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Trayvon Martin Case


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And that is my main point. He 100% created that situation.



Well then, lets play the "supposition" game from your end.


Assume that your storyline is correct. Mr Zimmerman needlesly followed Mr. Martin which led to the altercation, and since he was losing the fight badly he pulled out his gun and shot Martin.


Now..........is that Second degree Murder ?................Not remotely.


Should Mr. Zimmerman continuously be threatened and called a rascist in your scenario ?.........not remotely.



The PROBLEM is some people want vengance, no matter what the facts are.




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Let's pretend that is correct. If the wanna be cop didn't ignore 911 requests and not follow Martin in the first place, the situation doesn't occur AT ALL. He created a situation and got his @ss kicked by a kid 10 years younger than him and who weighed 100 lbs. He is 100% at fault for everything that happen after he ignored 911.


Let me break it down for you:


1) It is not illegal to not follow a civilian 911 operators request. This was not a sworn law enforcement officer giving GZ a lawful order.


2) it is not illegal to follow someone. GZ had a legal right to be in the place that he was. So did TM.


3) There has been no word that GZ confronted TM. On the contrary, TMs girlfriend stated that TM confronted GZ.


4) it IS illegal to start wailing on a guy merely because he was following you.


BTW - your characterization of GZ as a "wannabe cop" is interesting. I don't know GZ any better than you do. But, having someone pay attention to suspicious goings on in my neighborhood would be welcomed by me. And, yes, walking around in the rain with a hoodie is suspicious. This is coming from a "real" cop in FL.

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But you guys are right. Martin asked for it. The world would be a better place if people just followed other people for no reason, ignore 911 orders, and then shot someone holding skittles. That would be awesome. Zimmerman is hero.

Y'know, the topic has a lot of angles to it, and there is a ton of information that many people -- including and especially yourself - simply do not know. Many of the people you are discussing this with are simply pointing this out.


No one said Martin asked for it. No one said Zimmerman is a hero. And when you bring the conversation down that road, you sound like a teenage girl who just found out her daddy won't get her an iPhone like all her other friends have. You're making the same fingernails-on-the-chalkboard screeching sound you heard from that wacky congresswoman with the rhinestone cowboy stripper hat.

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Let me break it down for you:


1) It is not illegal to not follow a civilian 911 operators request. This was not a sworn law enforcement officer giving GZ a lawful order.


2) it is not illegal to follow someone. GZ had a legal right to be in the place that he was. So did TM.


3) There has been no word that GZ confronted TM. On the contrary, TMs girlfriend stated that TM confronted GZ.


4) it IS illegal to start wailing on a guy merely because he was following you.


BTW - your characterization of GZ as a "wannabe cop" is interesting. I don't know GZ any better than you do. But, having someone pay attention to suspicious goings on in my neighborhood would be welcomed by me. And, yes, walking around in the rain with a hoodie is suspicious. This is coming from a "real" cop in FL.


Of course you don't. No one does. Didn't you know not only is C. Bisquick Zimmerman's best friend he was there when the whole thing went down.


And I thought the cop wannabe was an interesting comment too. Do you have an issue with police officers Bisquick?

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Of course you don't. No one does. Didn't you know not only is C. Bisquick Zimmerman's best friend he was there when the whole thing went down.


And I thought the cop wannabe was an interesting comment too. Do you have an issue with police officers Bisquick?


Of course they do.

of what went down.
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How about the law that allows you to ignore what 911 tells you to do?


But you guys are right. Martin asked for it. The world would be a better place if people just followed other people for no reason, ignore 911 orders, and then shot someone holding skittles. That would be awesome. Zimmerman is hero.


Nobody is saying that, you ass.


What we ARE saying is that the narrative of "innocent black boy getting gunned down like a rabid dog by a racist man and the racist police looked the other way and racist racist racist America laughed along and every white person is guilty" the media and the racial hucksters who both have REAL skin in the game have put forth has now been shot to pieces.

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Haha. You bitter bastards can't even argue with throwing insults. Considering this is probably your weekend's highlight, keep them comIng.


The toughness behind the computer screen is really intimidating. Enjoy the weekend & your Internet gang to keep out all opposite opinions. You're winners on the Internet! Cowards.


That said, chef Jim's c. Bisquick name is super hilarious. Cheers.

Edited by C.Biscuit97
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And, yes, walking around in the rain with a hoodie is suspicious. This is coming from a "real" cop in FL.

... I don't have a dog in this fight so this isn't a shot at all, it's a legit question from someone who often wears a hoodie in the rain here in California ... why is it suspicious for me to wear a hoodie in the rain?

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Haha. You bitter bastards can't even argue with throwing insults. Considering this is probably your weekend's highlight, keep them comIng.


The toughness behind the computer screen is really intimidating. Enjoy the weekend & your Internet gang to keep out all opposite opinions. You're winners on the Internet! Cowards.


That said, chef Jim's c. Bisquick name is super hilarious. Cheers.



Listen, you deserve everything you've been given. You really had no knowledge of the case and you continued to argue against what evidence was known.

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... I don't have a dog in this fight so this isn't a shot at all, it's a legit question from someone who often wears a hoodie in the rain here in California ... why is it suspicious for me to wear a hoodie in the rain?


Suspicious doesn't equal illegal. A guy wearing a trench coat in summer is suspicious, but not illegal. Someone walking around on a dark, rainy night in a hooded sweatshirt is also suspicious. It just doesn't look right. Not many people are out walking around in the rain at night with a sweatshirt. Give that person an umbrella or a raincoat, and they don't look suspicious any more. It could well be they got caught in the rain, or some other valid reason. But, at first blush my mind says "what?" followed by "why?".

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Suspicious doesn't equal illegal. A guy wearing a trench coat in summer is suspicious, but not illegal. Someone walking around on a dark, rainy night in a hooded sweatshirt is also suspicious. It just doesn't look right. Not many people are out walking around in the rain at night with a sweatshirt. Give that person an umbrella or a raincoat, and they don't look suspicious any more. It could well be they got caught in the rain, or some other valid reason. But, at first blush my mind says "what?" followed by "why?".

Thanks for the answer. Cheers.

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... I don't have a dog in this fight so this isn't a shot at all, it's a legit question from someone who often wears a hoodie in the rain here in California ... why is it suspicious for me to wear a hoodie in the rain?


First we need to know what color you are.

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I think the newsmedia backtracking has begun. Behold Mr Zimmerman, the multiracial Hispanic.


But the story's not really over until the media starts covering the media's contribution to the story...

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Haha. You bitter bastards can't even argue with throwing insults. Considering this is probably your weekend's highlight, keep them comIng.


The toughness behind the computer screen is really intimidating. Enjoy the weekend & your Internet gang to keep out all opposite opinions. You're winners on the Internet! Cowards.


That said, chef Jim's c. Bisquick name is super hilarious. Cheers.


So they can't argue without throwing insults and you proceed to throw insults. :wallbash:


And I'm glad you like my nickname for you but you do realize it's because you have sticky dough for brains right.

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