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Trayvon Martin Case


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And, if Trayvon wasn't stoned with a hankering for Skittles, it never would have happened. And, if the All Star Game had started earlier it never would have happened.


Good point. A 17 year old with no weapon who committed no crime is shot and killed. It's a big joke. Hilarious.

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Let's pretend that is correct. If the wanna be cop didn't ignore 911 requests and not follow Martin in the first place, the situation doesn't occur AT ALL. He created a situation and got his @ss kicked by a kid 10 years younger than him and who weighed 100 lbs. He is 100% at fault for everything that happen after he ignored 911.



You still don't know the facts of this case and from the information that has come out you are wrong in the quoted statement above. Why don't you do a little research and then I'll discuss it with you if you wish.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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Ever hear of a crime called battery??


Again, if Zimmerman doesn't follow a kid who did nothing wrong after 911 told him not to, the situation never occurs. He completely provoked the situation.


If someone is following me around, you better believe I'm going to confornt them. And if GZ did get beat up by a 17 yo high school student, he's a complete kitty cat. Fact is, he's a wanna be tough guy who is no better than little thugs who carry guns on the streets. They would be completely gutless if they didn't pack heat.

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Again, if Zimmerman doesn't follow a kid who did nothing wrong after 911 told him not to, the situation never occurs. He completely provoked the situation.


If someone is following me around, you better believe I'm going to confornt them. And if GZ did get beat up by a 17 yo high school student, he's a complete kitty cat. Fact is, he's a wanna be tough guy who is no better than little thugs who carry guns on the streets. They would be completely gutless if they didn't pack heat.


Could you quote the relevant law that says being provoked exonerates someone from battery?

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Could you quote the relevant law that says being provoked exonerates someone from battery?


He's still making judgements off of yesterday's headlines. I can't believe someone would try to discuss this with so little knowledge of the case.

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Could you quote the relevant law that says being provoked exonerates someone from battery?


How about the law that allows you to ignore what 911 tells you to do?


But you guys are right. Martin asked for it. The world would be a better place if people just followed other people for no reason, ignore 911 orders, and then shot someone holding skittles. That would be awesome. Zimmerman is hero.

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How about the law that allows you to ignore what 911 tells you to do?


But you guys are right. Martin asked for it. The world would be a better place if people just followed other people for no reason, ignore 911 orders, and then shot someone holding skittles. That would be awesome. Zimmerman is hero.


Oh so there's a law that stipulates to strictly follow 9-11 directives? Really?

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How about the law that allows you to ignore what 911 tells you to do?


But you guys are right. Martin asked for it. The world would be a better place if people just followed other people for no reason, ignore 911 orders, and then shot someone holding skittles. That would be awesome. Zimmerman is hero.


The skittles reference has convinced me.

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Let's pretend that is correct. If the wanna be cop didn't ignore 911 requests and not follow Martin in the first place, the situation doesn't occur AT ALL. He created a situation and got his @ss kicked by a kid 10 years younger than him and who weighed 100 lbs. He is 100% at fault for everything that happen after he ignored 911.

Here's the deal, you initially rushed to judgement and you were wrong.


It appears that Zimmerman overstepped his bounds and should have never of ignored the 911 call, because of that fateful decision, Trayvon is dead. Having said that, the photos and I witness accounts corroborate Zimmermans allegation of self-defense. First off, Zimmerman is skinny and like 5 foot 4 , so he isn't a big guy by any stretch of the imagination. Second, he had gashes in the back of his head, a bloodied possible broken nose and bruises to the face. According to a witness he was being straddled like an M & A fighter, and then lastly the gun shot wound was from anywhere from 1 to 18 inches of distance.


In regards to self-defense, it looks pretty clear. The allegations of Zimmerman hunting down Trayvon or killing him in cold-blood dont match up with the facts. The D.A overzealously charged Zimmerman with 2nd degre murder simply because she succumbed to public pressure and as a result, screwed up the case. She should of charged him with a manslaughter charge, There is just no way that he will get charged for second degree murder, now this is going to be a real cluster !@#$.


There will be a segment of the population who will want him to be convicted of murder, but the facts tell differently. They need to try to plea bargain ASAP, reduce it to man slaughter. But if you are Zimmermans defense, you gotta ask yourself "why should we?"


Considering they have lots of physical evidence, the close up gun shot wound and several I witnesss that support their case,they win this easily in a court of law.


Remember, this is being tried as a second degree murder, so the merits of the argument that Zimmerman ignored the 911 call don't suggest murder. If it had been a manslaughter case, then the argument would of been much easier to make.


This is gonna get ugly, I think its almost a forgone conclusion that we will see rioting on the streets once he has been found innocent.

Edited by Magox
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Oh so there's a law that stipulates to strictly follow 9-11 directives? Really?


Honestly, think whatever you want. If you believe that what Zimmerman did is right and he didn't create a situation that should have never existed in the 1st place, I guess that's you opinion. But it amazes me how hard some are working to defend a wanna cop (who has battery charges on his record, but he's a great guy) who shot a kid who did nothing wrong and had no weapon.


I can't wait to move to Florida so I can just follow people and shoot them when they confront me on following them.

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Honestly, think whatever you want. If you believe that what Zimmerman did is right and he didn't create a situation that should have never existed in the 1st place, I guess that's you opinion. But it amazes me how hard some are working to defend a wanna cop (who has battery charges on his record, but he's a great guy) who shot a kid who did nothing wrong and had no weapon.


I can't wait to move to Florida so I can just follow people and shoot them when they confront me on following them.


It has nothing to do with being right but what is legal. How dense are you not to get that?


Technically someone could follow me for 3 blocks and call me a dago spaghetti eating wop with greasy hair and I don't have the legal right to attack him. If I do, the other party, who is still an !@#$ has the right to defend himself.


The only difference between where I'm from (montreal) and (flo-rida) is that Flordiians can shoot the mother!@#$er.


Are you getting it now retard?

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It appears that Zimmerman overstepped his bounds and should have never of ignored the 911 call, because of that fateful decision, Trayvon is dead.


And that is my main point. He 100% created that situation. If Martin came up to him and started attacking him, you would not see me defending TM. Like I said, if someone follows me, I'm sure as hell going to confront them.


But I'm sure everyone who defends GZ reactions would be the same if Martin shot & killed GZ because he was "standing his ground" against a creppy guy following him.

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Good point. A 17 year old with no weapon who committed no crime is shot and killed. It's a big joke. Hilarious.


No. Just following your logic - if this didn't happen, then that would never have happened. You can take it back as far as you want.

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It has nothing to do with being right but what is legal. How dense are you not to get that?


Technically someone could follow me for 3 blocks and call me a dago spaghetti eating wop with greasy hair and I don't have the legal right to attack him. If I do, the other party, who is still an !@#$ has the right to defend himself.


The only difference between where I'm from (montreal) and (flo-rida) is that Flordiians can shoot the mother!@#$er.


Are you getting it now retard?


You're a flucking joke. Your argument is way stronger by throwing at insults. :w00t:


No wonder you like Zimmerman. You got the same personality. You can pop off without fear of consequence. You're so tough behind your computer screen. Don't you got some 15 year old girls to try and bang?

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You're a flucking joke. Your argument is way stronger by throwing at insults. :w00t:


No wonder you like Zimmerman. You got the same personality. You can pop off without fear of consequence. You're so tough behind your computer screen. Don't you got some 15 year old girls to try and bang?


Funny dipshit.

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You're a flucking joke. Your argument is way stronger by throwing at insults. :w00t:


No wonder you like Zimmerman. You got the same personality. You can pop off without fear of consequence. You're so tough behind your computer screen. Don't you got some 15 year old girls to try and bang?


Ohhhhh I get it now. You're friends with Zimmerman. You know his personality and you were there that night to see how it all went down. Why didn't you tell us that in the first place. We're sorry we every challenged your knowledge. Carry on oh wise one.

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