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Trayvon Martin Case


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Did TM have the legal right to be in the place he was at the time he was? Yes.


Did GZ have the legal right to be in the place he was at the time he was? Yes.


Did GZ have the legal right to ask TM what he was doing in the area? Yes.


Who instigated the physical assault? If the prosecution proves it was GZ, case closed. GZ's defense doesn't have to prove it was TM, just give reasonable doubt that it wasn't GZ. Seems like a tough burden for the State to overcome, to me. Not guilty.


This ain't rocket science.

he has a legal right to ask a question but no legal right to force an answer or impede TM's progress
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If GZ had all those bad things on his record...


What about the suspensions for TM. The fights he got in? The drugs he dealt? The images of him smoking? Growing pot? The things he said on Facebook and Twitter? The kid was nothing to society but a little punk.

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Here's an assignment for you:


Look up the following words in the dictionary. After learning what each word means put them all together in a sentence and see if you can glean some meaning from it.






You are so dismissable. You know, that was the second time you called me out on the spelling of a word and both times you've been wrong. Most people with at least half a brain would look up the spelling before continuing with their folly. You, on the other hand, not only highlight your stupidity, but keep posting schit to draw even more attention to it. I'm losing interest in you as my cat toy. It used to be that I had to actually do something to make you go off the deep end, but now my mere presence in a thread does it. That's why you are so dismissable.

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So there's no pot being grown on your farm ?


Nc laws are uber strict on that IIRC.


What kid doesn't love pot these days ?

I've been outspoken on pot. Legalize it. Legalize everything. Let the ones who want to do it. Do it. Doesn't make it right. But it is a waste of money to pursue criminal action for weed.


I'm not growing any pot on my farm. I've never smoked weed in my life. No desire.


The fact that a high percentage of people smoke weed doesn't make it right. A higher (no pun intended) percentage speed and run red lights. Doesn't make it right.


Its not just about the fact that he dealt drugs. There were reports that he was found with a book bag of jewelry not belonging to him. And there are tweets and Facebook messages where it was clear he was slinging weed the kid may have just been a kid. But he was also a 17 year old punk. He should not have been shot. But he deserved it.

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I really don't know what to think about innocence or guilt in this case, but one good thing has come out of it. Police are no longer standing idly by in the cases of hispanic on black violence as the quick arrest of Aaron Hernandez clearly shows. The Martin family may or may not get the result they desire in this case but they should be proud they were able to help the Lloyds.

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From ABC News;


George Zimmerman Witness Can't Read Letter She 'Wrote' About Shooting


A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot.

In a painfully embarassing moment, Rachel Jeantel was asked to read the letter out loud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" defense attorney Don West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

Jeantel, 19, was unable to read any of the letter save for her name.

The testimony was an attempt to raise questions about veracity of Jeantel's testimony, who is a key prosecution witness in the racially charged case.

Zimmerman, 29, is on trial in the Florida courtroom for second degree murder in Martin's Feb. 26, 2012 death.

Jeantel was subdued on the stand today, in contrast to her openly hostile demeanor towards Zimmerman's lawyers on Wednesday. Her behavior was so different that defense lawyer Don West asked Jeantel whether someone had spoken to her about her behavior on the stand.


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But here’s the key:



Obama and the Democrats would actually prefer an acquittal here.


That’s because the whole point of the ginned-up Zimmerman affair was to inflame racial sentiment to boost black turnout in 2012.


With any luck, they can turn an acquittal into another racial rallying cry, which will help in 2014.


It’s not about Zimmerman; he’s just one of those eggs you have to break to make an Obama omelet.



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From ABC News;


George Zimmerman Witness Can't Read Letter She 'Wrote' About Shooting


A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot.

In a painfully embarassing moment, Rachel Jeantel was asked to read the letter out loud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" defense attorney Don West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.

Jeantel, 19, was unable to read any of the letter save for her name.

The testimony was an attempt to raise questions about veracity of Jeantel's testimony, who is a key prosecution witness in the racially charged case.

Zimmerman, 29, is on trial in the Florida courtroom for second degree murder in Martin's Feb. 26, 2012 death.

Jeantel was subdued on the stand today, in contrast to her openly hostile demeanor towards Zimmerman's lawyers on Wednesday. Her behavior was so different that defense lawyer Don West asked Jeantel whether someone had spoken to her about her behavior on the stand.





man.... thats a big moment.

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I wish she was my friend... Zimmerman might be a rapist. She must be a genius.


screw it. I will go rapist. If Zimmerman is a cracker ass whatever. She looks like a black ass ghetto diva who belong back in da hood wit all dat she be sayin' yo. Seriously, where did this woman learn to speak?


Just back in the country and getting to see this now. My only question after hearing her testimony is, Would Ya Pooj?

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