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Favorite movie scenes

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Y'know, I'll probably take some crap for this, but I think that scene is one of the most overrated and ridiculous scenes ever. It was like watching a conversation between two impersonators: one was imitating every Pacino character ever played and the other was imitating every DeNiro character ever played.

Then you missed the entire point of that scene.


But you can't please everyone.

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One of my favorite movies, and an underrated bit of the Burton catalogue. That scene gets me every time.


Me too, me too. I really like Burton's filmography, he can be a bit excentric but some times it works to make a certain point. Sleepy Hollow is another great movie.



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A true classic.............






Some cool triva about this movie.






Hitchcock was a genious


"Every theater that showed the film had a cardboard cut-out installed in the lobby of Alfred Hitchcock pointing to his wristwatch with a note from the director saying "The manager of this theatre has been instructed at the risk of his life, not to admit to the theatre any persons after the picture starts. Any spurious attempts to enter by side doors, fire escapes or ventilating shafts will be met by force. The entire objective of this extraordinary policy, of course, is to help you enjoy PSYCHO more. Alfred Hitchcock"



"Alfred Hitchcock ran a deliciously droll and terse radio ad in the summer of 1960. In an era when sponsors used "Brand X" to describe their competitors' products, Hitch's voice said he wanted to compare his new movie with "Brand X". Then, the sound of a horse neighing and horse clippity-clop sounds. Hitch's voice said simply "Brand X is a western." "Now for my picture", followed by a loud scream. End of commercial!"

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A true classic.............







Some cool triva about this movie.






LOVEEEEE Hitchcock, him and Kubrick are my two favs. Rear Window and Dial M for Murder are my favorites. I think the freakiest scene from Psycho is when "mother" comes darting out of the bedroom with the knife once the detective sets foot on the top stair. It happens so quick it makes you jump.

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Me too, me too. I really like Burton's filmography, he can be a bit excentric but some times it works to make a certain point. Sleepy Hollow is another great movie.




Another film that my buddy, Andy, wrote the screenplay for...I will say of Burton, he has made some great movies, but, more and more, he makes movies that look great, but aren't as satisfying as his better stuff. His "Planet Of the Apes" re-make was such a huge disappointment to me...because it was Burton, I had such high expectations. It looked great, but, IMO, had an awful screenplay (or should I say "screenplay") and wasn't terribly well directed...it was a big mess. As a huge fanatic of the original POA films, the only redeeming thing abou it, beyond the makeup, was the sort of "inside" jokes that referred to the original films. I suspect I would feel the same about the new "Dark Shadows" flick, if I hadn't already determined that I won't see it. Unless, of course, my gf insists...she seems to have no interest so far.

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