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Trayvon Martin Case


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Zimmerman's a dead man. I don't even know why he bothered going in to hiding...he's going to have to hide for the rest of his life. May as well just go home and wait to be murdered.

No. This is a bunch of worthless "hoodies"with a 5 minute attention span. Not at all the same as getting on the wrong side of Costra Nostra.

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Gonna be great when there are full scale riots and violence.


Which, ironically, will reinforce whatever stereotype drove Zimmerman to follow Martin around in the first !@#$ing place.

Edited by RkFast
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“The Martin case and its fallout are part of a narrative of racial tension, class division, social exclusion, and all the other catch phrases associated with social activism, that many representatives in the media hold dear as a portrait of an America seething with discontent just below the surface.


Don’t be surprised if, as Obama’s fortunes wane, incidents like those of Mobile are insinuated to be a future consequence of his electoral defeat: any weapon to hand, even fear.


It will be a long, annoying, summer and fall. November can’t come soon enough.” Indeed. I think, however, that all of this stuff hurts him more than it helps — first by contrast with the postracial narrative of 2008, and second by making him look more like a corrupt, demagogic big-city mayor than a President.


- Prof. Stephen Clark



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It will be a long, annoying, summer and fall. November can’t come soon enough.” Indeed. I think, however, that all of this stuff hurts him more than it helps — first by contrast with the postracial narrative of 2008, and second by making him look more like a corrupt, demagogic big-city mayor than a President.


- Prof. Stephen Clark


It doesn't help that he's proven himself to actually be more like a corrupt, demagogic big-city mayor than a President. And race riots aren't going to help him. I don't think the media appealing to the white-guilt excuse making tends to play as well in OH, PA and FL.

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Good article about Zimmerman. Oh, and it turns out he's a black hipanic.



No, he's white-black-Hispanic.


Though civil rights demonstrators have argued Zimmerman should not have prejudged Martin, one black neighbor of the Zimmermans said recent history should be taken into account.


"Let's talk about the elephant in the room. I'm black, OK?" the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. "There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood," she said. "That's why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin."

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Where’s the Department of Justice? Twitter lynch mob thirsts for Zimmerman’s blood



Kill Zimmerman Tweets




FYI: According to Twitter terms of service…


Violence and Threats: You may not publish or post direct, specific threats of violence against others.





I agree with you here. If nothing is getting done about this perhaps the DoJ should look into this. Zimmerman is standing trial before a court of law. It's up to the court and jury to decide guilt or not.


Zimmerman's a dead man. I don't even know why he bothered going in to hiding...he's going to have to hide for the rest of his life. May as well just go home and wait to be murdered.


He could have some reconstructive surgery. If he is found inocent I would have to problem with the state paying for it since they are the ones charging him.


Gonna be great when there are full scale riots and violence.


Which, ironically, will reinforce whatever stereotype drove Zimmerman to follow Martin around in the first !@#$ing place.


Wow! This is an unusually well thought out post from you. :thumbsup:


That sucks, but only a complete moron gets out of his car to confront a mob of people who just broke your window. Next time hit the gas and file an insurance claim dude.


Holy ****! I find myself in the strange possition of having to addmitt you are right here. I'm marking my calendar. :blush:

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He could have some reconstructive surgery. If he is found inocent I would have to problem with the state paying for it since they are the ones charging him.


I'm surprised you would support that sort of thing for a cold blooded killer.

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I'm surprised you would support that sort of thing for a cold blooded killer.


It's a close call, but doling out unnecessary medical procedures at no cost to the recipient trumps assumption of guilt of anyone who harms a black person.

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I'm surprised you would support that sort of thing for a cold blooded killer.


Oh yeah! Beat that straw man!


It's a close call, but doling out unnecessary medical procedures at no cost to the recipient trumps assumption of guilt of anyone who harms a black person.


Do you have any form of argument? Or do you just dole out stupid drive-by insults because your brain isn't wired for any type of intelligent debate?

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