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Trayvon Martin Case


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He could have some reconstructive surgery. If he is found inocent I would have to problem with the state paying for it since they are the ones charging him.



Is this a serious suggestion?


With you being stupid it's hard to tell.

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Oh yeah! Beat that straw man!




Do you have any form of argument? Or do you just dole out stupid drive-by insults because your brain isn't wired for any type of intelligent debate?


Mostly drive-by insults since that's pretty much the level of reply most of your posts deserve. Gee, maybe we could offer free plastic surgery for all people who are charged and not convicted of crimes. I bet OJ could have used that.


But let me know when you want to get back to an 'intelligent debate' about taxes and how you feel other people aren't paying their fair share while you get back "more than you paid in".

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No matter what color the kid was or the shooter, an unarmed kid was shot and killed by a man who was told by 911 not to pursue him. He created a situation that didn't need to exist in the first place and he needs to be punished for that. Imagine if that happened to your family member.

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No matter what color the kid was or the shooter, an unarmed kid was shot and killed by a man who was told by 911 not to pursue him. He created a situation that didn't need to exist in the first place and he needs to be punished for that. Imagine if that happened to your family member.



How closely have you been following this?

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No matter what color the kid was or the shooter, an unarmed kid was shot and killed by a man who was told by 911 not to pursue him. He created a situation that didn't need to exist in the first place and he needs to be punished for that. Imagine if that happened to your family member.



Thanks for your thoughts. I took the liberty of striking out the things you wrote that are COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS to the case.

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No matter what color the kid was or the shooter, an unarmed kid was shot and killed by a man who was told by 911 not to pursue him. He created a situation that didn't need to exist in the first place and he needs to be punished for that. Imagine if that happened to your family member.

Saying this over and over and over again still doesn't make it true.

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Saying this over and over and over again still doesn't make it true.


This thread is 54 pages. It is amazing to me that someone who doesn't normally post in PPP would jump in with an opinion obviously without reading through the thread. The reason this thread isn't very active right now is that the "wait and see crowd" has won the day. The lynch mob knows they f'd up and are laying low. I guess they are comfortable with their tails between their legs.

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Story about the beating of a US soldier in Tampa, Florida...




Were it not for Drudge, these practically invisible black on white hate crime stories would never see the light of day. Let's all imagine if these were a group of white youths beating up on a black man. What would the reaction of the MSM be? These stories appear to be endless and the MSM refuses to acknowledge them because of pie-in-the-sky liberal political correctness. I think that Martin and Zimmerman both had a hand in the tragic outcome of that day. That being said, Zimmerman may be guilty of something, but a "hate crime" is not one of them. He was trying to protect his community and got in way over his head.

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FBI charging Zimmerman with a hate crime? Really?


Let's take a little walk down Obama Re-election Lane to ensure we have everyone present and accounted for:


1) Women - Make churches give contraception to its staff, claim there is war on women. Check.

2) Youth - Scare college students into believing that if congress doesn't act now, student loans will explode into the largest personal debt ever seen by people under the age of 30. Check.

3) Hispanic - Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio for civil rights abuses because he makes prisoners wear pink underwear. Check

4) Gay - Change your mind for a third time to tell everyone you believe gays should be able to marry, even though you don't think they do really be able to do it beyond the state level, but still sell Obama 2012 campaign newborn onesies that say "My two dads support Obama." Check.

5) Women and Gays - Appear on The View again.

6) Blacks - Send the FBI after a "white" man who has been locally charged with second degree murder and charge him with a hate crime. Check.


Who are we missing?

Edited by LABillzFan
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FBI charging Zimmerman with a hate crime? Really?


Let's take a little walk down Obama Re-election Lane to ensure we have everyone present and accounted for:


1) Women - Make churches give contraception to its staff, claim there is war on women. Check.

2) Youth - Scare college students into believing that if congress doesn't act now, student loans will explode into the largest personal debt ever seen by people under the age of 30. Check.

3) Hispanic - Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio for civil rights abuses because he makes prisoners wear pink underwear. Check

4) Gay - Change your mind for a third time to tell everyone you believe gays should be able to marry, even though you don't think they do really be able to do it beyond the state level, but still sell Obama 2012 campaign newborn onesies that say "My two dads support Obama." Check.

5) Women and Gays - Appear on The View again.

6) Blacks - Send the FBI after a "white" man who has been locally charged with second degree murder and charge him with a hate crime. Check.


Who are we missing?

Not a word about Native Americans. Guess they don't vote.

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One more update...........


Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles




WFTV has confirmed that autopsy results show 17-year-old Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles when he died.


The information could support George Zimmerman's claim that Martin beat him up before Zimmerman shot and killed him.


The autopsy results come as Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O’Mara continues to go over other evidence in the case.


O’Mara wouldn't comment on the autopsy evidence, but WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said it's better for the defense than it is for the prosecution.





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