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Trayvon Martin Case


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I'll take a shot at what the charge could be.




I doubt there will be any charges made.


He never get's that. IT'S ABOUT THE THE MEDIA! "Whats that got to do with the shooting?" :wallbash: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE SHOOTING, IT'S THE MEDIA! Repeat 6x. No change.


No wonder you both so stupid with all that banging your head against the wall. We all know and agree that there was bias in the media. How many times do you have to plug it?

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Liberals on pins and needles.....they're all waiting to show how much they support justice by Twittering and Facebooking!!!


Shades of the OJ trial... awaiting the verdict. This has the potential to take down the Internet.

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Charged with 2nd degree murder.


And the white folks riot!!


Damn straight. We Honkas gonna make the streets run with blood. Wait a minute, he was half Hispanic right? Nevermind, we'll let it play out in the legal system and not take the time off from work to riot.

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We'll soon find out:



Breaking News Alert

The New York Times

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 -- 3:04 PM EDT



Special Prosecutor Schedules Announcement in Trayvon Martin Case


The Florida special prosecutor investigating the shooting death of Trayvon Martin has scheduled a news conference for 6 p.m. Eastern, officials said on Wednesday. It was not yet clear whether the prosecutor, Angela B. Corey, had decided to charge George Zimmerman, a crime watch volunteer, who fatally shot Mr. Martin.


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When did we start referring to 17 year old kids as "Mister"? Did I miss a memo?


No wonder you both so stupid with all that banging your head against the wall.

Condescension is rarely effective when you type like a !@#$ing retarded monkey.

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They must have some evidence they aren't releasing otherwise this is quite the 3 point shot.


Of course it is. No one knows what went down that night - least of all the lynch mob that's been whipped into a frenzy by the media and the professional race-baiters.

I'm glad he'll get his day in court. I've been pretty impartial so far, but it seems to me that if the cops did their job and no other evidence is forthcoming, he'll walk.

I do think he's wrapped a bit too tightly though and agree that he got the beat-down that he deserved. Sucks that he killed another human - no matter what kind of azz munch he might have been.

I feel for the families and the victims in this case, and yes Zimmerman is a victim.

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Of course it is. No one knows what went down that night - least of all the lynch mob that's been whipped into a frenzy by the media and the professional race-baiters.

I'm glad he'll get his day in court. I've been pretty impartial so far, but it seems to me that if the cops did their job and no other evidence is forthcoming, he'll walk.

I do think he's wrapped a bit too tightly though and agree that he got the beat-down that he deserved. Sucks that he killed another human - no matter what kind of azz munch he might have been.

I feel for the families and the victims in this case, and yes Zimmerman is a victim.


I agree with all of what you said. Investigating to make sure nothing was missed is one thing, charging someone with a crime is another. Especially one that carries the possibility of life in prison. What's more is I don't see how he's going to get a fair trial in this case since it's been so wide spread.

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I agree with all of what you said. Investigating to make sure nothing was missed is one thing, charging someone with a crime is another. Especially one that carries the possibility of life in prison. What's more is I don't see how he's going to get a fair trial in this case since it's been so wide spread.


So, stating that he was a cold blooded killer and chased Trayvon down and shot him, doesn't mean that he really did anything wrong and maybe shouldn't be charged and probably shouldn't be convicted, and he won't be able to get a fair trial?

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What's more is I don't see how he's going to get a fair trial in this case since it's been so wide spread.


Oh, there's no way he's getting a fair trial, not with all the knuckleheads that with absolutely no basis declared it an obvious racial killing by a cold-blooded killer.

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Oh, there's no way he's getting a fair trial, not with all the knuckleheads that with absolutely no basis declared it an obvious racial killing by a cold-blooded killer.

It does appear to be a big problem, but i wouldn't say that it can't happen.

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Oh, there's no way he's getting a fair trial, not with all the knuckleheads that with absolutely no basis declared it an obvious racial killing by a cold-blooded killer.


In all the reports whether it be fox, CNN or similar, I still haven't heard anything about what distance/angle the gun shot was. I can't understand how that hasn't been discussed (unless I missed it)

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