail mission. We've done our best but please, please tell us what else me can do to make sure your life is a zero fail. Now making sure you're not a loser...we're not sure we can do that."<br />
<br /><br /><br />


So you think brake lights & turn signals are also bad... Man you would have been a hoot when they mandated them:


"What? You can't drive with hand signals?"

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Karma is a beeatch Chef... Hope you never wipe out a child because of a brain fart! These things are so cheap... Why not? If it reduces the risk... Go back to using hand signals.


I can usually tell when I getting the best of you Chef... And clearly I am, because it shows in your weak posts.


Such a dumb thread.

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Next stupid topic:


"Smart Fans: Why do they mandate guards on fans to keep little fingers safe."


How dare they insult me! I don't need no big gov't telling me we need guards on fans!


I will tell you what Chef... If they mandate such a cheap and simple safety device like backup cam's... Just disable the thing soas not to have your driving prowess insulted!


Long live the smug DINKS of the world!

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Next stupid topic:


"Smart Fans: Why do they mandate guards on fans to keep little fingers safe."


How dare they insult me! I don't need no big gov't telling me we need guards on fans!


I will tell you what Chef... If they mandate such a cheap and simple safety device like backup cam's... Just disable the thing soas not to have your driving prowess insulted!


Long live the smug DINKS of the world!


Is there anything in your little world that you would not like the government to force upon you to provide some sort of perceived safety to a small few that you would not be against? Or are you so that afraid of your own abilities or the abilities of others that you need big brother to protect you against some potential mistake?

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Back up cameras and bull **** sensors. What are you people, !@#$ing French? Mmmmph!


I drive a GT500. 3800 pounds of Detroit Muscle. Modular motor. Blown 540 horsepower before the louder whiner. Eats gas buffet style and ***** on hybrids.


Anyone who doesn't drive a gas guzzling big block Ford built in the Dearborn, MI is pussyfying this country and hates freedom.


We've found the vortex of the American Dream gentlemen. Where are you at?

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Back up cameras and bull **** sensors. What are you people, !@#$ing French? Mmmmph!


I drive a GT500. 3800 pounds of Detroit Muscle. Modular motor. Blown 540 horsepower before the louder whiner. Eats gas buffet style and ***** on hybrids.


Anyone who doesn't drive a gas guzzling big block Ford built in the Dearborn, MI is pussyfying this country and hates freedom.


We've found the vortex of the American Dream gentlemen. Where are you at?

Odd. You truly strike me as a Volt driver.


Granted, there's only about 30, but still...

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I'm in Germany with Jim.


Driving the Autobaun at 120...........backwards.


Speaking of which BMW had a deal going on where they'd send you to Germany where you could pick out your car. Drive it around Germany (at high rates of speed no doubt) and then they'd ship it to you in the states. That would be a fantastic trip!

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Driving the Autobaun at 120...........backwards.


Speaking of which BMW had a deal going on where they'd send you to Germany where you could pick out your car. Drive it around Germany (at high rates of speed no doubt) and then they'd ship it to you in the states. That would be a fantastic trip!


Audi man... Audi


My cousin in Italy bought an A8 and got to drive it back home from Germany. Now that would be fun :flirt:

Edited by meazza
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Audi man... Audi


My cousin in Italy bought an A8 and got to drive it back home from Germany. Now that would be fun :flirt:


Audi's are gay with their cutsie smiling headlights. :devil:


There is an A6 that parks next to me that is pretty sweet though.

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Audi man... Audi


My cousin in Italy bought an A8 and got to drive it back home from Germany. Now that would be fun :flirt:


Hope it floats!


I had two A6s - pre LED headlights. They ride wonderfully well. Durability though - not so much.


As to the backup cameras - how in the name of Hades does the Federal government expect to handle the complaints from the blondes who put it in reverse - then hop out and run in back of the car so they can see themselves on the TV, only to run back and hop into the driver seat and they're not there? :blink: I sense a crisis in the making.


Oh, and don't worry. Because it's a Federal mandate - it'll be for free. The automakers won't be able to charge for that feature.

Edited by Nanker
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Driving the Autobaun at 120...........backwards.


Speaking of which BMW had a deal going on where they'd send you to Germany where you could pick out your car. Drive it around Germany (at high rates of speed no doubt) and then they'd ship it to you in the states. That would be a fantastic trip!


I didn't do that but I custom ordered my car (which sounds impressive but it just involved being able to get exactly what I wanted since they had no manual transmission models of the car I wanted on the lot) and could have done that. You can also pick up the newly built cars in North Carolina and drive them on their test course there. I didn't do that either.


Audi's are gay with their cutsie smiling headlights. :devil:


There is an A6 that parks next to me that is pretty sweet though.


Audis are gay with their breaking down all the time.

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I didn't do that but I custom ordered my car (which sounds impressive but it just involved being able to get exactly what I wanted since they had no manual transmission models of the car I wanted on the lot) and could have done that. You can also pick up the newly built cars in North Carolina and drive them on their test course there. I didn't do that either.


Yeah I was going to get one custom ordered too but it would have taken too long seeing the lease on my other one was up. I just needed to make sure it had the best damn audio system available. And damn does it. Unfortunately it's silver. :cry:

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Is there anything in your little world that you would not like the government to force upon you to provide some sort of perceived safety to a small few that you would not be against? Or are you so that afraid of your own abilities or the abilities of others that you need big brother to protect you against some potential mistake?


My little world? Huh? You are the one that is coming off as the Luddite DINK that is complaining your freedom of choice is being hampered by a 50 dollar piece of equipment that is by far superior to a simple mirror that can COST MORE! This is a no brainer... Some loss of live can be adverted at an even lower cost! Now, it is the big bad wolf gov't insulting Chef Jim's driving acumen. Is there no limit to your douchbaggery?


Potential mistakes like running over a child I guess are no big deal in your world?


Anyway... My point is that cameras are just as cheap as mirrors and offer better advantages to mirrors No doubt if camera tech and price were we are at today 80 years ago... You probably wouldn't see a mirror in a car period.


Look at this as a natural extension of the tech just like brake and turn signals did to the hand signals. Sure we can still use the manual siginals in a pinch... But who the heck wants to go back to far less superior tech? Is it still mandated that a street legal vehicle have working brake lights... Including "third eye"... Four-ways/hazard and turn sigs. This is not one of your inane "slippery slope" arguments... It is simple extension of mirror tech (through cameras) getting better.


Sorry if logic gets in the way of your screeds against "the man" coming down on you.

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My little world? Huh? You are the one that is coming off as the Luddite DINK that is complaining your freedom of choice is being hampered by a 50 dollar piece of equipment that is by far superior to a simple mirror that can COST MORE! This is a no brainer... Some loss of live can be adverted at an even lower cost! Now, it is the big bad wolf gov't insulting Chef Jim's driving acumen. Is there no limit to your douchbaggery?


Potential mistakes like running over a child I guess are no big deal in your world?


Anyway... My point is that cameras are just as cheap as mirrors and offer better advantages to mirrors No doubt if camera tech and price were we are at today 80 years ago... You probably wouldn't see a mirror in a car period.


Look at this as a natural extension of the tech just like brake and turn signals did to the hand signals. Sure we can still use the manual siginals in a pinch... But who the heck wants to go back to far less superior tech? Is it still mandated that a street legal vehicle have working brake lights... Including "third eye"... Four-ways/hazard and turn sigs. This is not one of your inane "slippery slope" arguments... It is simple extension of mirror tech (through cameras) getting better.


Sorry if logic gets in the way of your screeds against "the man" coming down on you.


Let me ask you a question. Will a camera prevent me from hitting someone on a bike, scooter, motercycle that is zooming from my left or right. No as a matter of fact I wouldn't see them because I'd be staring at my video screen in my dashboard. So in that scenario the camera would make me more dangerous not less. But the government knows better right. It ain't about the cost.

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