DC Tom Posted July 21, 2013 Posted July 21, 2013 Haha - that audience is just like an informericial! If there's an audience, it's not news.
B-Man Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 ACLU Reverses Stand on Zimmerman Civil Rights Inquiry; Change of Heart or Media Manipulation? The TalkLeft blog noted last night that the American Civil Liberties Union, after encouraging U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to pursue civil rights charges against George Zimmerman the day after he was acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin, reversed course just four days later. Though it's no longer available at its national web site, the Associated Press ran the organization's press release. Various searches at the AP's national web site indicate that there has been no coverage of the organization's reversal. Several center-right blogs have noted the reversal, but no one in the establishment press besides Josh Gerstein at the Politico, where stories the rest of the establishment press would prefer to ignore tend to go and all too often die, has noted it. So did the organization have a change of heart? Or did it attempt to manipulate its media exposure with a politically correct initial press release followed by a legally and constitutionally correct reversal it hopes few will notice?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en&gl=US&client=mv-google&feature=player_embedded&v=Ebu6Yvzs4Ls&nomobile=1 All I want to know is why is the media so twisted like that? What is their agenda here? This makes me so angry
B-Man Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 What Do the Microscopic Rallies for Trayvon Mean? NYC - 2000 L.A. - 400 Miami - 300 It means incidents hyped on faulty information don't fly. .
Joe Miner Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 What Do the Microscopic Rallies for Trayvon Mean? NYC - 2000 L.A. - 400 Miami - 300 It means incidents hyped on faulty information don't fly. . Tulsa had 70 people a couple of days ago. I didn't hear a number for Oklahoma City. It was definitely more than we had for the Occupy Wall Street though. Those numbers were under 20.
IDBillzFan Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 What Do the Microscopic Rallies for Trayvon Mean? NYC - 2000 L.A. - 400 Miami - 300 It means incidents hyped on faulty information don't fly. That number in LA is unbelievably low. I've seen more people show up to eat off a food truck.
B-Man Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Dana Perino Bashes Obama: Where’s Your Speech For Baby ‘Shot In The Face By Black Teens?’ http://www.mediaite.com/tv/dana-perino-bashes-obama-wheres-your-speech-for-baby-shot-in-the-face-by-black-teens/ Tavis Smiley: Obama’s race speech ‘weak as Kool-Aid’ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/21/tavis-smiley-obamas-race-speech-weak-kool-aid/#1
Fezmid Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 I'm still confused how people are comparing the woman who fired shots into the ceiling to the Martin/Zimmerman case at all. In the latter, Zimmerman was pinned to the ground and was getting his face beat in by a "ground and pound." In the former, the woman fired into the ceiling when the husband was allegedly not doing anything wrong - wasn't threatening her (at the time), etc. If you're not being threatened, then stand your ground and self defense don't enter into it... Am I missing something?
/dev/null Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Dana Perino Bashes Obama: Where’s Your Speech For Baby ‘Shot In The Face By Black Teens?’ http://www.mediaite.com/tv/dana-perino-bashes-obama-wheres-your-speech-for-baby-shot-in-the-face-by-black-teens/ Obama only cares about dead white kids if there's an AR-15 involved
DC Tom Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 I'm still confused how people are comparing the woman who fired shots into the ceiling to the Martin/Zimmerman case at all. In the latter, Zimmerman was pinned to the ground and was getting his face beat in by a "ground and pound." In the former, the woman fired into the ceiling when the husband was allegedly not doing anything wrong - wasn't threatening her (at the time), etc. If you're not being threatened, then stand your ground and self defense don't enter into it... Am I missing something? I read somewhere she was being threatened.
B-Man Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Two more good articles. CATHY YOUNG:.......................... How Media Lies Have Distorted A Tragedy. “President Obama spoke some undeniable truths when he noted that the African-American community’s reaction must be seen in the context of a long, terrible history of racism. But there is another context too: that of an ideology-based, media-driven false narrative that has distorted a tragedy into a racist outrage. This narrative has transformed Zimmerman, a man of racially mixed heritage that included white, Hispanic and black roots (a grandmother who helped raise him had an Afro-Peruvian father), into an honorary white male steeped in white privilege. It has cast him as a virulent racist even though he once had a black business partner, mentored African-American kids, lived in a neighborhood about 20 percent black, and participated in complaints about a white police lieutenant’s son getting away with beating a homeless black man.” SHELBY STEELE : The Decline of the Civil-Rights Establishment: Black leaders weren’t so much outraged at injustice as they were by the disregard of their own authority. “Today’s black leadership pretty much lives off the fumes of moral authority that linger from its glory days in the 1950s and ’60s. The Zimmerman verdict lets us see this and feel a little embarrassed for them. Consider the pathos of a leadership that once transformed the nation now lusting for the conviction of the contrite and mortified George Zimmerman, as if a stint in prison for him would somehow assure more peace and security for black teenagers everywhere. This, despite the fact that nearly one black teenager a day is shot dead on the South Side of Chicago—to name only one city—by another black teenager.” To possess moral authority, one must act morally.
Fezmid Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 I read somewhere she was being threatened. Everything I've read said that she left the house, grabbed the gun from the glove box of her car (who keeps a gun there???), went back into the house, and told him to leave the house by firing a warning shot. One report even said that she pushed her way by the guy to get to the garage -- that doesn't sound like someone who is afraid of the guy (neither does going back into the house...). But I haven't dug into this case all that much, so there could be things I'm missing.
Joe Miner Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 My understanding was that there was some kind of incident. Whether it was violent or physical I don't know. But the incident stopped, and she went to the garage, got a gun, came back in and shot at him. That's not self defense, it's attempted murder, or at the least assault with a deadly weapon.
Fezmid Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 My understanding was that there was some kind of incident. Whether it was violent or physical I don't know. But the incident stopped, and she went to the garage, got a gun, came back in and shot at him. That's not self defense, it's attempted murder, or at the least assault with a deadly weapon. Agreed. Now you can argue that attempted murder shouldn't be 20 years... Especially if she really did just fire a warning shot telling him to get out... But that's the way the law's written - crime with a gun=bad!
boyst Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Her case was innocent until proven guilty. Still, crap situation. But she put herself in that position with an abusive relationship and could not have been to even keeled to do so. Talking with a guy this morning who works double for a security company. I learned it is illegal to follow a guy. That if you're in a fight with someone it is not legal to pull a gun out and shoot the other one because you lost a fight. The idea that GZ was attacked and that TM threw the first punch meant nothing. This is a guy who keeps Sharpton working.
IDBillzFan Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 How bizarre is this: Zimmerman helps rescue family of four from overturned vehicle. I'll be waiting for MSNBC to begin reporting how he never would have helped if he saw the family in the vehicle was black.
Fan in San Diego Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 How bizarre is this: Zimmerman helps rescue family of four from overturned vehicle. I'll be waiting for MSNBC to begin reporting how he never would have helped if he saw the family in the vehicle was black. It was probably staged to get good publicity ! Just kidding, how weird is that story?
Nanker Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 It was probably staged to get good publicity ! Just kidding, how weird is that story? No. It's another accident gone tragically wrong. With hate in his heart, George Zimmerman plotted to overturn the vehicle and set fire to the black inhabitants, but his plot was foiled by an innocent passerby who started to turn the car back over. George was then forced to help him, thus ruining his nefarious plan.
bbb Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 What Do the Microscopic Rallies for Trayvon Mean? NYC - 2000 L.A. - 400 Miami - 300 It means incidents hyped on faulty information don't fly. . Buffalo said 200. Of course those are the same estimators who say the Allentown Art Festival has something crazy like 400,000. The fact they can claim 200, let the Buffalo News says "hundreds" in their headline. I watched one of the big three networks Saturday night at 6:30. They quickly mentioned sparse turnouts in some other cities, but not in Miami. Because that is where there cameras were and where Sharpton and Sybrina were. They never did show a good crowd shot.
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