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Trayvon Martin Case


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"Lawyers for George Zimmerman filed suit today against NBC Universal Media over a well-publicized editing error that portrayed their client in racist terms in his pursuit of Trayvon Martin on a drizzly evening in February.


“NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so to set about the myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain,” states the civil complaint in its opening salvo against NBC.


NBC’s editing of the 911 audiotape in the Martin case became a public fixation after the media-monitoring Web site NewsBusters.org noted editing oddities on a “Today” show broadcast March 27. Here’s how NBC News portrayed the audiotape:


Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.


The full tape went like this:


Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.


Zimmerman thus didn’t volunteer a racial profile of Martin; he was asked to provide it, a point that the lawsuit makes in colorful fashion: “NBC created this false and defamatory misimpression using the oldest form of yellow journalism: manipulating Zimmerman’s own words, splicing together disparate parts of the recording to create illusions of statements that Zimmerman never actually made.”


Looks like NBC might get what it deserves.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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"Lawyers for George Zimmerman filed suit today against NBC Universal Media over a well-publicized editing error that portrayed their client in racist terms in his pursuit of Trayvon Martin on a drizzly evening in February.


“NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so to set about the myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain,” states the civil complaint in its opening salvo against NBC.


NBC’s editing of the 911 audiotape in the Martin case became a public fixation after the media-monitoring Web site NewsBusters.org noted editing oddities on a “Today” show broadcast March 27. Here’s how NBC News portrayed the audiotape:



Looks like NBC might get what it deserves.

Go George. Clean em out. Would like to see the propaganda machine be a bit accountable.

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  • 2 months later...




"The parents of Trayvon Martin are asking people to mark the one year anniversary of the teenager's death in a controversial case by wearing hoodies during a candlelight vigil tonight.

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, the teenager's parents, and their lawyers will be hosting a Million Hoodies Candlelight Vigil in New York's Union Square.

They are asking supporters to join them "for a moment of silence in honor of Trayvon Martin and all victims of senseless gun violence."

Communities around the country are expected to host similar events tonight."



Seriously, a hoodie vigil?

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In my neck of the woods they will not be mourning this...it came up at work, and some d-bag began speaking about it being a good thing he was killed, that anyone who goes tonight should join him. It just reminds me that this is not the Trayvon Martin case to many people this is good old fashioned racism.

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"The parents of Trayvon Martin are asking people to mark the one year anniversary of the teenager's death in a controversial case by wearing hoodies during a candlelight vigil tonight.

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, the teenager's parents, and their lawyers will be hosting a Million Hoodies Candlelight Vigil in New York's Union Square.

They are asking supporters to join them "for a moment of silence in honor of Trayvon Martin and all victims of senseless gun violence."

Communities around the country are expected to host similar events tonight."



Seriously, a hoodie vigil?


One wonders if Obama's wearing a hoodie at this moment...


...y'know, out of respect for the son he doesn't have.

Edited by DC Tom
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In my neck of the woods they will not be mourning this...it came up at work, and some d-bag began speaking about it being a good thing he was killed, that anyone who goes tonight should join him. It just reminds me that this is not the Trayvon Martin case to many people this is good old fashioned racism.


It would appear that Martin was a somewhat misguided kid that might have had a little thuginess in him. It was tragic that he got killed, but it would appear that it was also tragic that Zimmerman is going through all of this. Zimmerman will have to look over his shoulder his whole life even after he is exonerated (from what it appears).

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Zimmerman will have to look over his shoulder his whole life even after he is exonerated (from what it appears).


That won't be a long life. The irony will be that he'll be killed by a person or people who otherwise have a viscerally negative reaction to the word "lynching".

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That won't be a long life. The irony will be that he'll be killed by a person or people who otherwise have a viscerally negative reaction to the word "lynching".


We still don't have all the facts, but all the little bits of it that come out point in Zimmerman's favor. If you are getting your head bashed into the cement and you have a gun, what are you going to do? Check I.D. for age and pockets for Skittles?

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After hearing everything that I've heard over the last few months, I still put the responsibility on Zimmerman.


He profiled an individual that wasn't doing anything wrong, chased/followed him (by his own admission) against the admonitions of a 911 dispatcher, then caught an ass whoopin.


What I'm not sure of is what happened in the intervening time frame between when he chased Trayvon, lost sight of Trayvon, and they finally confronted one another.


The only thing I do know is that if he would have called the police due to suspicious activity, then they could have performed their due diligence and determined that the kid was bored and walking for refreshments. Zimmerman would have been performing a valuable function for his community by observing untoward behavior and notifying the authorities.


Instead, he went beyond his citizen function, chased the kid, pissed him off, and caught a beat down. Then, out of options due to his own stupidity, Zimmerman had to resort to shooting Trayvon because he couldn't fight like a man.


If Zimmerman is exonerated, then he should be left alone and allowed to move on peacefully without being bothered by people who disagree with the court's judgment. He would have been acquitted and folks need to respect the determination of the court and let the man and his family get on with their lives.


Unfortunately, there are probably some cats, in some hood spots, who will endeavor to make Zimmerman's acquaintance.

Edited by Juror#8
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After hearing everything that I've heard over the last few months, I still put the responsibility on Zimmerman.


He profiled an individual that wasn't doing anything wrong, chased/followed him (by his own admission) against the admonitions of a 911 dispatcher, then caught an ass whoopin.


What I'm not sure of is what happened in the intervening time frame between when he chased Trayvon, lost sight of Trayvon, and they finally confronted one another.


The only thing I do know is that if he would have called the police due to suspicious activity, then they could have performed their due diligence and determined that the kid was bored and walking for refreshments. Zimmerman would have been performing a valuable function for his community by observing untoward behavior and notifying the authorities.


Instead, he went beyond his citizen function, chased the kid, pissed him off, and caught a beat down. Then, out of options due to his own stupidity, Zimmerman had to resort to shooting Trayvon because he couldn't fight like a man.


If Zimmerman is exonerated, then he should be left alone and allowed to move on peacefully without being bothered by people who disagree with the court's judgment. He would have been acquitted and folks need to respect the determination of the court and let the man and his family get on with their lives.


Unfortunately, there are probably some cats, in some hood spots, who will endeavor to make Zimmerman's acquaintance.

Now he chased Trayvon? Interesting. I haven't seen that documented anywhere.


Where does Trayvon's responsibility lie, exactly? Is thumping someones skull off the payment now permissible if they do indeed piss you off?

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Now he chased Trayvon? Interesting. I haven't seen that documented anywhere.


Where does Trayvon's responsibility lie, exactly? Is thumping someones skull off the payment now permissible if they do indeed piss you off?


He followed the trail of Skittles.

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Yes. Everything even the slightest bit painful or negative is a tragedy. And whoever's subject to them is heroic. Didn't you get the memo?


As you know, I've certainly not been an apologist for Martin over this. I call his death tragic, because it didn't have to happen. You, on the other hand would appear to categorize it as slightly painful or "negative". Each to his own I guess.

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Now he chased Trayvon? Interesting. I haven't seen that documented anywhere.


Where does Trayvon's responsibility lie, exactly? Is thumping someones skull off the payment now permissible if they do indeed piss you off?


By his own admission, yes he did.




verb (used without object)


to follow in pursuit: to chase after someone.


to rush or hasten: We spent the weekend chasing around from one store to another.


Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance...!@#$ing [disputed/unintelligible]

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Okay, we don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman: Okay.

Dispatcher: All right, sir, what is your name?

Zimmerman: George...He ran.

Dispatcher: All right, George, what's your last name?

Zimmerman: Zimmerman.

Dispatcher: And George, what's the phone number you're calling from?

Zimmerman: [redacted]

Dispatcher: All right, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?

Zimmerman:: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Alright, where you going to meet with them at?

Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the club house, and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and then they go past the mailboxes, that's my truck...[unintelligible]

Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?

Zimmerman: I don't know. It's a cut through so I don't know the address.

Dispatcher: Okay. Do you live in the area?

Zimmerman: Yeah, I...[unintelligible]



I'm about to rise to the level of my Juror#8 ("Davis") namesake.


To my knowledge there wasn't a single witness that said that Zimmerman's head was being thumped against the ground. Not the women who lived two stories above where the incident happened. Not Mary Cutcher. Not the dog walker. Not the man who took pictures of Zimmerman post incident. Not Selma Lamilla.


Zimmerman said that Trayvon was doing ________. But the scratches/abrasions on Zimmerman's head are not consistent with being slammed against cement:




Those are scratches consistent with getting his ass kicked, someone punching him in the face, and his head getting scratched up as he endeavored to avoid the punches or get up. That is not the type of laceration that you'd expect to see when skin is interacting violently with concrete.


The vogue thing to do right now is to take Zimmerman at face value because he had a bloody nose, a busted lip, and some scratches on his head. Many kids throughout America on the football field, on the basetball court, and in fisticuffs on the playground at 3:00 after school experience worse EVERYDAY.


They're not fearing for their life and they don't react the way Zimmerman did.


Trayvon would have stood up, called Zimmerman a punk ass biatch, laughed, and went about his way. Zimmerman would have had a well whooped ass. But they both would have lived to fight another day. Except that Zimmerman couldn't take his ass whoopin, couldn't fight back, and instead escalated a situation that he precipitated, into some final judgment because he was salty.


Not sure that that is fair.

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